Here is my current list of back issues that I am looking for. If you have any of these, please contact me! I am willing to trade (if you have your own want list) or make an offer to purchase.
Thanks for the link, wellinghall (I should, of course, have thought about this possibilty...)! I was able to order Amon Hen 70, which I've been looking for.
Another issue I've been trying to find is Amon Hen 113 - unfortunately it's not among the back issues. If anyone has a spare copy to sell I would be thankful!
you will notice (or take my word for) the amazing correlation between missing issues in my collection and what the TS does not have in the back issues catalog.
Great idea to post the link in this thread, though. Thanks! For those reading along, back issues of Mallorn are also available on the TS link provided by Wellinghall.
Morgan, I don't think I have a spare of 113 - I will check when I get home tonight.
The TS has tended to get a nice round number of copies printed for each issue - so it might be 600 or 650. If there are say 550 members at a particular time, we might get 600 copies printed, so leaving 50 spare for sale as back issues; but if we have 560 members, we might get 650 copies printed, so leaving 90 spare.
There are, too, occasional errors either with the TS or with the printers, leading more copies to be printed; and in the past, there were occasional large surpluses printed deliberately, for use in publicity / recruitment drives.
He had one from my list. I have put in a query to see if he will ship to the USA. I need to search on more often for these, as a lot of sellers ship UK only, and thus do not show up in the .com searches!