Letter Tags
J.R.R. Tolkien's father, Arthur, writes to his mother, Mary Jane, to inform her of his sons birth the previous day.
Arthur Tolkien writes to his father from his and Mabel's home in South Africa to give an update on family life, especially news of a very "sha...
Mabel Tolkien, J.R.R. Tolkien's mother, writes to her husband's parents saying that John Ronald does not go outside in the daytime due to the ...
Arthur Tolkien writing to his parents sends the delightful news of his second son, Hilary's birth. He talks at length of Mabel's recovery whic...
Arthur Tolkien writes to his father, John Benjamin Tolkien, informing him of life for his family in Bloemfontein, Orange Free State. He mentions the com...
In a letter to her brother, Roland Suffield, Mabel sends news of life in Bloemfontein, Orange Free State with details of her two boys, Ronald and Hilary...
Arthur writes to his father giving news of life in Bloemfontein, Orange Free State. He and Mabel had a gathering of friends for a musical evening. Some ...
May Incledon writes to Mabel Tolkien on the subject of her prayers. Her and Mabel (her sister), were converting to be members of the Catholic chruch and...
Mabel writes to her two son's grandmother on the Tolkien side (mother of her late husband) enclosing drawings by the boys. They have worked on them...
Mabel writes a letter to her mother-in-law saying that the boys look very well, especially compared to how they looked when they met her at the train st...
Robert refers to his new step-mother as "Donna", the name he and his sister Molly have given to her when she married their father.
Rob Gilson writes to his stepmother about spending time with Estelle King, daughter of a family friend, whom he finds "above the average interestin...
Gilson writes to his stepmother about news from his school, Trinity College in Cambridge. He says he has joined the Cambridge Eugenics Society.
A letter from an Old Edwardian at Oxford. Giving news of various people with news of happenings in various activities. On Tolkien it is remarked that he...
Rob Gilson describes his trip with Frederick Scopes to sketch various churches in northern France around Easter the prior year in this letter and #TCGLe...
Rob Gilson describes his trip with Frederick Scopes to sketch various churches in northern France around Easter the prior year in this letter and #TCGLe...
Gilson writes that he had taken a copy of Milton's Paradise Lost to OTC camp, and met a like-minded friend who had brought a copy of Dante's I...
Writing to his step-mother, Rob Gilson mentions that G.B. Smith and T.K. Barnsley have agreed to play on Tolkien's team in the Rugby football match...
Emily Jane Suffield writes to Hilary on New Years Eve wishing him well for the coming year and thanks him for his gift and letter for Christmas. She als...
Rob Gilson writes to his stepmother, Marianne Cary Gilson after a weekend in Oxford with Christopher Wiseman, T.K. Barnsley, G.B. Smith and Tolkien. A s...
Rob Gilson writes to his step-mother. He mentions members of the T.C.B.S. noting T.K. Barnsley, dominant in gathering with his wit and laconic expressio...
Further to his letter of 17 February, Gilson talks more on the members of the T.C.B.S.
Garth describes a typical meeting of T.C.B.S. where Wiseman would make it "hilarious and carefree", evidently described by Gilson in this letter.
Writing to his step-mother, Rob Gilson tells her that Tolkien is "quite a great authority on etymology - an enthusiast".
Gilson writes that Barnsley tried to persuade him to join the Old Edwardian recruits in the 'Birmingham Battalion'. He also says that his fath...
Christopher Wiseman and Rob Gilson have gone to see the play Outcast, starring Gerald du Maurier.
Gilson writes about a weekend visit by Smith to Cambridge, which Tolkien was invited to but unable to attend. Gilson was visited by Smith though, and th...
Robert writes that the rifles used for training had been taken away for deployed soldiers to use.
Gilson writes about how heroic F. L. Lucas is, and that the military lectures he has attended have shown him the "fearful responsibility" of a...
Gilson has enlisted, and fears missing the four person T.C.B.S Council meeting fast approaching. Gilson says that GB Smith has also enlisted on December...
Gilson has enlisted, and fears missing the four person T.C.B.S Council meeting fast approaching. Glison is now at his military camp at Cherry Hinton, ne...
Gilson writes that while he previously was certain that the war would end in six months, he now would not be at all surprised if it lasted ten years.
Rob writes about a training exercise involving a Witch-Doctor / wizard.
Tolkien and the Great War notes these three letters as the source for Gilson declaring his love for Estelle King.
Robert has moved to Lindrick Camp.
In this letter (along with #TCGLetter2349) Gilson writes about T. K. Barnsley becoming a professional soldier as part of the Coldstream Guards.
Smith, Wade-Gery and others from Oxford joined together to be officers in the Lancashire Fusiliers.
Robert's stepmother reports that she has heard from Dickie Reynolds about Oxford Poetry. Sidney Barrowclough, with the Royal Field Artillery, has s...
Gilson writes home. He was returned to his battalion on Salisbury Plain. He has spent a weekend with G.B. Smith where they went to Salisbury and then th...
Smith and Gilson visit Bath in preparation for the T.C.B.S. Council that is planned to be held there soon.
In this letter (along with #TCGLetter2348 ) Gilson writes about T. K. Barnsley becoming a professional soldier as part of the Coldstream Guards.
Robert describes to his stepmother a frosty week that Tolkien and Edith spent in Warwick. The 'Salford Pals are due to depart Salisbury Plain along...
Robert describes to his stepmother a frosty week that Tolkien and Edith spent in Warwick.
