Tolkien and the Sea - Peter Roe Series VII
30 Apr, 2021
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2021-4-30 8:20:34 PM UTC

Luna Press, under the auspices of the Tolkien Society’s Peter Roe Memorial Fund, is publishing Tolkien and the Sea in book and eBook format on 15 May 2021. It should be available through all major online retailers, or through the Luna Press Publishing website.
In many stories, myths and legends, the sea can be a beautiful and peaceful expanse of water, a dangerous and ferocious obstacle to be overcome, or a threat waiting to be unleashed. In Tolkien’s works this is no exception.
This book explores the theme of the sea in Tolkien’s works, and understanding what Tolkien was trying to achieve in his writings, and perhaps what was motivating him to do so. This diverse collection of five article will encourage readers to reflect on their own understanding of how Tolkien makes use of the sea.
First published in 1999, this book is published under the auspices of the Tolkien Society’s Peter Roe Memorial Fund, and features a collection of five papers delivered at the George Hotel in Colchester, on the 15th June 1996.
- "The Great Wave and Other Dreams in The Lord of the Rings" Patricia Reynolds
- "Seas and Shores: A Study of Cataclysm in Middle-earth" Alex Lewis
- "Searching for an Earthly Paradise: Some Common Images in the Works of J.R.R. Tolkien and C.S. Lewis" Maria B. Kuteeva
- "The Sea-Bell: A Voyage of Exploration" Christine Davidson
- "Tolkien-on-Sea: The View from the Shores of Middle-earth" John Ellison
Cover art "Aerendil", courtesy of Alarie.
Paperback : 112 pages
ISBN-10 : 1913387550
ISBN-13 : 978-1913387556