Super Deluxe Sigurd & Gudrun
28 Jan, 2010
2010-1-28 4:20:22 PM UTC
2010-1-28 4:20:22 PM UTC
Having a bit more cash than I did when it came out, I am thinking about buying a super deluxe Sigurd & Gudrun ... but given HarperCollins' history of discounting, I'm reluctant to pay full price. What do you lot think - is it worth buying at full price now, or should I hang on?
- wellinghall
- wellinghall
I would hang on. These copies are definately now hitting second hand market if in right place at right time. I picked up one pre christmas in quick ebay raid offering a reduced £180 for a quick cash sale and seller accepted. Admittidly had to collect which was a pain but well worth it. Great book and a low number thrown in.
Good luck
I would hang on. These copies are definately now hitting second hand market if in right place at right time. I picked up one pre christmas in quick ebay raid offering a reduced £180 for a quick cash sale and seller accepted. Admittidly had to collect which was a pain but well worth it. Great book and a low number thrown in.
Good luck
If you don't have one yet, I would guess that there will be a sale at some point through HC website that will include these. Who knows, though, they may hold off this time and let these trickle-sell for the next few years at full retail.
Thanks for the advice, both. I'll see what others have to say, of course, but I think I will hold off just for now. It's not as though the money is exactly burning a hole in my pocket!
Of course, if anyone has something else they want to sell for £350, I might just be your man ...
- wellinghall
Of course, if anyone has something else they want to sell for £350, I might just be your man ...

- wellinghall
Yeh, I'd wait for the predictable HC sale. They'll undoubtedly have 30% again at some point, and the Super Deluxe volumes are never excluded. £245 is not bad with zero postage. Number will be pretty high thought I guess...
You could make that spending pot a little bigger if you'd only sell me that 1978 Silmarillion production mock-up you have squirreled away!
You could make that spending pot a little bigger if you'd only sell me that 1978 Silmarillion production mock-up you have squirreled away!

The thing is, HC have got a 30% sale on now ... which voers everything *except* the super deluxe Sigurd & Gudrun!
And nice try, Khamul, but I'd trade even my super deluxe Children of Hurin for a different Silmarillion ...
- wellinghall
And nice try, Khamul, but I'd trade even my super deluxe Children of Hurin for a different Silmarillion ...

- wellinghall
Apologies, that shows you how up-to-date I am with current HC offers! Altho', £245 for a Super Deluxe CoH is pretty good. I'm sure most of us paid full price for this at the time (many of you guys seem to buy two copies at the time!); and, of the two, CoH is the nicer I'd say. (Legendarium proper, and a far more aesthetically pleasant colour. That brown thing...)
So your saying if I gave you a copy of the Super Deluxe CoH you'd consider a swap?... No, seriously, I don't have the money. Plus you said you'd sent some photographs of it. But you're camera is clearly in need of replacement
So your saying if I gave you a copy of the Super Deluxe CoH you'd consider a swap?... No, seriously, I don't have the money. Plus you said you'd sent some photographs of it. But you're camera is clearly in need of replacement

Eek! You're right, I did say I'd take some photos! I shall put this on my "to do" list at once! (That way, I might actually get round to it this year ... )
Although given the news from my dentist this morning, I might have to put my book-buying on hold for a year or two ... or a decade or two ...
- wellinghall
Although given the news from my dentist this morning, I might have to put my book-buying on hold for a year or two ... or a decade or two ...
- wellinghall
I have never been particularly fond of this edition of S&G. I got my copy as soon as it came out, opened it, inspected it, and promptly sold it on ebay (got my money back, too!). I have really enjoyed the Super Deluxe Children of Hurin. It is a fine book, well made, and fairly striking in appearance. The Super Deluxe Sigurd and Gudrun, however, just seems far too plain and boring. It just doesn't have that nice feel to it that a very fine edition should have.
While similar in specs to the SD COH, it was produced at a different bindery, and is just not the same quality as the COH. Unless you really just need to have an 'example' of this book in order to have a more 'complete' Tolkien collection, the standard deluxe is a better buy. For my money, I would much rather leave this one out of my collection.
Harper Collins just didn't pull this one off, in my opinion (of course). It would have been a much more compelling edition, had it been bound in goat leather (and a darker, richer color, I might add), and then limited to 100 copies. Instead, it was bound in a very soft (almost suede-llike) leather, and 500 copies were printed. Oh, and the color reminds me of, well... I can't really come up with anything, but if I could, it wouldn't be nice.
While similar in specs to the SD COH, it was produced at a different bindery, and is just not the same quality as the COH. Unless you really just need to have an 'example' of this book in order to have a more 'complete' Tolkien collection, the standard deluxe is a better buy. For my money, I would much rather leave this one out of my collection.
Harper Collins just didn't pull this one off, in my opinion (of course). It would have been a much more compelling edition, had it been bound in goat leather (and a darker, richer color, I might add), and then limited to 100 copies. Instead, it was bound in a very soft (almost suede-llike) leather, and 500 copies were printed. Oh, and the color reminds me of, well... I can't really come up with anything, but if I could, it wouldn't be nice.