26 Jul, 2020
2020-7-26 2:12:47 AM UTC
So one thing I've seen discussed frequently here is the accuracy of the text.
However, not long ago, someone made a comment about the Gondor/Rohan/Mordo map having a 'K' spelling on some places instead of a 'C' spelling.
Have there been many (if any) errors on the maps in the past little bit? Is something that's been documented to some degree? I didn't see something mispelt or anything in my copies (that I know of) but would like to check them if there ARE any errors.
26 Jul, 2020
2020-7-26 4:44:37 AM UTC
insurrbution wrote:
So one thing I've seen discussed frequently here is the accuracy of the text.
However, not long ago, someone made a comment about the Gondor/Rohan/Mordo map having a 'K' spelling on some places instead of a 'C' spelling.
Have there been many (if any) errors on the maps in the past little bit? Is something that's been documented to some degree? I didn't see something mispelt or anything in my copies (that I know of) but would like to check them if there ARE any errors.
"K" vs "C" was an editorial choice, not an error.
26 Jul, 2020
2020-7-26 4:52:16 PM UTC
It was I who made a comment about 'Kelos' and Kiril' in the maps - I never suggested that they were errors; as Stu says, the use of K was a choice made by Tolkien.
26 Jul, 2020
2020-7-26 5:38:30 PM UTC
insurrbution wrote:
I didn't see something mispelt or anything in my copies (that I know of) but would like to check them if there ARE any errors.
If you do find any errors in the maps, please post them on the forums.
26 Jul, 2020
2020-7-26 5:45:36 PM UTC
The maps have evolved over time with a few revisions, and some publishers of course have commissioned maps other than Christopher’s, but as they are not typeset, they don’t get errors creeping in over time.
For more info, I suggest The Lord of the Rings A Reader’s Companion by Hammond and Scull, “The Maps of The Lord of the Rings” chapter, pages lv through lxvii. I find it quite interesting!
26 Jul, 2020
2020-7-26 6:09:59 PM UTC
OK, they may not be "errors" but the fact remains "that's not the spelling used in the text" all the same.
27 Jul, 2020
2020-7-27 2:02:41 AM UTC
Tolkien's maps were quite fluid, being redrawn often as he worked through the story. He mentions a few times that he would rework the draft of his writings to make it align with the map better... He also gave Christopher quite a bit of leeway to put names to portions of the map that do not appear anywhere else.
I don't think it can be said that there is a "final" approved map - Tolkien made many corrections/suggestions to Christopher's officially published map while working with Pauline Baynes for her map poster, for example. This annotated map is held in the Bodleian archives now, and is fascinating! See Maker of Middle-earth for a reproduction, or order one from the Bodleian Shop.
27 Jul, 2020
2020-7-27 4:30:39 AM UTC
Yeah I think the closest we'll get to a 'final Middle-earth Map (not counting Thror's, Wilderland, Numenor or Beleriand) is the Unfinished Tales version; with spellings of place names the same on the map as they appear in the text.