Books and other printed materials >> Bloomsbury Auctions Announces Sale of Literature and Modern Firsts
By wellinghall
Bloomsbury Auctions Announces Sale of Literature and Modern Firsts
18 Jun, 2008
2008-6-18 8:56:30 AM UTC
2008-6-18 8:56:30 AM UTC
Bloomsbury Auctions Announces Sale of Literature and Modern Firsts
"The sale also features some of the most beloved works of fantasy in modern literature, J.R.R. Tolkien's The Hobbit ($22,000-$28,000) and The Lord of the Rings ($18,000-$20,000)." ... odern-firsts,434658.shtml
"The sale also features some of the most beloved works of fantasy in modern literature, J.R.R. Tolkien's The Hobbit ($22,000-$28,000) and The Lord of the Rings ($18,000-$20,000)." ... odern-firsts,434658.shtml