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29 May, 2013 (edited)
2013-5-29 6:39:40 PM UTC
Yes, I also noticed this, the appendix is confusing in that you do not know if these are Christopher's comments or as I believe they are (J.R.R. Tolkien).

Here is an example, page 225 of UK Trade hardback

"If you have ever heard that Chaucer was the 'father of English poetry', forget it". Is this from J.R.R Tolkien or C.J.R. Tolkien?

I am happy with either party making this statement, but I am unclear as to who it was.
29 May, 2013
2013-5-29 6:59:08 PM UTC
My guess is that this is an error on behalf of the publishers (the typesetter).
29 May, 2013
2013-5-29 7:18:18 PM UTC

Morgan wrote:
My guess is that this is an error on behalf of the publishers (the typesetter).

I have asked the publisher about this point, I will let you all know of any response.
30 May, 2013
2013-5-30 2:20:11 AM UTC

Stu wrote:
OK, Sorry to continue to bore people with the differences between Australian and UK editions, but my copy of the trade FoA arrived today, and I could swear that the paper quality is much better than the one I looked at in the bookstore here. So I am now going to have to swing by the store again to examine the paper to see of their is in fact a distinct export edition printed on lower quality paper (like the 1st of the Pocket Hobbit that we got out here before the UK, which was printed on recycled toilet paper).

Yes, I have too much time on my hands...

Turns out that I probably imagined the poor paper quality on the copy I looked at in the bookshop . I went to a different bookshop today and the copies they had were identical to the one I got from BD. Maybe the original bookshop just had bad lighting or possibly I was in an especially critical / bad mood...
30 May, 2013
2013-5-30 11:06:06 AM UTC
I have had clarification from HarperCollins on the Appendix.

"I can confirm that Christopher’s text stops on page 224, line 11 (‘...repeated in other places in those years.’). His father’s lecture notes begin immediately after with the lines from The Battle of Brunanburh and continue until page 231, line 7 (‘– or could be in a good poet.’) The rest of the Appendix – with the exception of the extract from The Fall of Arthur – is Christopher’s.

I trust that this proves helpful to you and to others on the forum and enhances your enjoyment of the new book."
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