27 Sep, 2008
2008-9-27 2:19:34 PM UTC
I am wondering if anyone can shed any light on the following.
In October Harper Collins are issuing a normal and deluxe version of "Tales from the Perilous Realm".
I believe that Harper Collins are also, in November, issuing a signed copy of the Deluxe Tales from the Perilous Realm from their web site.
Deluxe Signed EditionCan anyone confirm this?
Also, why don't Harper Collins try to always inform people like us about new editions, surely it can not be that hard for them to email people or use a web site like tolkien.co.uk? How is this handled by Houghton Mifflin?
I appreciate that Beren does get some information from them, but I have registered with them for email updates about Tolkien but get no useful updates.
27 Sep, 2008
2008-9-27 3:21:01 PM UTC
sorry... heard about that edition for some time, but was fighting a flu and did not find much time to share what I learned...
It will be a standard deluxe edition, so matching the current deluxe edition, it will be signed by Alan Lee on the title page (no bookplates) and will be just 500 copies. They will be the first print run of the first printing and will be available before the 1st printing hits the market (so the first 500 copies made). They will be for sale thru tolkien.co.uk, but don't know if you can buy more then one copy or that they will be available outside the UK.
Have no more news on that right now. More will follow shortly!
27 Sep, 2008
2008-9-27 4:03:07 PM UTC
They tend to tell me... and I tend to tell it to you all. Most of the times they are not certain what edition will be released and what not. Always having to wait on decisions by the Tolkien Estate. So most of the times the books you start seeing showing up on amazon.co.uk are more or less ideas and no reality all the time.
The paperback silmarillion is nothing more then a reprint of an existing book, if it is already... because not a lot of people bought the second edition of the illustrated Silmarillion. There fore I suspect it is just re-releasing the old stock.
They do this, because of the release of the Silmarillion calendar and diary. Which is always combined with a book release.
No new paintings have been comissioned and so no new edition will come out.
I should either try and make them do press releases or make my monthly questions a routine (in such that i do the press releases for them). i'm a bit of an information gatherer and tend to spread all news around.

is just something i like to do!
6 Oct, 2008
2008-10-6 2:34:06 PM UTC
So what's the 'Special Edition' available on Amazon (pre-order price was £36 a while back); release date December?
Is there going to be a standard edition; a deluxe edition;
and a signed deluxe edition? I'm a bit perplexed...
6 Oct, 2008
2008-10-6 3:34:11 PM UTC
Is it going to be like the Children of Hurin, Khamul? - with a standard edition (which I got last week), a slip-cased £60 edition, and a leather-bound, signed £350 edition?
6 Oct, 2008
2008-10-6 3:43:16 PM UTC
no... as i said earlier in the thread:
- hardback (already released)
- deluxe edition (60 GBP) signed by Alan Lee = normal deluxe edition will be released through tolkien.co.uk late november = 500 first copies
- deluxe edition (60 GBP) = normal deluxe edition available through Amazon ea. = 2000 copies
6 Oct, 2008
2008-10-6 4:55:35 PM UTC
The paperback Silmarillion is now listed with a publication date of
3rd November 2008 and can be bought from
Amazon.co.uk Silmarllion Paperback.
The Deluxe Tales from the Perilous Realm signed by Alan Lee is published on the
17th November 2008 and as Beren states is only available from
6 Oct, 2008
2008-10-6 7:58:30 PM UTC
There's no link for it yet though (is there?)...
6 Oct, 2008
2008-10-6 9:41:08 PM UTC
not yet... has not been printed yet... but is on the way...
ps. it will be 'green'