Books and other printed materials >> Great Tales of Middle-earth Box Set: The Children of Húrin, Beren and Lúthien, The Fall of Gondolin
Nope, sticking with the original 1st prints! I do like the box art on the new set, though. I might buy it to scan it.

I already own the three books, I dont need this.... I dont need this....
EdIt: Also, interesting... Blackwell's has the HC one for pre-order at $78.33, but the WM one is $174.03. A mistake discount perhaps? I wonder should I try and lock in that "mistake" pre-order price if indeed it is a mistake.
EdIt: Also, interesting... Blackwell's has the HC one for pre-order at $78.33, but the WM one is $174.03. A mistake discount perhaps? I wonder should I try and lock in that "mistake" pre-order price if indeed it is a mistake.
Toothsayer wrote:
I already own the three books, I dont need this.... I dont need this....
EdIt: Also, interesting... Blackwell's has the HC one for pre-order at $78.33, but the WM one is $174.03. A mistake discount perhaps? I wonder should I try and lock in that "mistake" pre-order price if indeed it is a mistake.
The Blackwell's HC listing says "paperback" so be careful...
Tuor son of Huor wrote:
The Blackwell's HC listing says "paperback" so be careful...
Indeed! I'll need to be careful with this. Though, I think the Myths box set said paperback for quite some time before it updated to hardback, even though the price was always priced for the hardback. So yeah, I may need to wait and see with this one...
For anyone in the UK, just buy half price from HarperCollins. Pointless buying from anyone else and paying more. Pre-ordering is totally unnecessary.
Toothsayer wrote:
Tuor son of Huor wrote:
The Blackwell's HC listing says "paperback" so be careful...
Indeed! I'll need to be careful with this. Though, I think the Myths box set said paperback for quite some time before it updated to hardback, even though the price was always priced for the hardback. So yeah, I may need to wait and see with this one...
I expect most of the main suppliers will have prices next week, the RRP price is £90 for the UK boxed-set, so the Blackwell's price is probably correct.
I hope the mock-up images do not entirely reflect the final product. I'd be sorely upset if they keep it showing just TOLKIEN and not J.R.R. TOLKIEN to match the rest of the series.
Toothsayer wrote:
I hope the mock-up images do not entirely reflect the final product. I'd be sorely upset if they keep it showing just TOLKIEN and not J.R.R. TOLKIEN to match the rest of the series.
I am very hopeful that they will, the current dust-jackets for these books have J.R.R. Tolkien on them.