I have a map of middle earth in poster format that I'm looking to find information on. I've looked around a bit online and only found one site that appears to reference long-past eBay auctions.

Size is 23.5" x 37"
Definitely some wear and tear and tape residue. But overall I think it's in decent shape... no mold or mildew and I think the colors haven't faded.

I've had this since I was a kid and I believe it came from my sister originally. The two references I found mention dates of 1966 and 1970.

Any suggestions on how to identify this poster (it has slightly different markings than the photos in the 1966 listing) and ultimately, any guidance on whether this is valuable or not? Is it worth putting up on eBay or taking it to a collector of these items? Or are these commonplace and I should just toss it?
