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27 May
2024-5-27 8:50:08 AM UTC

Druss wrote:

That is, if I understand well, each volume as a different fanciful tree (like each version of the tree of Amalion, maybe) ?

It would be great if this is indeed what is planned for the covers of each volume.
27 May
2024-5-27 9:09:38 AM UTC

Tuor wrote:

Druss wrote:

That is, if I understand well, each volume as a different fanciful tree (like each version of the tree of Amalion, maybe) ?

It would be great if this is indeed what is planned for the covers of each volume.

Each of the three volumes features on its cover a fanciful ‘tree’ drawn by Tolkien, one of which may be seen on the side of the box.

Absolutely. The description sounds like they will each have a seperate 'tree', though if they all had the same I would still be excited to see the finished designed. Very exciting, cannot wait to have this volume in my hands.
27 June
2024-6-27 6:41:12 PM UTC
Really excited about this one. Had a discount code allowing 50% discount.
The mock ups look beautiful and with such comprehensive content annotated by such excellent scholars, what's not to like? 🙂
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