3 Oct, 2011
2011-10-3 10:58:24 PM UTC
Appears to be only a library binding.
Library Binding: 24 pages
Publisher: Child's World, Inc. (Aug 2011)
Language English
ISBN-10: 1609731557
ISBN-13: 978-1609731557
Product Dimensions: 21.4 x 19 x 0.8 cm
11 Oct, 2011
2011-10-11 7:01:39 PM UTC
I just ordered this from the_book_depository (through Amazon.co.uk) - thanks for sharing the news, Urulókë!
I'll be willing to offer some impressions about the book once it arrives, if anyone's interested.
11 Oct, 2011
2011-10-11 7:54:00 PM UTC
11 Oct, 2011
2011-10-11 8:02:51 PM UTC
Ha, didn't know the new edition was available in complete form on Scribd - it sort of takes away the usefulness of offering an opinion!
Perhaps I could say something about the quality of the binding, or the feeling of the paper!
11 Oct, 2011
2011-10-11 8:10:54 PM UTC
Yeah, I had the same thought - just found that link though, so had to share it. :) Definitely would like to know the quality of the binding.
18 Oct, 2011
2011-10-18 7:35:11 PM UTC
Book arrived today!
As I'm one of the beginner collectors, I saw this as a great chance to secure a publication that I strongly believe will have a collection value in the future. (When the 1989 Oliphaunt: Beastly Verse was published, I was still in primary school.) Perhaps this is already being reflected in the evolution of the price: I bought it a week ago for £16.76 and the same bookseller now has it for £31.44. I should say, though, that it can be ordered for a much cheaper price from the publishers' own website, at least for the moment being.
Since the publishers, The Child's World, have chosen to show off the entire book on their website, it's perfectly open for anyone to form their own opinion of the illustrations or investigate the contents of the book.
Produced as a "School & Library Binding", the quality is top notch: sturdy covers, glossy finish (plastic film), alkaline paper (slows the degradation of paper quality). Indeed made to survive many a child's rough reading!
18 Oct, 2011
2011-10-18 7:55:53 PM UTC
The publishers don't seem to want to ship to England, though.
- wellinghall
19 Oct, 2011
2011-10-19 8:44:06 AM UTC
>The publishers don't seem to want to ship to England, though.
Book Depository has it for $22.85
22 Oct, 2011
2011-10-22 3:47:01 PM UTC
The publisher's website lists the book as "withdrawn from sale" now.
22 Nov, 2011
2011-11-22 9:13:22 AM UTC
Does anyone know why this was withdrawn from sale? I had ordered a copy from BD before it became unavailable (and it finally arrived today more than 5 weeks after being posted -- I had given it up for lost). I notice that the copyright states "(c) 2012" (rather than 2011) and I wondered if it perhaps had to be pulled because of legal reasons related to this...