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J.R.R. Tolkien et la bataille de la Somme - Graphic Novel

11 Oct, 2019
2019-10-11 5:17:08 PM UTC

Thanks to Druss for pointing out that there is a second French graphic novel that recently came out about Tolkien and World War I.

tolkien somme.jpg

J.R.R. Tolkien et la bataille de la Somme
Author: Emmanuel Beaudry
Illustrator: Corentin Lecorsier
Released: September 2019
Publisher: À Contresens éditions
ISBN: 979-10-90408-59-3
Price: € 18.00

Again, this is a rough translation of the French description from the publisher:
Tolkien, a global author, translated in many languages, adapted into multiple films, with millions of fans, in short: a legend! The battle of the Somme, one of the deadliest in history, tens of thousands of victims, crippled, traumatized, soldiers who will never forget and who often will not rebuild completely.

JRR Tolkien was there. He saw and suffered like the others. Without a doubt, his work was inspired by this dark period that had to be exorcised to continue living, quite simply. Discover the history, the realism, the deafening impression, the tragic and graphic beauty...

Publisher website page
11 Oct, 2019
2019-10-11 9:05:11 PM UTC
Elvish ears are a really cool touch.
11 Oct, 2019
2019-10-11 9:12:28 PM UTC
Heh, hadn't even noted those. Seem more like World of Warcraft ears in my mind, but still a fun touch.
13 Oct, 2019
2019-10-13 4:22:01 PM UTC
Does he have only one pointy ear, on the left, and a normal ear on the right?
13 Oct, 2019
2019-10-13 4:43:02 PM UTC
Kinda like Van Gogh’s Halloween Costume this year?

1_5da354135ae60.jpeg 857X960 px
13 Oct, 2019
2019-10-13 5:38:41 PM UTC

Urulókë wrote:
Kinda like Van Gogh’s Halloween Costume this year?

hahaha good one
17 Dec, 2019
2019-12-17 8:31:02 AM UTC
Has anyone got a copy of this graphic novel? I tried to purchase it from, but was told it was "no longer available". Would like to review this for the Tolkien magazine "Beyond Bree".
- Dis
17 Dec, 2019
2019-12-17 3:47:27 PM UTC

dis wrote:
Has anyone got a copy of this graphic novel? I tried to purchase it from, but was told it was "no longer available". Would like to review this for the Tolkien magazine "Beyond Bree".
- Dis

I just ordered one through the publisher's website. If you don't manage to find a source for one I will send this copy on to you as soon as it arrives.
19 Dec, 2019
2019-12-19 7:02:40 AM UTC
Thanks. I'll try ordering from the publisher.
31 Dec, 2019
2019-12-31 4:05:24 AM UTC
Got my copy today. I wasn’t expecting it to be oversized and hardcover for this price! Will look through it and enjoy the illustrations (and grind through the text with my poor French). Let me know if you still need a copy, dis.
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