31 May, 2020
2020-5-31 6:41:11 PM UTC
1) At HarperCollins, is David Brawn still the best person to contact if I have a Tolkien-related question?
2) If so, could someone PM me his email?
3) If not, who is, and what is his or her email?
Thanks so much.
31 May, 2020
2020-5-31 6:51:30 PM UTC
Probably best contact to start with, he might direct you elsewhere based on your question...
I sent you a PM.
31 May, 2020
2020-5-31 7:04:59 PM UTC
1 Jun, 2020
2020-6-1 3:10:41 PM UTC
If anyone is having back-and-forth conversations with him, I do have some questions I'd like to pass on if that's OK. Some of these may seem familiar. On the other hand, members of this site posting photos once they receive their copies is definitely welcome!
UNFINISHED TALES 40th Anniversary Illustrated Edition (includes standard and slipcased)
- will the standard hardback share the same height measurements as the other Tolkien hardbacks?
- will the slipcased edition share the same height measurements as the other slipcased editions? Or, will it 'stand out' like Jemima Catlin's illustrated Hobbit or Alan Lee's 60th anniversary 1-book edition of The Lord of the Rings?
- Will Ted Nasmith's image of The Two Blue Wizards be used as the cover art for the standard, and as a frontispiece to the slipcased? (this is based off the 2021 Calendar)
- can we expect a fold-out map?
- will it be a mix of paper, like The Great Tales? (regular for text and pencil sketches, photo paper for illustrations)
THE LORD OF THE RINGS + THE HOBBIT Illustrated Editions (the ones coming out in a few weeks)
- will the Fellowship of the Ring frontispiece of the Nazgul be presented in the same manner that it was in the 60th anniversary illustrated one-book edition, as a 3-page foldout sheet?
- will they be a mix of paper, like The Great Tales? (regular for text and pencil sketches, photo paper for illustrations)
- will they have some foldout maps?
1 Jun, 2020
2020-6-1 3:37:38 PM UTC
I don't think that David would know the answer to your questions, most HarperCollin's employees are working from home at the moment or on furlough, so don't have access to answer your questions.
I think like me, wait for postings of photo's of the published books from member's to answer your queries.
1 Jun, 2020
2020-6-1 3:56:33 PM UTC
Very good point - looking forward to seeing, and knowing :) Such details are part of my interest in Tolkien books :)
3 Jun, 2020
2020-6-3 1:07:45 PM UTC
Urulókë wrote:
Probably best contact to start with, he might direct you elsewhere based on your question...
I sent you a PM.
It would be useful to have the contact cause I'd like to ask some things... could you send me a PM with his mail as well?
Many thanks,
3 Jun, 2020
2020-6-3 1:26:38 PM UTC
Hopefully, I am speaking for all of the Mods in this case but we will not be giving out contact details for HarperCollins employees.
If you would like to contact them then please PM one of the Mods or Admin on this site with your query, which we may then forward onto HarperCollins
Trotter Urulókë Stu Khamûl