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BnF - Album de l'exposition

21 Oct, 2019
2019-10-21 9:14:17 AM UTC

A pleasant surprise in the librarie (bookstore) at the Bibliothèque nationale de France yesterday was an oversized white paperback art book for the exhibition. It has 80 pages (on wonderfully robust 150g textured paper) and 64 numbered photographs of a selection of the exhibition items. Similar to Tolkien Treasures this is a supplement to the full exhibition catalogue, either for those on a budget or not interested in the massive volume that documents the "Tolkien Voyage en Terre du Milieu" exhibition.

It is approximately 9" x 12", paperback, priced at € 16.50. It is (currently) only available from the exhibition bookstore in person - it is not listed on or on any online bookseller.

ISBN: 978-2-7177-2817-0

I will write up a list of the illustrations included in this book when I am back at home.

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21 Oct, 2019
2019-10-21 4:39:25 PM UTC
Just send my copy (that I trust you remembered to buy for me) over in your own time. No hurry.
26 Oct, 2019
2019-10-26 11:17:50 PM UTC
Anyone found this for sale online?
1 Nov, 2019
2019-11-1 5:15:17 PM UTC
Does not look like they are available online, as I can't find the ISBN available?

If you want one of these and know anyone attending the exhibition, then at the moment ask them to get a copy for you.

Do any forum members live in Paris and are able to visit the shop, and would be happy to help other members get this copy?

If they are only available from the BnF, then they will be probably soon be listed at a very high premium on eBay and Abebooks
2 Nov, 2019
2019-11-2 7:25:08 PM UTC
Would be fantastic if someone could confirm if the book has any illustrations missing from the "Tolkien Voyage en Terre du Milieu" and/or "The Maker of the Middle Earth" volumes.
I could probably ask some friends to get me a copy in person, but I wouldn't bother them if the content is 100% redundant...
2 Nov, 2019
2019-11-2 9:11:59 PM UTC
That's just an extract of the catalogue, yes.
4 Nov, 2019
2019-11-4 1:25:01 PM UTC
White edition arrived today sent by a visitor to the BnF, both books are great and are both worth getting hold of if you can ???

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