13 Jun, 2018
2018-6-13 2:49:51 PM UTC
Having a bit of trouble with the server (started yesterday, but got really bad today). Working on it, and my apologies for the slowness!
13 Jun, 2018
2018-6-13 3:36:32 PM UTC
Thanks for the update Jeremy. I thought it was just me; and it’s led me to accidentally post the same post multiple times.
13 Jun, 2018
2018-6-13 5:35:33 PM UTC
14 Jun, 2018
2018-6-14 5:27:09 AM UTC
Thanks for all the work you do to keep the site up and running. There has been some great content posted up lately, and - despite me being too busy for Tolkien at the moment - I have enjoyed skimming through it (and will revisit it in more detail when I have a bit more time).