20 Sep, 2023
2023-9-20 8:31:38 PM UTC
In Colin Hardie's Latin oration celebrating Tolkien's honorary doctorate in 1972, Hardie refers to a button inscribed "vivit archimagus," that is, "the archmage lives," which I can only assume refers to Gandalf. I know of "Frodo lives" and "Gandalf for President," but I have never run across a button like this one.
Has anyone else seen a button like this, or is Hardie's memory faulty?
21 Sep, 2023
2023-9-21 3:30:41 PM UTC
Thanks, I have been working from that Vox Latina article myself, preparing a translation of Hardie's oration for a blog post. As you say, I think Hardie has conflated two buttons into one. There are a couple of other odd comments Hardie makes which suggest he is working from memory in some places and remembering incorrectly. For example he says that Plutarch says that there are 167 worlds, but Plutarch actually says 183. He also says that rabbit is eaten once in Tolkien's works, but it is eaten both in The Hobbit and The Lord of the Rings. So there I think he is remembering "Of Herbs and Stewed Rabbit." The footnotes are by the author of the Vox Latina article.
22 Sep, 2023
2023-9-22 4:24:44 AM UTC