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John Howe centenary hardback box-set 12-13th October

21 Sep, 2021 (edited)
2021-9-21 6:25:40 PM UTC

Lot 647 Special Auction Services 12th-13th October 2021

J.R.R. Tolkein(sic), three volumes of Lord of the Rings, The Fellowship of the Ring, The Two Towers and The Return of the King, together with three Harry Potter books, The Prisoner of Azkaban, Half Blood Prince and Order of the Phoenix, plus other childrens books (parcel)

Estimate £50-£80
Sold for £10 ... ba-4273-95d8-ada601052ca4

10_614a2396d83dd.jpg 1197X800 px
13 Oct, 2021
2021-10-13 1:46:34 PM UTC
Sold for £10

Someone got a bargain.
13 Oct, 2021
2021-10-13 3:50:03 PM UTC

Trotter wrote:

Sold for £10

Someone got a bargain.

They really did, I thought I got a bargain when I purchased my set, but this takes the cake.
13 Oct, 2021
2021-10-13 4:26:15 PM UTC
I might have bid, but arranging (and paying) shipping for the entire lot dissuaded me.
13 Oct, 2021
2021-10-13 5:33:36 PM UTC
They would have been better just having the Tolkien box-set as one lot and the other items as another lot, I am sure the other books put people off bidding.
13 Oct, 2021
2021-10-13 8:11:18 PM UTC

Trotter wrote:

They would have been better just having the Tolkien box-set as one lot and the other items as another lot, I am sure the other books put people off bidding.

To be fair it was a pretty tatty set. You do make a good point about the books being sold as a lot. I myself got my set (in nice condition) for AUD 35, and that was a set of three books (a minty 70s LoTR one-vol paperback, The HC boxed set and a 90s HC Hobbit). As I recall, I was the only bidder. I think people tend to skip over the bulk listings.

That said, I only paid AUD 25 for the Centenary Illustrated set and that was on its own and also no other bidders, so there is also a degree of pot luck (which is much less common now everyone wants Tolkien).
14 Oct, 2021
2021-10-14 4:03:33 AM UTC
Tangential question: Is there an easy way to compare and contrast the John Howe vs Alan Lee illustrations, short of buying each?
14 Oct, 2021
2021-10-14 4:19:29 AM UTC

Caudimordax wrote:

Tangential question: Is there an easy way to compare and contrast the John Howe vs Alan Lee illustrations, short of buying each?

The John Howe illustrations are just the dustjackets. It isn't an illustrated edition.
14 Oct, 2021
2021-10-14 4:56:57 AM UTC
Thanks guys. I thought it was unusually difficult to find the images to the "John Howe Illustrated Edition". Now, I know why.
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