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Fellowship: Question #6 - artists!

11 Nov, 2018
2018-11-11 7:29:44 PM UTC

What artist would you like to see illustrate a Tolkien book, that hasn't yet had such an opportunity from the publishers?

If possible, provide link to the artist's website or other online presence, thanks!

Having illustrated or provide cover art for a book about Tolkien does not disqualify the artist, for this particular discussion. And there will be a question later about favorite foreign edition cover art, save those up!
11 Nov, 2018
2018-11-11 7:35:27 PM UTC
One of my favorites (it is so hard to pick) would have to be Jian Guo from China.

(This artist allows social sharing by default, but I have reached out for permission to share more of his artwork to be sure.)

1_5be883f8c3130.jpg 755X1058 px
11 Nov, 2018
2018-11-11 8:27:59 PM UTC
You mean there is a world outside the drab grey cold one of Alan Lee?
11 Nov, 2018
2018-11-11 8:39:43 PM UTC
A Ruth Lacon Hobbit would be totally acceptable. I think her work, despite what some people seem to think of it, is ideally suited for book reproduction; the framed style etc.
11 Nov, 2018
2018-11-11 8:48:45 PM UTC

Khamûl wrote:
A Ruth Lacon Hobbit would be totally acceptable. I think her work, despite what some people seem to think of it, is ideally suited for book reproduction; the framed style etc.

I like her Hobbit art too, Khamûl. I can't find a personal page for her, but her (current) agent runs a facebook page to sell prints etc. ... -Ruth-Lacon-237824050737/
11 Nov, 2018
2018-11-11 9:12:53 PM UTC
I know she has already done one, but I'd like to see Jemima Catlin do Farmer Giles or The Adventures of Tom Bombadil.

The art of Tomas Hijo would also be suited to these books.
11 Nov, 2018
2018-11-11 9:30:06 PM UTC
Right i am going to go outside the box here and say Ian Miller
Some of his work is really good IMO . He has done orcs,ents and numerous wizards over the years and is linked in some work with David Day
11 Nov, 2018
2018-11-11 9:43:49 PM UTC
I love that type of artwork but I'm not sure if it's very "Tolkien". Doesn't feel like something HC/The Estate would ever do any time soon, but it would be pretty cool.
11 Nov, 2018
2018-11-11 9:52:25 PM UTC
I regret to agree, but it would ge great to see a different take .
Not for everyone though for sure.
11 Nov, 2018
2018-11-11 10:31:16 PM UTC
I'm afraid my knowledge of illustrators/artists outside of the existing Tolkien world is rather limited.

But I would agree with Khamul - I would like to see a Ruth Lacon Hobbit - really like quite a lot of her artwork and never fully understood the negative comments I had read in the past - maybe some of the negativity was not directly related to the quality of the artwork.

But overall, I have to say that I am quite happy with the way Tolkien's works have been illustrated so far. Can't say that I have an issue with any of the artwork or artists and like the different takes of each artist.

In my mind (regarding LOTR) I have mostly (not entirely) a vision of an Alan Lee world (Sorry Stu) - "cold, drab and grey" certainly suits a large part of the story of Lord of the Rings.

My vision of the Hobbit lies with Tolkien's original illustrations and has not been tainted by subsequent artwork.

There is also some fantastic artwork in foreign translations of the hobbit (some of it quite quirky). I probably started collecting foreign translations at least partly for this reason (to enjoy the artwork - certainly not to read - still can only speak/read english). I look forward to the later question on Foreign Translations Cover Art to see what others favourites are (and maybe find some editions I don't know about).
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