Gorringes Auction - 1st Edition Hobbit and LOTR lots
15 Aug, 2021
2021-8-15 6:19:48 AM UTC
2021-8-15 6:19:48 AM UTC
Auction 23rd August 2021
Lot 1423
Estimate £300-£500
Sold for £3600
Another very low estimate, looks like auctioneers have not been keeping up with price rises in Tolkien. I think a better estimate would be £5,000.
https://www.the-saleroom.com/en-gb/auc ... utm_content=lot-view-link
Lot 1524
No estimate, starts at £5
Sold for £1900
https://www.the-saleroom.com/en-gb/auc ... utm_content=lot-view-link
Lot 1423

Tolkien, John, Ronald, Reuel - The Hobbit, 1st edition, 4th and last impression of the first edition, original cloth, in d/j with tears to head and foot of spine and a small amount of loss, Allen and Unwin, London, 1946; and two further copies with torn d/j’s - 7th impression, 1955 and 13th impression, 1961
Estimate £300-£500
Sold for £3600
Another very low estimate, looks like auctioneers have not been keeping up with price rises in Tolkien. I think a better estimate would be £5,000.
https://www.the-saleroom.com/en-gb/auc ... utm_content=lot-view-link
Lot 1524

Tolkein(sic), J.R.(sic) - Lord of The Rings, 1st edition, 1955, in 3 vols, cloth
No estimate, starts at £5
Sold for £1900
https://www.the-saleroom.com/en-gb/auc ... utm_content=lot-view-link