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28 June
2024-6-28 6:50:01 PM UTC

Huan wrote:

Is the English version of the book only available from that site and how easy is it to order please?

The link I provided is a physical bookshop in Paris. I never ordered online but they ship internationally.
They also have an email :
[email protected]

28 June
2024-6-28 8:13:41 PM UTC
29 June
2024-6-29 4:10:14 AM UTC
Beautiful photos Emilien, thanks for sharing and what an amazing experience to be there!
29 June
2024-6-29 11:10:32 AM UTC
Really amazing to see. Thanks for sharing!
30 June
2024-6-30 6:15:54 PM UTC
I had also the chance to be there, and to interview some people and take films :

I was lucky enough to talk with Adam and Royd Tolkien who shared with me their thoughts about the exhibition, and to talk and have a signature of Baillie Tolkien.
20 hours ago (edited)
2024-7-2 9:09:42 PM UTC
Emilien ; Druss : Thanks for sharing !

Having missed the opening because of Hellfest (hard rock & metal music festival), I still managed to go and see the exhibition on the way home and it was well worth the extra 2 hour drive.

The tour is short (4 large rooms) but that makes it more intense. It was a deeply moving moment for me, shared with my partner and 2 friends, to whom I explained all the details of the works on display.

EDIT : I forgot to mention that the tapestries had already been announced for Paris in 2025.
(In addition, as the director of the institution says in the Tolkiendil video, they should also be exhibited in Oxford, and requests have been made for them to be shown in Edinburgh and Los Angeles.)
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