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By Taivo
Just can't stay away

Azerbaijani LOTR

28 Dec, 2021 (edited)
2021-12-28 5:07:54 AM UTC

The final volume of LOTR in Azerbaijani has just been published. It's available (along with the Hobbit and the first two volumes) at They're very good to work with. I've ordered all three volumes as they came out and their website and payment process have improved with each purchase. (Two years ago my Russian-speaking wife had to work out a Western Union transfer on WhatsApp with the manager, but the recent order was all on-line, although I had to call my bank to approve a charge to my card from Azerbaijan.) The art on the covers is original from an Azerbaijani artist. They are really nicely printed and bound. It was $72 US including shipping for The Hobbit, LOTR3, and the three volumes of the Turkish translation.

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29 Dec, 2021
2021-12-29 7:03:43 PM UTC
Thanks for sharing! I might have to order a set (though I mostly prefer art that isn't so heavily movie influenced). Is the Two Towers cover a photograph of the New Line Treebeard action figure or Wete statue? ?
7 Jan, 2022
2022-1-7 1:00:52 PM UTC
Good question. Now that you mention it, it does look a bit more like a photograph than a painting. What always surprises me is how good the production values are and original the cover art is on many of these editions from lesser-known languages like Faroese, Frisian, Azerbaijani, Galician, Georgian, etc.
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