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TCG Letter #143 / Carpenter Letter #72

J.R.R. Tolkien
Christopher Tolkien
31 May 1944 (continued 3 June)
Writing to Christopher with an update on recent happenings. He had dinner in college and notes that "the three old gents""Drake, Ramsden, and the Bursar"[1] were very easy to talk to. Lewis read from Who Goes HomeLater retitled as The Great Divorce[2]

Tolkien notes that he was trying to bring The Lord of the Rings "to a suitable pause" before he is again dealing with examinations, which he did manage to do. he read 'Shelob's Lair' and 'The Choices of Master Samwise' to Lewis, who he says was brought to tears by the last chapter.

He returns to the letter on Sunday (3 June) and has been typing some earlier chapters and gives updates on Edith and Priscilla seeing a play. He closes with details on the appointment of a Rectorship at Lincoln.

1 "Drake, Ramsden, and the Bursar"
2 Later retitled as The Great Divorce
The Letters of J.R.R. Tolkien (1981), pp. 83-84, p. 439 (Carpenter notes)
Cartas de J.R.R. Tolkien, pp. 131-3, p. 625 (notas de Carpenter)
Fæder his suna (Father to Son. FS) No. 28

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