Estelle King's father writes to Gilson, warning him that his marriage proposal to Estelle is not appropriate, as he is too low-class and there is a...
Gilson mention's Tolkien's poem 'Kortirion' in this letter to his love interest.
Hilary Tolkien writes to Edith thanking her for her letter and parcel. He gives an update on matters in France and the hopelessness of the war. He remar...
Hilary Tolkien writes to Edith with news of his time in France during WWI. He says that his party have returned from the front lines are on training and...
Gilson describes Tolkien's authority on etymology, and writes about Tolkien finishing school in Oxford before joining the Army. He mentions how &qu...
Wiseman writes to G.B. Smith saying that he has been reading correspondence between the group from 1914. He describes it as his "TCBSian" arch...
Further to his letter of 30 August Wiseman continues his commentary on the correspondence of the T.C.B.S. and his belief that the group has changed.
This letter, sent to Tolkien with a letter dated 8 November was to be passed to the War Office after Tolkien was determined fit for a return to service....
The 3rd (Reserve) Battalion writes to South General Hospital in Edgbaston, directing that orders should be issued for Tolkien's next movements at t...
Henry Bradley writes a letter of recomendation to Leeds University where Tolkien has applied for the position of Reader of English Language. Bradley had...
Writing to R.W. Chapman, George S. Gordon, Tolkien's co-editor on the Clarendon Chaucer project for Oxford University Press says that his staffing ...
George S. Gordon writes to his wife from Magdalen College, Oxford. He saw Tolkien and will dine with him on Tuesday 27, July.
This letter, the first of Tolkien's series of Father Christmas Letters written for his children, was dated 22 December 1920. It is addressed to Joh...
John Johnson of the Oxford University Press writes to the historian Henry David on the matter of the proposed Middle English series of texts. He notes t...
George S. Gordon tells D. Nichol Smith that he is overwhelmed at the Honours School, now numbering some 120 students. A committee has now been appointed...
Tolkien had suggested E.V. Gordon for a position who is currently "B-Litting", to which George S. Gordon asks David Nichol Smith if he knows h...
No letter is known for this year, but it is presumed that one was sent.
C.T. Onions writing to John Johnson of the Oxford University Press asks about the position which is being taken by the press in relation to the proposed...
No letter is known for this year, but it is presumed that one was sent.
John Suffield sends a Christmas card to the Tolkien family.
Herbert Davis appears to inform George S. Gordon that Tolkien is ill, but that he had heard from E.V. Gordon that Tolkien was on the mend and would be OK.
George S Gordon writes to Kenneth Sisam mentioning Tolkien's involvement in the Clarendon Chaucer. The book will be published in OUP's 'C...
Following his letter of 14 June, Gordon writes again to Kenneth Sisam. Tolkien has agreed to provide the glossary for the Clarendon Chaucer and will beg...
During the academic year of 1923-24, Tolkien and and his co-editor on the Sir Gawain volume have been snowed under with lectures and preperation for the...
Kenneth replies to Gordon's letter agreeing to a revised page count for Sir Gawain, Gordon and Tolkien's edition can now contain 200 pages. He...
Gordon replies to Sisam's letter of 13 November , Gordon accepts the conditions for publication of Sir Gawain. They will restrict the glossary to 5...
In a letter to Kenneth Sisam, Gordon reports that he and Tolkien will be able to provide Sisam with the text of Sir Gawain soon. The notes are almost co...
Gordon sends to Sisam a clean copy of the Sir Gawain text and notes that Tolkien has been able to purchase a copy of Thorkelin's Beowulf.
Writing to John Tolkien, Father Christmas tells him that he is "nineteen hundred and twenty four, no! seven! years old". Remarking he is much ...
John Suffield sends a Christmas card to the Tolkien family.
Sisam writes to Gordon. He has become alarmed at the lack of progress with the Clarendon Chaucer, saying that Tolkien "is occupied with Gawayne > i...
Gordon replies to Sisam's letter defending Tolkien on the matter of the delay on the Clarendon Chaucer. He says that Tolkien has had "a hellis...
Inspite of his letter to Tolkien early in March, Kenneth Sisam writes to David Nichol Smith to complain that Tolkien is not only holding up the Clarendo...
Gordon writes to Sisam informing him that Tolkien has agreed that his place on the Clarendon Chaucer should be taken by another and he has agreed to ret...
Sisam replies to Gordon's letter. He supports Tolkien leaving the Clarendon Chaucer, noting that Tolkien has too much else getting in the way.
George S. Gordon writes to Kenneth Sisam. Tolkien has sent to him manuscript of his glossary for the Clarendon Chaucer, with a preface, for Gordon to lo...
George S. Gordon sends to Kenneth Sisam the manuscript of Tolkien's glossary and preface for the Clarendon Chaucer with a note to say that he appro...
Further to Gordon's packet enclosing Tolkien's glossary and preface, Sisam replies with a stern warning that if Tolkien commits to as many cor...
As with #TCGLetter1929, he says to John that is short of time. He says that his "sleigh is waiting", noting that there are a lot more stocking...
Father Christmas writes to Michael but has no time. He hopes that Michael's "engine goes well". Polar Bear adds a post script noting that...
From a Bloomsbury auction the following was detailed: Songs for the Philologists, with the book comes a typed letter from Dr. Cyril Jackson, who studied...
Sisam writes to Gordon saying that the glossary of the Clarendon Chaucer must be cut down by 10 pages. He tells Gordon that he will leave it to him to e...
