10 Mar, 2024
(edited)Edited by Urulókë on 2024-3-10 3:34:08 PM UTC
2024-3-10 1:53:45 PM UTC
Hello everyone!
I've been working on a Romansh translation of the Hobbit for the past couple of years. A translation will soon be coming, meanwhile we've started a crowdfunding which you can find here:
https://www.lokalhelden.ch/hobbit Bets wishes
10 Mar, 2024
2024-3-10 3:59:41 PM UTC
Sounds like a great project, and I really hope it is successful. Best of luck!
10 Mar, 2024
2024-3-10 7:48:47 PM UTC
18 Jun, 2024
2024-6-18 1:23:56 PM UTC
Ordered one of these hobbits a few days ago. I asked the seller if its still the first printing as i have heard rumours it might be sold out, but no reply as of yet. I will post pictures when the book arrives.
16 February
2025-2-16 2:00:39 AM UTC
Congrats Taivo.
Has the book been reprinted or is it still in first printing?
16 February
2025-2-16 11:39:39 PM UTC
Thank You for the information Taivo. Yes - it looks like it has been reprinted. I was curious whether they would reprint if the first printing of 1000 copies sold out.
The first printing has "1 ediziun" at the top of the copyright page.
17 February
2025-2-17 2:47:30 AM UTC
Thank you for clarifying that, Remy. I heard about it from one of the people in the Tolkien Society in my Zoom group on Tolkien's birthday in November. He was from Switzerland and when he heard I collected translations he put the link in the chat. I thought I had recorded his name, but I couldn't locate it today.