Beyond Bree Calendar 2022
14 Oct, 2021
2021-10-14 4:48:09 AM UTC
2021-10-14 4:48:09 AM UTC

"Heart shall be bolder, harder be purpose, more proud the spirit as our power lessens!"
Theme: determination and perseverance. Artists: Soni Alcorn-Hender, Emily Austin, Chapu, Anke Eissmann, Ergo, Donato Giancola, Octo Kwan, Ruth Lacon, Wenjin Lu, Nancy Martsch, Ted Nasmith, Gordon Palmer. With additional art from George Dunn, Christine Lowentrout, Jef Murray, and Kay Woollard. Calendar Editor: Jeremy Edmonds.
The calendar is 11 x 8½", opening up to 11 x 17", with art above, calendar below. It has real-world and Middle-earth holidays.
Inquires: Contact Nancy Martsch, [email protected]
Price: $20 + shipping, $2 USA, $5 outside USA.
Discount available for large orders.
To pay by PayPal: send payment (in US $) to [email protected] (this is a name, not a link). Add $1 for the PayPal fee.
To pay by mail: send check or money order (in US $, drawn on a US bank) payable to Nancy Martsch, PO Box 55372, Sherman Oaks, CA 91413, USA. I can also accept US currency: use a sturdy envelope, send at own risk.
Todd Jensen: After receiving the "Beyond Bree" calendar for 2021 and enjoying it, I've decided to regularly order it for each year from now on.
Maurice Boehm: I am looking forward to the calendar and additional issues of "Beyond Bree". I’ve been reading Tolkien's letters and was interested to learn that Tolkien was as surprised as Frodo by the man sitting in the shadows in the Bree Inn and the fact that Gandalf wasn’t there.