Alan Lee and Jane Johnson talk
5 Nov, 2021
2021-11-5 10:34:01 PM UTC
2021-11-5 10:34:01 PM UTC
Sorry for the late notice on this, just came to my attention! The talk is TOMORROW, November 6th, 4 PM to 5:30 PM at the Exeter Literary Festival, tickets cost £8
Twenty years ago, The Fellowship of the Ring, the first of the Lord of the Rings movie trilogy, was released. Conceptual designer Alan Lee and Jane Johnson, J.R.R. Tolkien’s editor at Harper Collins, and author of the film’s Companion series, chat about their time in New Zealand on the set of this iconic film.
Alan Lee is an Oscar-winning conceptual artist. His illustrations in the books of J.R.R Tolkien led to a long trip to New Zealand where he worked on the Lord of the Rings trilogy. He was commissioned by Jane Johnson to create the centenary illustrated edition of The Lord of the Rings which was to prove so influential on Peter Jackson’s vision for his movie trilogy. (Photo credit: T.M.Eckrich)
Jane Johnson is from Cornwall and has worked in the book industry for over 30 years as a bookseller, publisher and writer. For many years she was responsible for publishing the works of JRR Tolkien. She spent many months in New Zealand with the cast and crew and wrote the official visual companions to the films. The authors she publishes include George RR Martin (creator of A Game of Thrones), Dean Koontz, Robin Hobb, Stuart MacBride, Mark Lawrence, Raymond E Feist and SK Tremayne.
Please note: One of our speakers is the carer for a clinically vulnerable person and has requested that all attendees wear masks during this session. Should you be unable to do this, you will be politely requested to sit towards the rear of the room.