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Emilien's last acquisitions

11 Sep, 2023 (edited)
2023-9-11 3:07:22 PM UTC

Hi everyone,
Here are my last acquisitions of the last couple of months.

Some early academic publications :
- The Book of Fairy Poetry, Longmans, 1920, featuring Goblin's feet
- Essays and studies Vol. XIV, 1929 featuring Tolkien’s essay Ancrene Wisse and Hali Meiðhad. The book lacks its dust jacket but is in exceptional condition.
- 3 Very rare '66 reprints of Medium Aevum by Wm Dawson & Sons London (vol 1 - 1932, vol 2 - 1933, vol 3 - 1934). Vol 1 and 3 featuring Tolkien’s essay Sigelwara land. Some very nice little things in those volume otherwise (Essay on Pearl by E.V. Gordon, review of E.V. Gordon's The saga of Hrolf Kraki by G. Turville-Petre, among others)
- Tolkien's Studies vol.5 featuring the first reprints of The Reeve's Tales and Chaucer as a Philologist: The Reeve's Tale
- The Welsh Review Vol. IV, No. 4, December 1945, containing poem The Lay of Aotrou and Itroun
- Hervarar saga of Heidreks, featuring the first essay of Christopher Tolkien, first edition 1956 (not ex-lib)
- Chaucer The Nun's priest tale and the Pardoner's tale edited by Coghill and Christopher Tolkien, First editions, Harraps 1958 and 1959
- Something I haven't seen before, The Ancrene Riwle (By M. B. Salu with a preface by Tolkien), 1st American edition, Université de notre Dame, 1956. The book and dust jacket are lovely!
- Sir Orfeo by A.J. Bliss, Oxford Monographs, First Edition 1954, Oxford University Press

- The Lord of the Rings and the Silmarillion, swedish paperbacks, Stockholm : AWE/Geber 1980, covers illustrated by Inger Edelfeldt
- The Lord of the Rings, Second swedish hardback edition, Awe/Gebers 1978, jackets illustrated by Inger Edelfeldt,
- The Lord of the Rings, 2002, HC, signed by Alan lee in 2004 on each volume
- The Hobbit, 9th impression HMCO, 1957
- The Silmarillion Super Deluxe 1982, copy #142
- The Lord of the Rings, Silver anniversary edition, HMCO 1981
- The Hobbit, 50th anniversary edition, 1st printing, HMCO, 1987
- Le Livre des contes perdus, 2 volumes, new french edition, translated by Adam Tolkien, Christian Bourgois 2023
- J.R.R Tolkien, Une biographie, new french edition, Christian Bourgois 2023
- John Howe's exhibition Catalog Following the trails of Tolkien and the medieval imaginary world, Fonds Hélène et Edouard Leclerc, 2023

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11 Sep, 2023
2023-9-11 3:21:32 PM UTC
Beautiful items emilien!!! Congratulations!!! I like the trend of people showing their new acquisitions on a monthly basis! How much of this items did you find on ebay percentage wise?
11 Sep, 2023
2023-9-11 3:25:16 PM UTC

Lokki wrote:

Beautiful items emilien!!! Congratulations!!! I like the trend of people showing their new acquisitions on a monthly basis! How much of this items did you find on ebay percentage wise?

Thank you very much Lokki
In this whole haul, I think I've purchased only 3 items on ebay (LotR Silver anniversary, Hobbit 50th and the Pardoner's tale)
11 Sep, 2023
2023-9-11 3:38:13 PM UTC
Thank you! This was a great hunt indeed!
11 Sep, 2023
2023-9-11 3:51:45 PM UTC
Impressive! Nice finds.
11 Sep, 2023
2023-9-11 4:22:45 PM UTC
Really awesome items you acquired…

Thanks for posting them!
11 Sep, 2023
2023-9-11 4:24:45 PM UTC
Congrats on a superb assemblage! I am always looking for the scholarly pieces. These are not easy to find
11 Sep, 2023
2023-9-11 4:55:19 PM UTC
Great stuff Emilien
11 Sep, 2023
2023-9-11 5:00:08 PM UTC
Congrats Emilien! Great acquisitions.

That US Ancrene Riwle is interesting. I have not see that DJ Before.

This is the one I have.

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11 Sep, 2023
2023-9-11 5:06:10 PM UTC
Very nice stuff, Emilien!
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