The April meetup will be on Sun, 28 Apr 2024 6:00 PM GMT - hope to see some of you there! I will be hosting this month. More details here in the coming days, but it will be the same general discussion format (not streamed, not recorded) and hosted on Discord again. Please reach out to myself, Trotter or Mr. Underhill if you have any issues getting Discord working between now and then.
Urulókë wrote:
The April meetup will be on Sun, 28 Apr 2024 6:00 PM GMT - hope to see some of you there! I will be hosting this month. More details here in the coming days, but it will be the same general discussion format (not streamed, not recorded) and hosted on Discord again. Please reach out to myself, Trotter or Mr. Underhill if you have any issues getting Discord working between now and then.
Reminder, our monthly meetup is tomorrow! Hope to see many of you there. We have some speculating to do on the HarperCollins teaser announcement from yesterday, and onthetrail has some great Operatic tidbits to share with us, in addition to our usual wide ranging chat. You are welcome to just listen in, no need to unmute video or audio if you don't want to.
HC teaser announcement. Some discussion on our Discord Server. ... t_id=54554#forumpost54554 ... t_id=54554#forumpost54554

I'm pleased to announce that the May meetup will be on Sun, 26 May 2024 6:00 PM GMT - I hope to see many of you there! I will be hosting this month, but for the most part it will be the same general discussion format (not streamed, not recorded) and hosted on Discord. If you haven't joined the Mazarbul Smial on Discord, consider doing so.
Please reach out to myself, Urulókë or Trotter if you have any issues getting Discord working between now and then.
Please reach out to myself, Urulókë or Trotter if you have any issues getting Discord working between now and then.
Mr. Underhill wrote:
I'm pleased to announce that the May meetup will be on Sun, 26 May 2024 6:00 PM GMT - I hope to see many of you there! I will be hosting this month, but for the most part it will be the same general discussion format (not streamed, not recorded) and hosted on Discord. If you haven't joined the Mazarbul Smial on Discord, consider doing so.
Please reach out to myself, Urulókë or Trotter if you have any issues getting Discord working between now and then.
Reminder, our monthly meetup is tomorrow! Hope to see many of you there.