George S. Gordon sends Tolkien's revised glossary of the Clarendon Chaucer to Kenneth Sisam. In the covering note he says that he feels Tolkien&apo...
George S. Gordon sends to Kenneth Sisam a batch of manuscripts for the Clarendon Chaucer. AMong them texts, notes for the essays and he says that Tolkie...
Father Christmas, writing to John and Michael, remarks how busy he is. Some of the presents which were due to be delivered for Christmas had been damage...
John Suffield sends a Christmas card to the Tolkien family.
As with Tolkien's previous year's letter, Father Christmas writes to John and Michael. He opens with mention of his shaky hand, blaming North ...
John Suffield sends a Christmas card to the Tolkien family.
Father Christmas's letter for 1927 was the first to include Christopher, and other members of the Tolkien family, and others connected with the Tol...
John Suffield sends a 'Christmas Letter' to Hilary. He had expected to not make another Christmas and notes as such on the card.
This letter, mentioned only briefly in Wheelbarrows at Dawn discusses family matters of the Incledon family.
Writing to Hilary, John Suffield gives family news. Hilary's cousin, Donald John Suffield reports that his father has died. He details the area whe...
Father Christmas writes to the Tolkien boys, John, Michael, and Christopher wishing them a merry Christmas and offering details of his and his household...
Further to their #TCGLetter1940, the boys receive a second letter on Boxing Day. FC blames Polar Bear for this. Polar Bear adds on the envelope that it ...
Polar Bear writes a letter to the "boys", John, Michael, and Christopher in November 1929. He says that his paw is better after cutting Christ...
Father Christmas writes to the Tolkien children, including six month old Priscilla, the Tolkien's last child. FC says that it has been light as the...
Father Christmas writes to John, Michael, and Christopher. He has received their letters, remarking how big their lists are. He says that he is getting ...
Father Christmas writes to the Tolkien children saying that he "enjoyed" all their letters. He has had no time and only finished the letter on...
Father Francis Morgan writes to Hilary to congratulate him on the birth of his son. He wishes that he could perform the baptism but is now unable to tra...
Father Francis Morgan replies to Hilary. He has been away for three weeks "at the Shaws and the other half at the Richmond Convent in Yorkshire.&qu...
Robert Chapman writes to David Nichol Smith after hearing from Tolkien who it appears will knuckle down and complete his parts on the Clarendon Chaucer.
Robert Chapman writes to George S. Gordon asking if he can finish the Clarendon Chaucer without Tolkien.
Father Christmas writes to the Tolkien children, noting that he has already received letters from them. He has not started on the Christmas jobs yet and...
Writing to his brother, C. S. Lewis gives updates on his life and work. he makes a brief mention to Tolkien visiting him on Monday mornings to "dri...
Father Christmas writes to John, Michael, Christopher, and Priscilla. He hopes the "little things" he has sent to them. The boys are "int...
Father Christmas thanks the children for the letters they sent to him at the North Pole. FC says that he is worries because Polar Bear has gone missing ...
Father Christmas, writing to the Tolkien children says he has much to tell them. He says that they heard funny noises underground at the North Pole and ...
Writing to his friend, Arthur Greaves, Lewis mentions among other matters, that he has been reading "a delightful... children's story Tolkien ...
In a letter to his friend, Arthur Greaves, Lewis mentions his conversation with Tolkien in which they discuss, among other things, their agreement that ...
Father Christmas writes to John, Michael, Christopher and Priscilla. He says that the business of Christmas has begun and it has been very cold. He has ...
Father Christmas writes to John, Michael, Christopher and Priscilla saying that in November they were attacked by Goblins and Christmas almost did not h...
In reply to Hilary's "interesting letter", Father Francis replies with news on happenings. He is happy to know the latest on Hilary'...
Father Christmas writes to Christopher. Written on 20 November, FC remarks that he will not be sending his messengers out until October 15th. He says th...
Father Christmas, writing to Christopher and Priscilla, thanks them for their many letters. He says that he has not had time like previous letters to wr...
Father Francis wishes Hilary and his family the best for 1935. He has been laid up with lumbago but is now on the mend.
Father Francis replies to Hilary's warm wishes for his birthday and asks him to pass on his thanks to Magdalen and Gabriel for the Violets they sent.
Father Christmas writes to the John, Michael, Christopher and Priscilla. He says that there is "no ink this year", so he did not draw any pict...
Tolkien's children had been lent Barfield's book The Silver Trumpet by C.S. Lewis and very much enjoyed it.
R.W. Chapman writes to George S. Gordon who it is assumed had mentioned Tolkien's increased salary. He is pleased, and also that Tolkien has been a...
Gordon replies to Chapman's letter saying that he believes that Tolkien has finished his parts on the Clarendon Chaucer, but that they are finished...
Sir Stanley Unwin's son Rayner was paid to write a review of a book that was being considered for publication, The Hobbit by J.R.R. Tolkien
On 2 November 1936 Father Christmas writes a list of various toys which is then struck through. Among them, "Dolls", "Noah's Ark&quo...
Following his letter to R.W. Chapman, Gordon must have spoken with Tolkien as he replies that "Tolkien will have another try."
Father Christmas writes to John, Michael, Christopher and Priscilla. He opens with apologies for his short letter, including a picture to show what had ...
Noted in their letter to Tolkien of 1 June 1937, C. A. Furth says that they have written to Houghton Mifflin in regard of Tolkien's letter to them ...
C. S. Lewis recieves an unbound copy of The Hobbit from GA&U.
GA&U send Russell Meiggs, editor of the Oxford Magazine, an unbound copy of The Hobbit per Tolkien's request. It is assumed that with any manuscrip...
