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7 Oct, 2020
2020-10-7 6:23:08 PM UTC
Possibly, if I find one for the "right" price.

I'm more interested in putting together a complete set of UK hardcover individual editions next.

I have a spreadsheet with immediate wants and perhaps someday wants
7 Oct, 2020
2020-10-7 6:42:59 PM UTC
Depending on whether or not you care about printing details (first printing, etc) if you want The History of Middle-earth, individually, and in hardback (and don't care about anything else), I'd like to suggest the print on demand editions found at .
7 Oct, 2020
2020-10-7 11:41:40 PM UTC

Mr. Underhill wrote:

Possibly, if I find one for the "right" price.

I'm more interested in putting together a complete set of UK hardcover individual editions next.

I have a spreadsheet with immediate wants and perhaps someday wants

I believe, then, a shelfie is soon to be called for!
8 Oct, 2020
2020-10-8 4:01:52 AM UTC
Oh man, lol

My books are everywhere at the moment, I'll get the HOME together for a picture though.
13 Oct, 2020
2020-10-13 8:10:03 AM UTC
Bit of an error on the front flap of Vol. 1 DJ here. No one caught it in LanceFormation's excellent pics earlier... I just noticed it myself. Though someone claimed "It looks the exact same has HarperCollins' version." But ya gotta look closely!! The third paragraph is identical to the third paragraph for Vol. 3 (i.e. it's meant for Vol. 3). Anyone feel like letting HMH know? Urulókë? It would help distinguish the first print DJs from later issued DJs, which is always nice.

4451_5f855fc0c5a65.jpg 381X674 px
13 Oct, 2020
2020-10-13 8:13:39 AM UTC
Berelach, good catch!

13 Oct, 2020
2020-10-13 2:31:32 PM UTC
I saw that, and just assumed that LanceFormation took a picture of the wrong volume! ?

I can certainly let them know.
13 Oct, 2020
2020-10-13 4:55:36 PM UTC
I had to double check myself to make sure I hadn’t posted the wrong dustjacket. Here is a better picture...definitely a mistake.

Urulókë, in your experience do you think most shipped volumes have this issue? I have an unopened boxed set and was thinking of unsealing it to check that Volume I dustjacket.


5090_5f85dbf23921a.jpeg 1845X2048 px
13 Oct, 2020
2020-10-13 5:15:25 PM UTC

LanceFormation wrote:

I had to double check myself to make sure I hadn’t posted the wrong dustjacket. Here is a better picture...definitely a mistake.

Urulókë, in your experience do you think most shipped volumes have this issue? I have an unopened boxed set and was thinking of unsealing it to check that Volume I dustjacket.


Thanks for confirming. I would assume they have no idea about the issue, and all dustjackets are like this until it gets reported and they decide if it is worth fixing or not.
13 Oct, 2020
2020-10-13 8:12:54 PM UTC
Amazon US currently has a coupon making this set available for $121 which seems like a great deal.
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