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Exhibition 'Aubusson weaves Tokien' Collège des Bernardins, Paris

21 March
2025-3-21 7:33:29 PM UTC

I had the chance to attend the vernissage of the exhibition "Aubusson weaves Tolkien' at the Collège des Bernardins in Paris yesterday.
The tapestries are exhibited in a wonderful way, in the sublime nave of the Collège, which really highlights them.
Also, I could find some exceptionnal pieces from Pieter Collier's collection (congratulations Beren !), among those Tolkien's gown (amazing to see it in real), and some exceptional signed books from Tolkien's own library (whith signatures from different periods of his life).
If you plan to go to Paris, the exhibition is free and truly a feast for the eyes.
Some pictures below

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21 March
2025-3-21 11:43:02 PM UTC
Those tapestries are exceptional! I especially love how vivid the colors are.
25 March
2025-3-25 3:30:58 PM UTC
Thanks for the report and the photos. It was Michael Devaux who invited me to contribute and selected the pieces from my collection for display. I agree—it turned out really well. I’m glad you enjoyed it. It’s always a pleasure to share with the community rather than keeping everything tucked away for private enjoyment.
25 March
2025-3-25 3:58:58 PM UTC

Beren wrote:

Thanks for the report and the photos. It was Michael Devaux who invited me to contribute and selected the pieces from my collection for display. I agree—it turned out really well. I’m glad you enjoyed it. It’s always a pleasure to share with the community rather than keeping everything tucked away for private enjoyment.

Yes I met Michaël several times (at the vernassiage and for the reading day at the Bernardins.
He spoke highly of you, especially for the inaugural speech !
Congratulations again, it was a joy to watch.
27 March
2025-3-27 1:54:40 AM UTC
Very interesting that Tolkien would have chosen to send Fr. Louis Bouyer a copy of C.S. Lewis's Poems. I don't think Bouyer mentions Lewis in his memoirs, but he would, after Tolkien's death, include an essay of Lewis's in one of his books. He and Tolkien must have spoken of Lewis or corresponded about him at some point for Tolkien to think this would be a good gift.
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