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Large Print Editions

23 March
2025-3-23 11:58:11 AM UTC

I have these UK Large Print editions, I don’t think they are a “set” but they are all black and the same size.

I have a few questions that someone may be able to help with.
a; Is there a similar Large Print Silmarillion? I have been unable to find one.
b; The Children of Hurin I have is gloss but all the other books are matt, is there a matt version?
c; Are there any other Large Print books which would match these?

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23 March
2025-3-23 12:03:50 PM UTC
Funny how coincidence works. I literally just found a new edition of The Silmarillion which will be published this year apparently and was on my way to TCG to post it.

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The Silmarillion (large print)

HarperCollins (2025-12-04)

£18.99 (UK Only) - Availability: Click to check
$26.13 Blackwell's (paperback) - Availability: Unknown
£19.99 (Paperback) - Availability: Preorderable
€24.90 (Taschenbuch) - Availability: Preorderable

23 March
2025-3-23 2:32:35 PM UTC
Well, with this announcement of a LP Silmarillion, this will be the first one ever printed if true.

My LP CoH is mat and I bought it last year, so I think if you order one from a major retailer you would get a mat cover at this time.

No, there are not anymore volumes in that style for LP editions at this time. You have them all (the paperbacks at least).
23 March
2025-3-23 3:51:34 PM UTC
That’s great, thanks
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