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24 Feb, 2013
2013-2-24 5:45:46 PM UTC
Ah, so the first time (2011) it didn't actually sell & this is the same copy. Well, good luck this time Elwë --nothing like a good eBay fundraiser!

24 Feb, 2013
2013-2-24 5:54:51 PM UTC

Also, if you look at the beginning of this thread, you are actually seeing my current auctions live. All the links work and should take you straight to the actual auction. This was an HTML set-up by Jeremy to simply pull my current items from ebay and place them in a nice format here in the forum thread. I chose to use this thread for advertising my current auctions (as opposed to starting a new one) because it had this nice little feature! Thanks again to Jeremy!

I am planning to list a couple more items here in the next few hours, and you will see them show up in that first post as soon as I do.

24 Feb, 2013
2013-2-24 6:36:15 PM UTC
Ah, I grasp what's going on at last...

24 Feb, 2013
2013-2-24 8:39:24 PM UTC

Elwë wrote:
Hello, everyone. I have listed a few new items on ebay, including a US first printing LotR set. Please take a look. Thanks!

Just added an early US set of LotR, and a 1955 UK Hobbit.
24 Feb, 2013
2013-2-24 9:44:53 PM UTC
That fine _Old English Exodus_ is already above my budget (defined by my dear wife) -- doesn't anyone have a cheap(ish) library copy just lying around?

Good luck with the auctions, Elwë!
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