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14 Jan, 2017
2017-1-14 10:58:50 PM UTC
I've swapped a few emails with Hadiya and we have agreed to add some TolkienBooks tags to the book images at LotR Arts.

I didn't realise it but we had swapped emails a few times 10 years ago.

Hadiya is new to websites and hadn't realised that visitors wouldn't necessarily visit the books gallery via the intro page. She wanted to get the site online in time for the professor's birthday so had borrowed TolkienBooks images as a stop gap until her books come out of storage. She realised she should have asked first, but jumped the gun in her enthusiasm.

We all make mistakes, but as far as I am concerned the matter is now closed, and look forward to seeing the site develop.
15 Jan, 2017
2017-1-15 1:50:50 PM UTC
Nice one.

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