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Hobbit video game ('82) - 8 Bit Legacy

30 Mar, 2018 (edited)
2018-3-30 6:12:18 PM UTC

"The Hunt for ‘The Hobbit’ Game's Missing Hero"

This is a recent short video from the Emmy nominate series "8 Bit Legacy" produced by Great Big Story. It talks a bit about the making of the game, and visits with Veronika Megler, who designed the logic/puzzles for the developer (and then left the industry).

I definitely enjoyed watching it, though it has absolutely nothing to do with Tolkien or his books (the video - the game obviously was somewhat derived from the book).

If you are interested in Stu's efforts to port this game to modern technology, check out his thread here.

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30 Mar, 2018
2018-3-30 9:27:14 PM UTC
Yeah, one of these days I need to port my Swift 2 source code to Swift 4 or whatever it is these days (will take a couple of days, for sure). I think on High Sierra, the images on the map currently show upside down. Otherwise all works, I think. And where else can you play it on a mockup of the original TRS-80 dev environment? :)
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