26 Feb, 2023
2023-2-26 10:50:39 PM UTC
Is it possible to tell the first dust covers from the second and subsequent printings of each volume? That is can they be dated?
26 Feb, 2023
2023-2-26 11:04:10 PM UTC
CEB wrote:
Is it possible to tell the first dust covers from the second and subsequent printings of each volume? That is can they be dated?
If you are talking about the US 1st Ed. LOTR. Then yes, there are subtle clues one can look for with experience, but with these they are highly individualized to volume and print number.
The UK LOTR are a tad easier as they don't vary so much and often say the impression number on the front flap.
Any number in particular you are looking to identify?
1 Mar, 2023
2023-3-1 3:37:11 PM UTC
Sorry for the late answer. I am talking about UK editions. I have the following with covers:
2nd Impr, Beige/grey cover stated 2d impression top of front flap
5th Impr, Grey cover stated 6th impression top of front flap
2nd Impr stated, but no year so is 3rd Impr; cover stated 3rd impression top front flap
4th Impr, facsimile cover
1st Impr, Beige/grey cover no impression stated
1st Impr, Beige/grey cover no impression stated
2nd Impr, Beige cover, no impression stated.
I also have 5-3-1 US editions, but these are not as interesting to me. I was able to reliably 'date' these thanks to your reply to my question about a year ago and with info supplied by Wayne and Christina.
As time goes by I expect that we will see used covers on LotR books but not necessarily the ones they originally came with. I expect some of my covers without impressions stated are in that category, but no sure it makes much difference.
As always thanks for your input.