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9 Feb, 2008
2008-2-9 5:55:42 PM UTC
There is a catalogue called Tolkien and Friends issued by Thorntons in 1992. This refers to a "limited edition of 276 copies, 250 copies numbered 1 - 250 for sale and 26 copies marked A - Z for private distribution by the author and the publisher."

I would think that this is the first printing, with the 50 copies being later.

I have an email from Thorntons dated 22/12/2005 asking if anybody can supply a photocopy of the booklet as Wim had no copy but wanted to issue a Second Edition.
10 Feb, 2008
2008-2-10 10:01:25 AM UTC
[Rowns] David Miller; yes, okay, we've heard of him (sure I'd probably noted that particular ebay=seller somewhere!) -thanks for that. [Deagol] Thanks. One of 250 (preceded by the lettered copies of course) very much the 1rst appearance then; with one of 100 the likely 2nd (or 3rd) run.

10 Feb, 2008
2008-2-10 11:03:48 AM UTC
How can you distinguish between them?
10 Feb, 2008
2008-2-10 11:08:24 AM UTC
The First Edition of 250 are numbered on the Back Cover. The Latest Edition of 100 Copies are not numbered at all. I will have a look later to see if there are any other differences.
10 Feb, 2008
2008-2-10 12:09:57 PM UTC
Thanks for that, remy. Alas, my copy is hidden away; but I will make a note of this for when I can get it out.
7 Aug, 2008
2008-8-7 12:40:06 PM UTC
Still pretty confused about this publication!

Thornton's state that the 'for friends' copies were run on from the original run (of 100?); and are 1 of 12 i.e. the marbled boards copy recently for sale. I bought this, and it is not marked, lettered, or numbered in any way; although obviously it is hard bound unlike all other copies.

18 Sep, 2008
2008-9-18 4:31:14 PM UTC
Saw these in the latest Thornton's catalogue:

[F0139-1] Unwin , Rayner,. The making of the Lord of the rings. Limited Edition of 100 Copies. ISBN: 1854760114. Originally Issued in a limited edition of 250 copies on the occasion of the centenary celebrations at Keble college Oxford. 1992, 8pp., text and covers on cream paper and thin board. Reprinted (100 copies) in 2007 £6.95

[F0139B] Unwin , Rayner,. The making of the Lord of the rings. Limited Edition of 12 Copies. ISBN: 1854760114. Originally published in a limited edition of 250 Copies.Issued on the occasion of the centenary celebrations at Keble college Oxford. 1992, 8pp., text and covers on cream paper . In addition to the 100 copies reprinted in 2007 12 copies were bound in Italian hand-made marbled paper covered boards and linen spine with title label £35.00
11 May, 2010
2010-5-11 5:17:16 PM UTC
I'm going to reopen this old post based on remy's comments and the fact that David Miller now posts on the forum based on comments in this post ... =ASC&type=&mode=0&start=0

Three questions.

1 - It looks like the 50 copies were not all lost, as garm appears to own a copy and David may also have a copy.

2 - Are we any further in establishing publishing order for these items than the last post in September 2008?

3 - Where did the 12 marbled boards copies come from?

It would be nice to get some answers but I think Khamul's comment is very apt in this case.

The printing numbers & history regarding Rayner's The Making of the Lord of the Rings produced by Wim is also quite complicated. I'm not sure if Wim can quite remember!
11 May, 2010
2010-5-11 6:11:58 PM UTC
Hi Trotter,

I am not sure that garm's copy is from the run of 50 (which may not exist). His copy is Number 27, but it is probably from the original print run of 250. Garm can you confirm this?

In terms of priority, I think it may be as follows:

1. 1992 Copies Marked A-Z and the numbered 250 print run (numbered
on rear cover). Softcover.

2. The 50 print run (not seen and may not exist).

3. 2007 Un-Numbered print run of 100 copies and 12 Hardbound Copies
bound in Marbled Paper over boards.

Anyone with any different thoughts?
11 May, 2010
2010-5-11 6:21:01 PM UTC
I don't know for sure whether mine is one of the 250 copies, but I'm inclined to think it is. I bought it from Thornton's during the Centenary Conference at Keble in August 1992. 'Copy 27' is hand-written on the back in black ink. On the front cover is printed

'The making of The Lord of the Rings by Rayner Unwin. Oxford - Willem A. Meeuws 1992'. There is a price of £4-50, hand-written in pencil, in the top right corner.

At the end of the text is printed 'Rayner Unwin - January 1988/May 1992'.
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