Great chance to get another 'first impression' of the Father Christmas Letters a second time around. My understanding is that there is no details on the impression number or pronter in this particular book?
J.R.R. Tolkien in Central Europe
Context, Directions, and the Legacy

Edited By Janka Kascakova and David Levente Palatinus
ISBN 9781032525563
198 Pages
September 29, 2023 by Routledge
Hardcover: $136
eBook: $42.36
This volume is a long overdue contribution to the dynamic, but unevenly distributed study of fantasy and J.R.R. Tolkien’s legacy in Central Europe. The chapters move between and across theories of cultural and social history, reception, adaptation, and audience studies, and offer methodological reflections on the various cultural perceptions of Tolkien’s oeuvre and its impact on twenty-first century manifestations. They analyse how discourses about fantasy are produced and mediated, and how processes of re-mediation shape our understanding of the historical coordinates and local peculiarities of fantasy in general, and Tolkien in particular, all that in Central Europe in an age of global fandom. The collection examines the entanglement of fantasy and Central European political and cultural shifts across the past 50 years and traces the ways in which its haunting legacy permeates and subverts different modes and aesthetics across different domains from communist times through today’s media-saturated culture. ... inus/p/book/9781032525563
Translating and Illustrating Tolkien
Peter Roe Series XXIII
Proceedings of The Tolkien Society Autumn Seminar 2021

Edited by Will Sherwood
Cover art by Miriam Ellis
Luna Press Publishing
October 10, 2023
(Links and pricing forthcoming)
The Ultimate Unofficial Guide to Tolkien’s World
by Antony Cummins

Become an expert in Tolkien’s world – the easy way! The Ultimate Unofficial Guide to Tolkien’s World offers something that’s never been attempted before: a single timeline, in chronological order, of all the events in Tolkien’s notorious complex books.
Why was it so shocking that Galadriel gave three strands of her golden hair to Gimli the Dwarf? Why is Sauron afraid of Aragorn’s sword? Why does a Balrog lurk under a dwarven underground city and how did the seven lost Seeing Stones come into being? How did the hobbits manage to have such a peaceful life? Who were the warriors whose corpse lights hover in the Dead Marshes?
From handy lists of characters, places, weapons and types of magic to the 150 illustrations capturing overlooked details such as armour colours, heraldic signs and crests, this easy-to-follow guide to Middle Earth will ensure you’re never baffled by alternate character names, confusing mythologies or labyrinthine plots again.
Release: November 14, 2023
ISBN: 978-1786787781
Hardcover and eBook
zionius wrote:
New UK paperbacks of the three Great Tales
Looks like updated with cover images for these now.
Which I assume will match up with the "new" LotR versions they released last year with the J.R.R. Tolkien signature at the top.

Given the design choice, I'm shocked CoH isn't also getting a new version to match.
I haven't reached page 100 yet, but my enthusiasm for Holly Ordway's new book Tolkien's Faith prompts me to say something about it. I've read Carpenter perhaps three times, Edwards twice, etc. and yet this biography is shining light on Tolkien on almost every page. It looks like Dr. Ordway is going to stick generally with Tolkien the man, i.e. this is not a book dedicated to exegeting edifying interpretations from his fiction. He is evoking a Roman Catholicism crucially important to Tolkien but (as it appears to me, a Lutheran) as lost as Atlantis today. She writes well and uses some unfamiliar sources including personal communication with Priscilla Tolkien, etc. I'm thinking this should be an award-winner. Like other Word on Fire books I have seen, it is exceptionally well made, with pages in sewn signatures and full CLOTH over boards, plus a color photo insert.
Thanks for the tip Dale. I had missed this upcoming release so I have placed an order for it on Amazon UK. I enjoyed Holly’s previous book, Tolkiens Modern Reading, and this looks just as interesting. Too many readers are squeamish when it comes to Tolkien’s faith (even myself as a somewhat lapsed Catholic), but it was of course a central motivating factor in his work.
Tolkiens Modern Reading is excellent, although I disagreed with the criticisms of Carpenter who did the best job at the time with the available sources and is still the most enjoyable and approachable Tolkien biography.
Tolkiens Modern Reading is excellent, although I disagreed with the criticisms of Carpenter who did the best job at the time with the available sources and is still the most enjoyable and approachable Tolkien biography.