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Antiquity December 1932 - Review of Tolkien's Nodens

28 Feb, 2018
2018-2-28 6:22:51 PM UTC

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With thanks to Tolkieniano for finding this and sharing on Facebook, and then letting me share here as well:

The December 1932 issue of Antiquity - A Quarterly Review of Archaeology has a review of The Report on the Excavation of the Prehistoric, Roman, and Post-Roman Site in Lydney Park, Goucestershire by Wheeler and Wheeler and mentions the section on the name Nodens by "Prof J. R. Tolkien".

The reviewer complements Tolkien on writing with learning and skill.

Nelson Goering points out the following small detail (again with thanks for permission to share here):
It is not the _name_ which Tolkien thinks is Goidelic (indeed he notes that there would be essentially no linguistic difference between the Goidelic and Brythonic forms of this name in the first centuries AD), but the _god_ himself. He makes this claim based purely on distribution: the prevalence of various Nuada's in Irish legend, his sparser appearance in Britain, and his absence from our Gaulish records on the Continent.

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28 Feb, 2018
2018-2-28 11:13:11 PM UTC
By the way, there is a copy for about $6 / £4 available on AbeBooks if anyone is interested

Antiquity - December 1932 Issue on AbeBooks
28 Feb, 2018
2018-2-28 11:25:06 PM UTC
Not any more there isn’t....
28 Feb, 2018
2018-2-28 11:37:21 PM UTC
Well, I figured someone around here might be interested...
28 Feb, 2018
2018-2-28 11:57:56 PM UTC
It’ll snuggle up quite nicely against my copies of the Lydney report.
1 Mar, 2018
2018-3-1 12:56:28 AM UTC
And for those slower to the uptake, it appears there is another copy available online at Amazon for $15 plus shipping
1 Mar, 2018
2018-3-1 12:58:37 AM UTC
I noticed that, but wonder whether it isn’t the same copy as that of the UK seller. I have seen before where a US seller will act as an agent for a seller overseas.

Worth a shot, though!
1 Mar, 2018
2018-3-1 1:42:29 AM UTC
As a side note, the entire abebooks site is now down. I think you broke it Aelfwine.
1 Mar, 2018
2018-3-1 1:59:08 AM UTC
I know!
1 Mar, 2018
2018-3-1 2:38:34 AM UTC
£4 !!!!!

You should have paid much more for it than that -- won't you think of the poor booksellers?
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