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TolkienGuide in 2008...

23 Dec, 2008
2008-12-23 10:32:43 PM UTC

You (Rowns) should really be writing a little piece here, summarising the highs and lows (if that's really how one might describe anything involving book collecting) on TolkienGuide this year!

But seriously; just wanted to say I've really enjoyed the forum this year. I think the volume (and quality!) of discussion has been far higher than in previous years. It seems to be a real community at present (dear me, that sounds corny...); long may it continue! ( brighten up my otherwise dull existence!)

Think this is me signing off 'til the New Year. Hope everyone has a merry festive season. Roll on 2009!

24 Dec, 2008
2008-12-24 12:09:57 AM UTC
Yep, I would like to second that. I really appreciate the informed discussion on this site, and thanks to all that contribute (and of course to Rowns for making it all available).

Of course my fiancee would like to see this site and every other site associated with Tolkien (or arms and armour) closed down immediately, as that would save her endlessly lambasting me for being "on the interwebs again". :)

24 Dec, 2008
2008-12-24 8:59:31 AM UTC
And a very Merry Christmas to you, Khamul, and to everyone else here!

- wellinghall
24 Dec, 2008
2008-12-24 2:07:53 PM UTC
If you are a collector of anything Tolkien, this is THE place to be. 'nuf sed ... except for

MERRY CHRISTMAS and a very HAPPY NEW YEAR to all who make this such a great site!

Away from The Green (now completely white) Hill Country,

24 Dec, 2008
2008-12-24 3:21:49 PM UTC

Merry Christmas, and a very Good New Tolkien Year to all!
24 Dec, 2008
2008-12-24 5:05:00 PM UTC
Well, it has not been very long since I discovered this website, must've been about the end of September.
But I have truly enjoyed the little time I've been here.
I think I'm going to stick along for a great while

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!!!

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