Mercoledì 8 novembre 2023 alle ore 11.30, a Roma, al Ministero della Cultura (Sala Spadolini - via del Collegio Romano, 27), si svolgerà la conferenza stampa di presentazione della mostra "TOLKIEN. Uomo, Professore, Autore", che sarà inaugurata il 15 novembre, a Roma, alla Galleria Nazionale d’Arte Moderna e Contemporanea.
Introduce e coordina: Adriano Monti Buzzetti, giornalista RAI e scrittore. Saluto di Edward Llewellyn, Ambasciatore del Regno Unito in Italia (in attesa di conferma).
Interverranno: Mario Turetta, Segretario generale del Ministero della Cultura; Cristiana Collu, Direttrice della Galleria Nazionale d’Arte Moderna e Contemporanea; Alessandro Nicosia, Presidente C.O.R. Creare Organizzare Realizzare, organizzatore e co-curatore; Oronzo Cilli, curatore; Giuseppe Pezzini, docente all’Università di Oxford.
Concluderà: Gennaro Sangiuliano, Ministro della Cultura.
Modalità di accredito
Giornalisti e fotocineoperatori interessati possono inviare, entro e non oltre le ore 16:00 di martedì 7 novembre, una mail con richiesta di accredito all’indirizzo [email protected] indicando nome, cognome, luogo e data di nascita, testata, numero documento e numero tessera (nell’oggetto: Tolkien).
https://notiziedaiministeri.wordpress. ... n-uomo-professore-autore/
On the occasion of the fiftieth anniversary of the death of John Ronald Reuel Tolkien which took place on 2 September 1973, will be the premier Giorgia Meloni to inaugurate at National Gallery of Modern Art in Rome next November 15th, the exhibition dedicated to him and entitled JRR Tolkien 1973-2023 Man-Professor-Author, by Alessandro Nicosia who curates it with Oronzo Cilli, member of the British Tolkien Society and president of the Italian Tolkien Association.
The master of fantasy, considered one of the founding writers of right-wing culture (despite the author having repeatedly demonstrated his opposition to fascism. Like him, he spoke badly of Hitler several times – Corriere della Sera), is loved across the board and has also fascinated Michela Murgia and much of the left. Furthermore, his text par excellence, The Lord of the Rings was a manifesto of American hippies in the sixties/seventies.
The exhibition will restore the whole man – it was assured -, so as not to displease the thousands true fantasy enthusiasts who suffer from witnessing misrepresentations and (perhaps) misappropriations. (Corriere della Sera)
Over 150 works on display that will enliven the spaces of the Roman museum, including photos, documents, films, letters and virtual reconstructions of the first editions of the books from which the New Zealand director’s blockbuster trilogy is based Peter Robert Jackson along with films, TV series and books.
This is the first exhibition in Italy on Tolkien. Many were held in Oxford, in Paris, but a meeting in Italy was missing. […] it will be composed of a scientific part (with books, letters and documents) and a multimedia part which will propose Tolkien’s plants in a spectacular way, as well as presenting everything that revolves around the fantasy world created by the British writer. Finally, it will be possible to immerse yourself in the world of Middle-earth thanks to the reproduction (in loop) of the full version of The Lord of the Rings. (Alessandro Nicosia, interview with Artribune)
Great! Oronzo is an amazing guy, well deserved!!! I am looking forward to this exhibition very much.
Related article in today's Guardian:
https://www.theguardian.com/commentisf ... ly-giorgia-meloni-tolkien
https://www.theguardian.com/commentisf ... ly-giorgia-meloni-tolkien
Lake Town Geezer wrote:
Related article in today's Guardian:
https://www.theguardian.com/commentisf ... ly-giorgia-meloni-tolkien
In spite of his reservations about the wider political and cultural context, I do hope that the writer of this piece, as a self-confessed longtime fan, will take the opportunity to make a visit. I wish you tolkieniano and your colleagues all the best for a successful exhibition.

3 Nov, 2023
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I would love to go - alas cannot justify the cost at present (I am in the UK).
As a pretty much 'middle of the road' person politically, I find the cultural appropriation of Tolkien by political entities to be somewhat interesting. Almost something worth studying/collecting of itself. I wonder what Tolkien himself would have made of it? I think he was a bit of an anarchist (as he said himself in one of his letters). Sounds like a wonderful exhibition though.
Edit: Just found this fascinating article in Mallorn for anyone interested in the subject of Tolkien and politics:
"J. R. R. Tolkien and the Spanish civil war" José Manuel Ferrández Bru (2011) Mallorn vol. 51. pp16-19.
Really an apology, I guess, for Tolkien's alleged support of Franco and the nationalists.
As a pretty much 'middle of the road' person politically, I find the cultural appropriation of Tolkien by political entities to be somewhat interesting. Almost something worth studying/collecting of itself. I wonder what Tolkien himself would have made of it? I think he was a bit of an anarchist (as he said himself in one of his letters). Sounds like a wonderful exhibition though.
Edit: Just found this fascinating article in Mallorn for anyone interested in the subject of Tolkien and politics:
"J. R. R. Tolkien and the Spanish civil war" José Manuel Ferrández Bru (2011) Mallorn vol. 51. pp16-19.
Really an apology, I guess, for Tolkien's alleged support of Franco and the nationalists.
Predictable Matt wrote:
Lake Town Geezer wrote:
Related article in today's Guardian:
https://www.theguardian.com/commentisf ... ly-giorgia-meloni-tolkien
In spite of his reservations about the wider political and cultural context, I do hope that the writer of this piece, as a self-confessed longtime fan, will take the opportunity to make a visit. I wish you tolkieniano and your colleagues all the best for a successful exhibition.
I echo this, hope the exhibition goes well, and hopefully someone will review it for us on this site. It sounds really good.
An event site says it ends in June 30.
I find a few more articles (apparently from the opposite wing) about Italian right-wing, the new PM, and LR:
https://www.nytimes.com/2022/09/21/wor ... ni-lord-of-the-rings.html
I find a few more articles (apparently from the opposite wing) about Italian right-wing, the new PM, and LR:
https://www.nytimes.com/2022/09/21/wor ... ni-lord-of-the-rings.html

4 Nov, 2023
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2023-11-4 4:21:40 PM UTC
Found a nice photo of Ms Meloni reading the LOTRs.
A speech by GM, mentions Tolkien at about 4:36 minutes:
A speech by GM, mentions Tolkien at about 4:36 minutes: