Tolkien Philatelic Society
10 Sep, 2024
2024-9-10 5:47:14 AM UTC
2024-9-10 5:47:14 AM UTC
TPS has been formed. So far we have just a handful of members and are looking for more.
We have recently become an ATA Study Unit.
Whether you collect only stamps featuring J.R.R. Tolkien, The Hobbit or The Lord of the Rings or if you like fdcs, covers, booklets, cancels or meters, there is something here for you.
As a member of TPS you will receive the quarterly, online newsletter/journal, Middle-earth Musings and a complete checklist of Tolkien stamps from 1992 to 2023; up-to-date information on new issues; back issues of the journal/newsletter; the opportunity to contact Tolkien stamps collectors from around the world; access to the soon-to-be published J.R.R. Tolkien Philatelic Handbook and more.