GA&U send C. L. Wrenn a copy of The Hobbit as requested by Tolkien. It is assumed that with any manuscript/proofs or copies of books sent that a cover l...
At Tolkien's request, GA&U sends Helen Buckhurst a copy of The Hobbit. It is assumed that with any manuscript/proofs or copies of books sent that a...
A. H. Smith from the Early English Text Society is sent a copy of The Hobbit by GA&U as requested by Tolkien. It is assumed that with any manuscript/pro...
GA&U send a copy of The Hobbit to Elaine Griffiths. Elaine was a family friend, and recalls reading the story from a "beautifully typed copy"....
As requested by Tolkien, C. A. Furth sends a copy of The Hobbit to R. W. Chambers. It is assumed that with any manuscript/proofs or copies of books sent...
George S. Gordon receives a copy of The Hobbit as requested by Tolkien. It is assumed that with any manuscript/proofs or copies of books sent that a cov...
Childe is sent a copy of The Hobbit which had been requested by Tolkien. Childe writes to thank Tolkien and offer his congratulations on the publication...
GA&U sends a copy of The Hobbit to Tolkien's cousin, Marjorie Incledon at his request. It is assumed that with any manuscript/proofs or copies of b...
GA&U send Mary Incledon, Tolkien's cousin, a copy of The Hobbit as requested by him. It is assumed that with any manuscript/proofs or copies of boo...
Christopher Tolkien writes to Father Christmas. He mentions his fathers new book, The Hobbit, remarking that their father had written "it ages ago&...
Allen & Unwin had sent copies of The Hobbit to various authors in order to solicit reviews. Hughes's response was used for publicity materials to a...
Hilary's Aunt Mabel writes in reply to his letter. She has been unwell for quite some time and is only able to travel short distances. She hopes to...
Young Christopher writes a letter to Father Christmas (likely in early December) where he describes how his father (JRR Tolkien) read The Hobbit to him ...
E.V. Gordon writes to Kenneth Sisam after receiving Tolkien's letter. Tolkien and he will attempt to reduce the Pearl manuscript for publication bu...
Father Christmas writes to Christopher and Priscilla, "and other old friends at 20 Northmoor Road" for Christmas 1937. He remarks that is is 1...
Houghton Mifflin Co. send the five colour illustrations to GA&U discussed late in 1937.
Edith sends her condolences for the death of Ida's husband, E. V. Gordon.
Father Christmas writes to Priscilla, wishing her and everyone in the house a Merry Christmas. FC says that neither he nor Ilbereth have had time to dra...
On Boxing Day, Father Christmas sends Priscilla a second letter including a copy of a Beatrix Potter book of paintings, remarking that it is the last. P...
Writing to GA&U, Wrenn notes the chaotic nature of the Clark Hall Beowulf volume and asks for more time to complete the work. He includes the introducti...
Replying to Wrenn's letter, C.A. Furth agrees to Wrenn having more time to sort and edit the Clark Hall Beowulf. He asks if it would be cheaper to ...
In reply to Furth's letter questioning whether Tolkien has made progress with the preface for the Clark Hall Beowulf, Wrenn says he will mention th...
Edith writes to Alan Rook to invite him and Mr. St. John to visit the Tolkien's next Sunday. Alan Rook (1909-1990) a student at Oxford in the 1930s...
Writing to his wife, Charles Willians notes that Tolkien and Lewis have asked him to lecture at Magdalen next term if he's still around at that time.
Writing to his brother, W.H. Lewis, C.S. Lewis tells of an evening spent with Tolkien, Charles Williams, and C.L.Wrenn discussing matters of the bible. ...
Tolkien and other members of the Inklings meet at the Eastgate Hotel on 9 November. Lewis gives details on the night to his brother Warren. Among readin...
Father Christmas writing to Priscilla is glad she sent him two letters. He hopes that her "Bingo family" have a "jolly Christmas". H...
Charles Williams, writing to his wife, says that Tolkien and Lewis are taking him to the Divinity School at Oxford tomorrow. Note that Wayne Hammond and...
C.S. Lewis writing to his brother Warren gives him updates on happenings, and among them a meeting of the Inklings.
W.N. Beard writes to Wrenn. Tolkien has suggested that 'Finnsburg', be changed to 'Finnesburg' in the title of the book, Beowulf and...
Mary Incledon replies to Hilary. She has been unwell and cannot see people for long. If he wishes to visit her next Friday she would be delighted but if...
Hammond and Scull note that there is a meeting of the English Final Honour School examiners on 13-14 July 1940, on which Warnie writes on the 20 July, g...
Walter Incledon, Uncle to Hilary and Ronald writes upon the death of Mary a couple of days previous. He is concerned about the mortgage in Mary's n...
Hilary's Aunt Florence, who lives in Victoria BC, Canada, writes offering sympathies for the current situation in Europe. Letters are taking betwee...
Very brief note from Polar Bear telling the children that Father Christmas says "O.K." with a correction by Father Christmas who actually said...
Polar Bear writes a short note to Priscilla. He is glad she is back, and says that messages arrived to him on Saturday that the Tolkien house was empty....
Father Christmas writes wishing Priscilla a Merry Christmas. He asks her to send his love to Christopher. He says that thye are having a hard time, and ...
Father Christmas is pleased that Priscilla wrote to him this year. He describes events at the North Pole and a great battle between Goblins, snowboys, P...
