By Taivo
4 June
2024-6-4 2:18:06 AM UTC
2024-6-4 2:18:06 AM UTC
Imagine my surprise after publically announcing that I had reached my first milestone of acquiring a copy of LOTR from each language that it had been translated into to find out from a visitor to my website that it had also been translated into Asturian (FR in 2020 and TT in 2022). The email was barely cold before I placed an order with the publisher, of course. The two published volumes arrived today and they are very good quality paperbacks. The print is a good reading size and the covers feature original graphic designs by Samuel Castro. The translation is by Nicolás Bardio. It just goes to illustrate that no matter how often or wide we cast our nets in service of our collections, we still must often rely on "word of mouth" to find those treasures that elude our grasp (or, as in this case, knowledge).