What are peoples thoughts on the price of this sale please? I’m thinking it’s a little too high, but I guess it is a rare enough sale.
Huan wrote:
What are peoples thoughts on the price of this sale please? I’m thinking it’s a little too high, but I guess it is a rare enough sale.
Wasn't too high for whomever paid it, but I do hear what you're saying. I'll say it's over twice what I paid for mine.
Yes, I was fortunate with mine too. Not even close to those figures. It’ll make someone happy, and that’s the point really 🙂
Huan wrote:
What are peoples thoughts on the price of this sale please? I’m thinking it’s a little too high, but I guess it is a rare enough sale.
Too high, IMHO. I would have thought half that, realistically in today's market.
I paid a smidge over USD 100 (Edit: 118.50 according to my email records) for my fine copy. That was back in 2016 though, so sanity applied back then.