A letter to Onions thanking him for his criticisms and how they were useful in making changes, hoping that Onions finds 'improvement in the papers&...
Writing to Priscilla, Father Christmas mentions that Polar Bear could not find a letter from her this year. He also says that has been no trouble with t...
Forged letter purporting to be from 1943 (dated by an internal reference to Priscilla being fourteen) describing how Tolkien wrote the Lord of the Rings...
Margaret Douglas writes to Raymond Hunt on the matter of Tolkien's 'On Fairy Stories' which she is typing up for him. Margaret Douglas wo...
Hilary's Aunt Florence writes from Victoria BC, Canada to wish them all well for the Christmas period. She talks on world events, and notes her reg...
Tolkien sends the last of his Father Christmas Letters to Priscilla. He offers some comfort on the War situation and offers his love to all his children...
Lewis thanks Brady for a review of his works, and talks about Tolkien, who he describes as "a very great man". "His published works (both...
In this letter to the Evening Despatch of Birmingham, Michael specifies that he does not belong to any particular political party and that his is an int...
Writing to Charles Brady, C. S. Lewis makes mention of Tolkien and his Hobbit books. He mentions that a sequel to the Hobbit will soon be finished. He d...
The name of J.A.W. Bennett had come up in relation to the still unfinished Clarendon Chaucer. Sisam is inclined to leave it though as Tolkien is still a...
Dr Warfield M. Firor was an American friend of C.S. Lewis, and he sent a ham to Lewis during rationing in the UK. The following 'Inklings' sen...
No details of this letter are known. It is held at the Wade Center. Noted as "(collection) L-Allen (date) May 12, 1948 (sender) Christopher Tolkien...
Ronald Eames writes various artists, among them is Pauline Baynes, a young artist who will go on to illustrate many Tolkien books and become a life-long...
Roland Suffield, Uncle to Hilary and Ronald, writes to Hilary wishing them all the best for Christmas. He encloses some postal orders for the children. ...
Magdalen Tolkien writes to her son, Gabriel. She reports that Paul, his younger brother, has won three prizes at school in the sports day. She reports o...
Christopher sends a late report on his student Cazes term work. He is overall very impressed.
At a Committee meeting for the W.P. Ker Lecture, it was decided to invite Professor Tolkien to give a talk at the 1952-1953 event.
C.S. Lewis writes to the 'Grittletonians' recommending Tolkien's The Hobbit.
Advert from The Evening Times (later Glasgow times) for the W.P. Ker Lecture by J.R.R. Tolkien, to be given on the 15th April 1953.
A letter from Simonne d'Ardenne addressed to the 'Faculty' dated May 27, 1953, proposing J.R.R. Tolkien's candidacy for an honorary ...
Writing to Dan Davin, Sisam describes Tolkien as "a rogue." He bemoans Tolkien's delays on a number of titles, remarking that Tolkien &qu...
GA&U sent Arthur Ransome a copy of The Fellowship of the Ring asking him to review it. Included was a short note: "I am sending you a set of uncorr...
Briggs very much enjoyed reading The Fellowship of the Ring and asks if the next book will be published by Christmas. She had issues with the changes to...
Briggs thanks Tolkien for his reply (#TCGLetter1712) to her first letter (#TCGLetter1715). She looks forward to The Two Towers and The Return of the Kin...
George Allen & Unwin offer a review copy of The Fellowship of the Ring for possible translation into Italian by Arnolda Monadori Editors. They mention t...
Arnoldo Mondadori Editore ask for a copy of The Fellowship of the Ring and The Two Towers to decide if they wish to print an Italian translation.
Writing to the Italian publisher, Arnoldo Mondadori Editore, the Foreign Rights Department of GA&U note their pleasure at the publishers consideration t...
Arnoldo Mondadori Editore (Milan) writes thanking George Allen & Unwin for copies of the Fellowship of the Ring and the Two Towers. They have been sent ...
This internal readers report offers various points on The Lord of the Rings while it is being considered for piblication in Italian. In conclusion, the ...
An internal 'Readers report' on the Two Towers from Anoldo Mondadori Editore reading committee giving the book a glowing report.
Arnoldo Mondadori Editore turn down publishing The Lord of the Rings as they don't think "that a work of this kind could appeal to a great num...
Roger Lloyd writes to an unknown recipient about his thoughts on The Lord of the Rings and information that he had heard from his friend Philip Unwin ab...
Lewis thanks Brady for a review in the America magazine of his Narnia stories. Lewis remarks that he expected young readers to unconsciously get the the...
C.S. Lewis writes to C.A. Brady and talks about Dorothy Sayers, Charles Williams and J.R.R. Tolkien and his influence on them. "And as for anyone i...
Bertram Rota writes to William Ready considering the sale of Tolkien's manuscripts to Marquette University.
C.S. Lewis writes to a young reader thanking her for her letter on her enjoyment of his Narnia stories. He says that he too enjoys Nesbit and notes furt...
Rayner Unwin writes to Forrest J. Ackerman, to ask if he is still interested in the film project of the Lord of the Rings. He is holding a letter with c...
This letter, held at the Marquette archives from Rayner Unwin to the archives of The J.R.R. Tolkien Collection concerned corrections for the Return of t...
Rayner Unwin sends Tolkien's unfinished letter intended for Forrest J. Ackerman to their Hollywood agent.
Joy Hill writes to a H. Coomer enclosing the address for J.R.R. Tolkien along with a signed thank-you card from Tolkien himself. She says that they do n...
