Njen wrote:
One particular annoyance for me was Hera's colour choice for her pant suit. During the night time shots, because her suit was a similar colour as her skin, it made her look like she is wearing only some skimpy bondage underwear as only the dark straps stood out clearly.
I literally thought exactly the same thing in the scene after her capture, just prior to the rescue about 30ish minutes in. It was a bit odd!
I watched it recently and will say it is better than Gladiator 2, although that is not very high praise.
Njen wrote:
This review summed up all of my thoughts, and a whole lot more that also makes sense:
Thanks - that was quite entertaining.
Every time I get a video link I do not watch the video first but check out the channel. If, at first glance, the channel is a bunch of rage bait videos ****ing on all sorts of fandoms I do not waste my time on it. This is one of those channels...
Although I can most certainly not claim any extensive knowledge on the history of anime - and you may be right in stating that the 'small' budget, allocations to different companies, time limitations etc. may have lowered the quality of the overall output - I was immediately taken back to 70s animation. Bakshi was all over this film (at some point I was thinking 'Frazetta, really? Fire and Ice?') and its need to do fan services proud also included quite a few references people would not immediately notice, Fastitocalon and Beowulf among them.
I quite liked it for the simple fact that I could watch a Tolkien-inspired film on a big screen together with a bunch of other Tolkien fans. Haven't really had that in twenty years (not counting the so-called Hobbit film trilogy) so it was much appreciated.
3 out of 5 stars will probably prove quite right; it's not Middle-earth's Rogue One but it is certainly trying to evoke that feeling...
Although I can most certainly not claim any extensive knowledge on the history of anime - and you may be right in stating that the 'small' budget, allocations to different companies, time limitations etc. may have lowered the quality of the overall output - I was immediately taken back to 70s animation. Bakshi was all over this film (at some point I was thinking 'Frazetta, really? Fire and Ice?') and its need to do fan services proud also included quite a few references people would not immediately notice, Fastitocalon and Beowulf among them.
I quite liked it for the simple fact that I could watch a Tolkien-inspired film on a big screen together with a bunch of other Tolkien fans. Haven't really had that in twenty years (not counting the so-called Hobbit film trilogy) so it was much appreciated.
3 out of 5 stars will probably prove quite right; it's not Middle-earth's Rogue One but it is certainly trying to evoke that feeling...
Olwe wrote:
Every time I get a video link I do not watch the video first but check out the channel. If, at first glance, the channel is a bunch of rage bait videos ****ing on all sorts of fandoms I do not waste my time on it. This is one of those channels...
It was actually - for the most part - a very well thought out and presented video (and not especially "rage-baitey"). Of course, YMMV.
In terms of it being a 3/5, that's about where I would put it. There was plenty to like vs much that was silly / made no sense with a bit of thought. It just needed better writers, really - the inconsistent animation would have fallen into the background with better writing. Poor writing seems to the bane of Hollywood in general at this point.
I couldn't agree more. A great story can carry almost anything through, but when the story fails, any of the other film's failings are then hard to hide and become far more obvious.