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Guide to Tolkien's Letters
Winner of the 2019 Tolkien Society award for Best Website

14 January
2025-1-14 1:19:13 PM UTC
Your acquisitions are so great that it's difficult not to return the favour !
Amazing finds, especially jealous of your Hurin poster and the Tolkien studies issues :D

Congrats !
14 January
2025-1-14 2:04:47 PM UTC
Congrats. A wonderful haul of item's here.
14 January
2025-1-14 6:51:02 PM UTC
Great acquisitions, I am jealous of many of these. 😅
14 January
2025-1-14 10:30:27 PM UTC
Thanks guys!
15 January
2025-1-15 12:43:03 AM UTC
Fantastic additions! Absolutely love the Centenary Conference souvenir book.
1 March
2025-3-1 5:16:42 PM UTC
The last two batches of the items I bought from the amazing Morgan collection have arrived. For the bibliographical collector in me this was quite a treat. As a small tribute to Morgans collecting I show the items from these 2 shipments here:

Pictures 1 and 2:
10 out of 13 Parma Eldalamberons dedicated to the publication of original material by J.R.R.T. Volumes 11,12,14,15,16,17,18,19,20,21.

Picture 3:
J.R.R. Tolkien (2014) Fragments on Elvish Reincarnation (English/French), The Image of Man in C.S. Lewis - W.L. White (incl. letter from Tolkien), The Arts Council Collection of Modern Literary Manuscripts 1963-1972 (letter from Tolkien), Bruce Mitchell, On Old English: Selected Papers (quotes from an undated letter from J.R.R. Tolkien discussing Beowulf, also quotes from an exodus lecture).

Picture 4:
Paul Raymond Gregory exhibition catalogue (Sweden 2007), lightning from a clear sky (1978), Tree and Leaf, HarperCollins black spine paperback, "Goblin Feet", in Wonder Tales from Fairy Islands (1929), Pesma o Otruu i Itrun, (2002). Serbian/English edition of The Lay of Aotrou and Itroun. The book was printed in 500 copies, and it is the first reprint of the poem since its publication in The Welsh Review (1945).

Picture 5:
The Times literary supplement September 14 2012 (Several quotations from formerly unpublished letters) and June 2017 (contains Tolkiens review "In her maiden bliss" first published in the TLS in 1923).

Picture 6:
C.N. Manlove, Modern Fantasy: Five Studies (1975, quotes from a letter from Tolkien discussing The Lord of the Rings), The Hobbit (1991 edition, first printing), A Short History of English Poetry (1961, includes Stanza 32 from J.R.R. Tolkien's Modern English translation of "Sir Gawain and the Green Knight". Contains a number of minor variations compared to the 1975 publication. Edgar Rice Burroughs: Master of Adventure (incl. Tolkien letter), New Worlds SF Vol. 50, No. 168, 1966 (incl. Tolkien interview).

Picture 7:
Studies on English Place-Names - Eilert Ekwall – 1936, C.S. Lewis & J.R.R. Tolkien, "Language and Human Nature", in SEVEN 27 (2010), J.R.R. Tolkien, "A Philologist on Esperanto", in SEVEN 17 (2000), Waterfield's Catalogue 176 Oxford & Oxfordshire - a bookdealer's catalogue containing a facsimile pencilled statement signed by (amongst others) J.R.R. Tolkien and C.S. Lewis, The "Túrin Wrapper", Vinyar Tengwar 50, March 2013, The Book of Jonah, in Journal of Inkling Studies, Vol 4, Nr 2.

Picture 8:
Various Mallorns and Mythlores most of them with bibliographical nuggets. Of most notice is perhaps Mythlore 56 (first publication of the full text of J.R.R. Tolkien's poem 'Narqelion') and Mythlore 60 (English translation of Narqelion). Also Lembas Extra: Proceedings of the 5th Unquendor Lustrum (2006, several unpublished letters).

Picture 9:
Some auction catalogues with material from some unpublished letters.

Picture 10:
Seventeen (January 1967) Includes interview with J.R.R. Tolkien

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1 March
2025-3-1 7:42:48 PM UTC
That is a fantastic haul!
18 hours ago (edited)
2025-3-2 9:47:56 PM UTC
Interesting - I have a copy of Bruce Mitchell's 'A Guide to Old English' published by Basil Blackwell (copyright 1964, but the title page says 1965), published by Blackwells. It cites Tolkien on metre, specifically his discussion in "C.L. Wrenn's reision of J.R. Clark Hall's translation of Beowulf (GA&U 1940)". It lists out a mnemonic "refer[ring] to the six types of half-line in the Sievers system as described by Professor Tolkien". I'll add a photo of this table later, in case people are curious. I haven't yet noticed another reference to Tolkien, but I haven't read through the whole book. Added: He also cites Tolkien's The Monsters and the Critics (as in, the Academy lecture) for a reference on literature of the period, specifically about the heroic way of life and attitudes to life in general.

Here's the half-line mnemonic, I don't know if this is from Tolkien (I don't have that edition of Beowulf), or if this is rather, as Mitchell puts it, 'doggerel (a University of Melbourne macédoine)'.

I note also that Mitchell thanks his various teachers, lecturers, colleagues etc in the Foreword, including " teachers at Oxford, especially Professor J.R.R. Tolkien, Professor C.L. Wrenn,...."

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17 hours ago
2025-3-2 10:37:44 PM UTC
DMRoberts: thanks for that, that looks like another book I need to get my hands on. As for On Old English: Selected Papers, the copyright page says 1988 and the tolkien references are as follows:


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17 hours ago
2025-3-2 10:45:18 PM UTC
Fantastic acquisitions northman as always !
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