Edgar Carter of Allen & Unwin's Hollywood agents sends Tolkien's two pages from his unfinished letter of April or May to Forrest J. Ackerman. ...
After Lewis had suggested Lucy Matthews to read The Lord of the Rings, she wrote to Lewis again and he replied saying that she had "got it exactly ...
Tolkien's secretary, Miss A.M. Hope writes to Rayner Unwin to inform him that Tolkien is in hospital and will be unable to attend the Playhour meet...
Phyllis Potter, a friend of Hilary's Aunt Jane (Neave) writes to him on her behalf. Jane is currently unwell and is under observation for the next ...
The letter contains a printed statement about The Lord of the Rings and a typed paragraph stating that he is "working on a new book which I hope wi...
Kenneth Sisam writes to Dan Davin many years after the Clarendon Chaucer had been abandoned saying that it would be very complicated for someone else to...
Marjorie Incledon writes in reply to Julian Tolkien's birthday wishes. She is pleased that he is enjoying home life and mentions Hilary's sket...
A series of letters found at the University of Reading GA&U archives. Consisting of 144 items. Not all of these letters are concerned with Tolkien but s...
A series of letters found at the University of Reading GA&U archives. Consisting of 172 items, not all of which concern Tolkien. Among the subjects disc...
A series of letters found at the University of Reading GA&U archives. Consisting of 28 items. Among the subjects of these letters concerns the export of...
C.S. Lewis writes to the Swedish Academy. He believes that J.R.R. Tolkien deserves the Nobel Prize in literature and nominates him for the award. A phot...
C.S. Lewis is surprised that Father Dominic thinks The Lord of the Rings "has not caught on".
Angela Tolkien writes to her mother on the news that she now has a baby brother. She wishes it was a girl but would like the baby to be called Paul Domi...
A reading committee report to the Mondadori headquarters speaks negatively of the Lord of the Rings. The reader described the book as "banal... and...
Rayner Unwin writes offering Pauline Baynes the job of illustrating The Adventures of Tom Bombadil and Other Verses from the Red Book. This will include...
GA&U write to the Italian publisher Arnoldo Mondadori Editore on the subject of publishing the Italian translation of The Lord of the Rings. Given are d...
Mondadori write to Alina Dedlez at GA&U thanking her for the copies sent of the Lord of the Rings and asks for details of what option they intend to gra...
In reply to a letter to GA&U, they reply that holding onto the books is fine. They ask that a decision be made within two months but that if more time i...
Ronald Eames of George Allen & Unwin writes to Pauline Baynes. They are delighted with the first instalment for The Adventures of Tom Bombadil and Other...
Allen & Unwin write to Pauline Baynes regarding a mock-up for the new book.
Cin Calabi of Arnoldo Mondadori writes to George Allen & Unwin asking if they could have more time to consider The Lord of the Rings as holidays, etc ha...
In reply to a request for more time to consider the Lord of the Rings, Alina Dadlez replies that the end of September will be fine and asks if they may ...
An internal memo noting that they are considering once again the Lord of the Rings after having turned it down in 1955. Various translations are noted, ...
This internal letter forms the basis of the letter which will be sent to Stanley Unwin declining the invitation to translate and publish the Lord of the...
Jane Neave writes to Hilary and Madgalen Tolkien. She enjoyed a visit with them. She felt very much at home. Jane wants to transfer some shares to them ...
An internal note about the possibility of publishing the Lord of the Rings. Details various mentions from other letters about the success of the book, t...
Mario Mattolini sends this internal letter making the decision to not move forward with the Lord of the Rings.
Writing to Stanley Unwin, Cin Calabi of the Italian publisher Arnoldo Mondadori Editore, gives Stanley Unwin the news that the publisher is declining th...
Aunt Jane writes further on the shares she wishes to have transferred to Hilary. A new certificate will be issued, and she mentions various matters on i...
Christopher applies for a fellowship in English Language at New College.
Lewis responds to a letter from Ed Meskys, who had asked for permission to reprint Lewis's poem "The End of the Wine" in Niekas, and also...
Christopher is granted a Fellowship at New College.
Christopher thanks for the Warden of New College for his Fellowship.
Colin Brookes-Smith writes to Hilary Tolkien on matters of finance. He has asked Tucker (family lawyer) to detail the usual rulings on dividend and inte...
Writing to Hilary, Colin Brookes-Smith discussses various financial matters related to the family.
Having met during the Graves's stay in Oxford, the Tolkiens send their thanks for parting gifts of flowers and wine. This letter is held within the...
No details of this letter are known. It is held at the Wade.
Hilary writes to his son. He remarks on the sunny weather and mentions the plants that are startung to show. He says that "Mum's leg" is ...
Tolkien apologizes for not responding sooner, and declines to provide an article for a student newspaper. The typed letter is signed by his secretary, n...
Rayner Unwin says that the artwork for the Lord of the Rings have been safely collected, they look marvellous, Rayner will take to Tolkien as soon as ca...
Rayner Unwin of GA&U writing to Pauline Baynes, as "said in my scribbled postscript we all of us are entranced by your design for the box of The Lo...
This letter was from Tolkien to school children in Germany. Tolkien remarks that he "was particularly interested to know that you have not only rea...
An example of brief stock letters that would be sent with Tolkien's written signature to readers who had sent letters to Tolkien. It reads "Th...
Edith thanks Sterling Lanier, who had mailed five of his figurines to Professor Tolkien. Tolkien likes some of them, especially the Dwarf.
