Stu wrote:
onthetrail wrote:
Stu wrote:
The BBC Radio Series remains the best adaptation by an enormous margin, IMHO. I don't mind PJs LoTR movies for the most part (though I hate the over-the-top bits which take you right out of it) , but they are absolute hackery when you compare them to the radio version. Brian Sibley did an amazing job - it was almost like he let the books and original material guide him
I have always treated adaptations as entirely outside of Tolkien. I know that currently many people are really losing their SH!T over the Amazon series and many act like if it is rubbish then it will ruin Tolkien for them. I just think 'pffff whatever, if it is good then great, if is it rubbish then and? and nothing. It sucked. Move on Tolkien can't be touched. But the BBC series really does hold a special place for me. I think it is fabulous. I still apply the 'it's not Tlkien rule' but it is a wonderful series and agreed, the best adaptation.
I like the PJ movies. As movies aimed at a large general audience. They are not Tolkien. Howard Shore by the way did an amazing job with the music.
I agree with you about how silly it is to think the Amazon series will somehow ruin Tolkien. I don't remotely think it will be to my tastes, but meh, I don't need to watch it (and almost certainly won't - I don't need fanfiction).
I thought exactly the same at first but now I think what the hell, I will se what it is like. I am conditioned enough after all these years to just brush it off if I do not like it.
The Peter Jackson movies will always hold a special place in my heart because they properly introduced me to Tolkien in the first place. I watched them again recently and can now recognize their many flaws, but overall I think it's as faithful of a film adaptation as we will ever see. I have not yet heard the whole BBC adaptation but I have heard snippets and it sounds very good.
But hey, if nothing else, PJ's movies gave us Into the West and "second breakfast" memes.
But hey, if nothing else, PJ's movies gave us Into the West and "second breakfast" memes.