13 Aug, 2009
2009-8-13 5:05:32 PM UTC
If you are interested in Doug Kane's book
Arda Reconstructed - Carl (Aelfwine) has posted some of Christopher Tolkien's feedback on the book and some other good comments over at
The Hall of Fire discussion forums.
13 Aug, 2009
2009-8-13 8:53:27 PM UTC
What an excellent discussion!
I must agree with Aelfwine on this, as i've found in my all be it limited experience of Tolkien Studies, ASSUME NOTHING!!!
1 Sep, 2009
2009-9-1 9:42:32 AM UTC
Nothing like Carl to throw in a few quotes from personal correspondence with CT!
The most interesting part of all is
The History of the Silmarillion document that Christopher made post-1977, with all variant readings
etc. Stunning revelation I think!
For those who can't be bothered reading the discussion that rattled back and forth between Carl & Doug, here is what Christopher stated in his Estate Report; quoted by Carl (with permission):
In my Foreword to The Peoples of Middle-earth, pp.ix-x, I referred to the forerunner of the History [of Middle-earth] as 'an entirely "private" study, without thought or purpose of publication: an exhaustive investigation and analysis of all the materials concerned with what came to be called the Elder Days, from the earliest beginnings, omitting no detail of name-form or textual variation.' This work, which I called The History of the Silmarillion, and which I began after the publication of my 'constructed' text, runs to more than 2600 very closely typed pages, and it does not even touch on the Second and Third Ages. When the possibility arose of publishing at least part of this work, in some form, it was obvious that it would have to be heavily reduced and curtailed, and the part of The History of Middle-earth dealing with the Elder Days is indeed a new presentation of The History of the Silmarillion, and a severe contraction of it, especially in respect of the sheer quantity of variant manuscript material reproduced in full.
-Christopher Tolkien
HoME a "severe contraction"! Fascinating stuff...