Rayner Unwin replies to a letter from Ed Meskys saying the Silmarillion will not be published for many years but that Sir Gawain and Pearl could be publ...
This letter is dated 11 May 1965 and was originally a stock reply to a letter of appreciation. Tolkien discovers the letter on 4 October, when he adds a...
From 'A Song For J.R.R. Tolkien' from The Antioch Review p. 42: "I received a reply dated 20 May 1965, addressed to St. Leonard's Ha...
Tolkien's secretary replies to fan letter thanking Mr. Eder for his letters and pictures of stained glass windows. He enjoyed seeing them. He also ...
This is a stock reply letter but Tolkien adds that he is hindered in writing the Silmarillion because of having to revise The Lord of the Rings to fight...
Tolkien's secretary replies to a fan letter, and then Tolkien adds some details in pen. The reader had asked if another book would be published and...
Wollheim tells Scott that he had offered Tolkien a settlement previously, this appears to be an outright lie, one which Tolkien figured out a few weeks ...
No details of this letter are known but it is almost certainly in regard to the ACE Books edition of The Lord of the Rings. It is held at the Wade.
Stanley Unwin sends a copy of the limited edition book Sir Stanley Unwin - The Celebration of his 80th Birthday to journalist Penning-Rowsell, which con...
No details are currently known from this letter. It is held at the Wade.
A 1965 Stock Letter and an apology from Tolkien for not having time for a longer answer.
A 1965 Stock Letter and an apology from Tolkien for not having time for a longer answer.
Secretarial letter to Sergeant Ridolfo thanking him for his kind words about reading and enjoying Tolkien's books.
Secretarial letter to Mr Porthouse wirth mention that Tolkien's next book will be The Silmarillion.
Joy Hill writes to Pamela Chandler. She mentions that if Chandler should sell any photographs of Tolkien she should perhaps mention it to him. She then ...
Joy Hill writes to Professor Johnson who is planning a lecture on Tolkien. She gives him some details on Tolkien's parents and also thanks him for ...
Tolkien thanks Wheeler for sending a copy of Rally.
Ediths remarks on Chandlers visit to Aylesbury and "The Bull". Thanks her for some photos. She remarks that their daughter Priscilla stopped i...
Joy Hill writes to Pamela Chandler. She is delighted by the photos taken of Tolkien and could not take them all in given the amount. She mentions that t...
Edith Tolkien sends a short note to Pamela Chandler saying that they are anxious to see the photos before they go away at the end of the week. Reports a...
Joy Hill writes to Pamela Chandler saying that Tolkien is pleased with the photographs and that if the letter reaches her before she sees Tolkien again,...
Secretarial letter to Mr Rasmussen. Tolkien mentions in a handwritten note that if the recipient is using a modern steel bow, then they "should be ...
Alan Formhals invented a letter to Chris (presumably Christopher Tolkien) about the contents of #TCGLetter665, and dated it the day before the real lett...
Edith is very happy with the photos that Pamela has taken. She discusses her Christmas in Abingdon with Christopher and their grandson Simon.
Pamela Chandler writes thanking Tolkien for the card and wishes for Christmas. The Weekend Telegraph have asked her if she illustrate an article using n...
Edith writes thanking Pamela Chandler for writing. It is the Professor's 75th birthday and he has received many cards, letters, and telegrams. Chan...
GA&U write to Mario Ubaldini of the publishers, Casa Editrice Agtrolabio-Ubaldini Editore, with details of Tolkien's The Lord of the Rings. They gi...
Olney (Houghton Mifflin) sends a sample illustration from Maurice Sendak to Hill at George Allen & Unwin, intended for the proposed American deluxe edit...
Unwin will show the Maurice Sendak Hobbit artwork to Tolkien in early February, and will try to talk to him about making some embellishments for The Roa...
Rayner had visited with Tolkien on 16 February, and shown him the Maurice Sendak Hobbit art piece proposed for a Houghton Mifflin deluxe illustrated edt...
Ubaldini Editore s.r.l have decided to publish The Lord of the Rings in Italian and enquire about the terms.
Christopher explains the origin of the Tolkien name to William Ready, and gives a brief account of his siblings and himself. Ready's book was chall...
Barbara Maher of Britannica writes to Pamela Chandler saying that they had obtained a photo of Tolkien to use in their 1967 Britannica Book of the Year....
Writing to Alina Dadlez of GA&U, Mario Ubaldini encloses the signed copy of the contract for the Lord of the Rings. He asks for Tolkien's address s...
Alina Dadlez of GA&U sends Mario Ubaldini a countersigned copy of the contract for the Italian translation of the Lord of the Rings, noting they have re...
Alina Dadlez writes to Mario Ubaldini to inform him that she has sent the illustrations by Pauline Baynes in a packaet, seperate to this letter. They ar...
A printed secretarial letter.
Rayner writes to Mr Hooton about The Silmarillion. He describes Tolkien as "a perfectionist" and does not expect publication for a few years. ...
Priscilla Tolkien writes to Pamela Chandler confirming that she would be delighted to see her for lunch. She gives directions and mentions that her brot...
Unsigned compliments slip on embossed Sandfield Road stationary.
Priscilla writes thanking Pamela for her letter and mentions how lovely it was to see her. She offers a bed in future if she would like to stay.
Press release from GA&U about Smith of Wootton Major, The Road Goes Ever On and the vinyl record The Poems and Songs of Middle-earth.
This letter from the publisher, Casa Editrice Astrolabio, to their bank instructing them to transfer the advance payment (£225) for their contract with...
