Richard E. Blackwelder (1909-2001), entomologist specializing in beetles and creator of the Tolkien Thesaurus (which btw I would call a Concordance), gave slide shows of real-world landforms illustrating features of Third Age scenes. His huge Tolkieniana collection was donated to Marquette.

I don't want to bother William Fliss with a question about whether Marquette has the slides; but I have wondered if there were some possibility of a print-on-demand edition thereof. Several probable issues immediately suggest themselves, including securing Marquette's permission, transferring slide images to a new format, and finding photo copyright holders and getting permissions. I'm assuming that Dr. Blackwelder didn't himself take all the pictures (in which case permission of his estate would presumably be needed).

I have a vague memory of seeing a presentation of some, at least, of the Blackwelder images at a Tolkien con in 2001, but don't remember at all well.