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9 Feb, 2021
2021-2-9 7:38:33 PM UTC

Aelfwine wrote:

Sorry, this is on me. I'm still finalizing the book. But I promise it will be worth the wait!

If you could push it just a few weeks more it will release on my birthday. Definitely take your time—I'm sure it'll will be worth it.
9 Feb, 2021
2021-2-9 7:41:27 PM UTC
Oh no worries at all, I knew it was a joke haha Just saying why I made my comment haha.

I believe - not sure if this pandemic based or not, as there have been a few paperbacks - unless there's a large shipment new hardbacks (of, say, the first editions of Beren and Luthien or The Fall of Gondolin) the new Tolkien books typically come out the same time as they do in the UK. However, for smaller releases (lots of paperbacks are printed, though a paperback coming out isn't as much as an 'event' as the hardback release) they tend to be a bit later - coincidentally, the same amount of time ordering from the UK would take (approx 4 weeks). They likely have a later date listed, instead of an earlier one and shrugging about the whereabouts of the stock come publication day, because that's how long shipping takes and they account for it.

I don't mean to do any speculating or guesswork here - if I did - though that could be it, maybe!
10 Feb, 2021
2021-2-10 9:31:26 PM UTC
Somewhat anti-climactic after Aelfwine commented, but I had already asked HarperCollins and they kindly confirmed as well - officially delayed to September.
8 Apr, 2021
2021-4-8 3:02:59 PM UTC
Urulókë, Trotter, Aelfwine, is there any information given from HarperCollins about a possible deluxe edition of NoME? I think this is rather unlikely, but who would know it better than you? ;))
8 Apr, 2021
2021-4-8 3:09:27 PM UTC

Ithildin wrote:

Urulókë, Trotter, Aelfwine, is there any information given from HarperCollins about a possible deluxe edition of NoME? I think this is rather unlikely, but who would know it better than you? ;))

A specific ISBN has been created for a possible deluxe edition (ISBN-13: 9780008440572) but no news since then.
I have to say I would be disappointed not having a deluxe edition for such an important tolkienian publication.
8 Apr, 2021
2021-4-8 3:27:58 PM UTC
I have no knowledge of plans for a deluxe edition, but then there's no real reason that I would, even if one is planned. I will say that _NoMe_ is not the sort of book that lends itself to illustration, so if there is a deluxe edition I can't imagine it being at all like the recent _UT_ and _Silm_.
8 Apr, 2021
2021-4-8 3:35:12 PM UTC

Aelfwine wrote:

I have no knowledge of plans for a deluxe edition, but then there's no real reason that I would, even if one is planned. I will say that _NoMe_ is not the sort of book that lends itself to illustration, so if there is a deluxe edition I can't imagine it being at all like the recent _UT_ and _Silm_.

A deluxe edition in the style of the classic deluxe line-up would be nice. With a colour unused as of yet, like lilac !
8 Apr, 2021
2021-4-8 3:59:48 PM UTC
Sure, but do one for The History of The Hobbit first. That didn't get a collector's edition; and it's a similar work (a book about Tolkien's writings not edited by C.R. Tolkien, yet given his blessing and approval)
8 Apr, 2021
2021-4-8 4:21:51 PM UTC
There were definitely plans for a Deluxe and Trade edition of this book, as ISBNs were issued for both. However, no information has been forthcoming on the Deluxe edition for a long time which leads me to guess it probably has been cancelled.

Would love to be proved wrong.
8 Apr, 2021
2021-4-8 4:31:32 PM UTC

Aelfwine wrote:

I have no knowledge of plans for a deluxe edition, but then there's no real reason that I would, even if one is planned. I will say that _NoMe_ is not the sort of book that lends itself to illustration, so if there is a deluxe edition I can't imagine it being at all like the recent _UT_ and _Silm_.

Ok, I think I understand what you are meaning when discussing a deluxe layout without any illustrations. Nevertheless, the older deluxe line wasn’t inevitably equipped with pictures. Being deluxe isn’t a question of illustrations alone, I think.
I would appreciate if there will be a kind of ‘deluxe’ edition for this book, but with no need for the same style as the recently published UT and Sil.
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