Ronald Eames of GA&U writes to Pauline Baynes. Her illustrations for Smith of Wootton Major are delightful. He is certain Tolkien will be pleased. he ag...
Alina Dadlez writes to Mario Ubaldini in reply to his request for another copy of The Lord of the Rings. It is also mentioned that if they wish to use P...
Alina Dadlez writes to Mario Ubaldini offering his publisher Tolkien's next book, Smith of Wootton Major to publish in Italian. Should it prove too...
Tolkien's Italian publisher writes to Allen & Unwin about publishing Smith of Wootton Major, which they are interested in doing.
Tolkien's secretary Phyllis Jenkinson writes to Pamela about her photos. Edith and her husband are ill and too tired to write immediately and will ...
Edith apologises for taking so long to reply but Tolkien has been very ill with a virus. he remains in bed. She remarks that she would like six of the s...
Casa Editrice Astrolabio sends flyers to Caro Venturini asking that they be distributed among their booksellers. He notes that it is upto them to make t...
Edith thanks Pamela for her letter and remarks that she is happy that she is busy and has plenty of work. Tolkien, with much care is feeling much better...
Edith is delighted by the photographs and writes to thank Pamela for them. Tolkien is much better now, but easily becomes tired. Priscilla will be visit...
Tolkien apologizes for a secretarial letter, and says he cannot help with the matter of books for children, as he doesn't really like children&apos...
Marjorie Incledon (known as Mink), writes to Julian thanking him for his letter and the silk scarf which he sent her for Christmas. She gives family det...
Tove Hansen, of the Danish publishers of Tolkien's publications writes a letter to Pamela Chandler. She asks for a small selection of photographs s...
A stock reply to Mr. Wettach thanking him for his letter.
Tolkien was asked about his memories of Miss Walker's grandfather, Paul Barbier.
Pamela Chandler writes to Tove Hansen apologizing for her delay in reply and encloses a selection of photographs for their consideration. She asks for t...
Tolkien's secretary acknowledges receipt of Johnston's booklet The Poetry of J.R.R. Tolkien. This letter is held at the Wade.
On June 5th, Colin Smythe had replied to Tolkien, saying that he would be delighted to have a poem on Westernesse. This response sent back to Smythe was...
A short note giving details of a radio slot to publicise the Lord of the Rings which included an attachment with the review as read on radio. This revie...
Smythe had written back to Tolkien on July 1 saying that he was sorry to hear about Tolkien's accident, and sending along a copy of his latest publ...
On October 22, Smythe sent a note to Tolkien's secretary asking to remind Tolkien. In this response, Tolkien's secretary says that she has rem...
Tolkien's secretary, Joy Hill, returns Brian Sibley's copy of The Adventures of Tom Bombadil, which Tolkien has signed and hand-corrected one ...
Joy Hill writes to Michael Bell on behalf of Tolkien. She thanks him for his letter. She says that Tolkien is currently very busy and asks Mr. Bell&apos...
Tolkien's secretary writes to Smythe that Tolkien has apologised for not being able to help at the moment, because he is engrossed in days before M...
On March 1st, Smythe wrote a full summary of the events so far to Joy Hill. In this response, Joy Hill says that Tolkien could not find any complete mat...
On March 7, Smythe wrote that he understands Tolkien's inability to contribute a poem, but Smythe would rather see The Silmarillion be published in...
Christopher writes to Mr Lobdell about his questions concerning his father. Did Christopher influence the Lord of the Rings? Is the dwarves' langua...
Rayner Unwin of GA&U writes to Pauline Baynes. The poster of the map of Middle-earth in The Lord of the Rings has had enormous success. Allen & Unwin wo...
Christopher answers questions about the Inklings.
Edith writes to Maria and Tom, apologizing for not giving directions to the Hotel Miramar. They will visit the Tolkien's on Monday and their son Jo...
Bookshops that pre-ordered 100 copies of the 1968 one volume paperback edition of The Lord of the Rings, were also sent a signed copy. The Students&apos...
Bengt Söderhäll of Sweden writes to Pauline Baynes praising her illustrations in books by Tolkien. Since it is impossible to write a personal letter t...
On September 30, Smythe wrote to Joy Hill one final time, sending one of his publications and regretting that the poem idea could not get off the ground...
Christopher apologizes for the length of time taken to reply to Mr Lobdell's letter.
GA&U Press Release: "George Allen & Unwin Ltd are pleased to announce the sale of the film and certain allied rights in J.R.R. Tolkien's famou...
George Allen & Unwin press release announcing the news that the film rights for The Lord of the Rings have been sold to United Artists.
Joy Hill writes to Pauline Baynes, she says that one day last week she produced 44 letters for Tolkien. Rayner Unwin will see her poster A Map of Middle...
Pauline's A Map of Middle-earth is a masterpiece writes Rayner Unwin, as he believes Tolkien himself has already told her. Rayner did not write dow...
This letter was published in the letter column of the January 1970 issue (Volume Two, Number One) of Carandaith, the journal of the Australian Tolkien S...
Ernest Shepard was asked to illustrate The Lord of the Rings, but declines, as he has not read the book. He recommends a fellow illustrator in his place...
Tolkien sends a typed reply to Paul apologising for not replying more personally. he has moved from Oxford to devote more time to completing The Silmari...
Joy Hill writes to filmmaker John Boorman at Tolkien's request. Tolkien is sorry that Boorman has been ill, and hopes that Boorman will be able to ...
John Boorman writes to Tolkien's secretary, apologizing for not being able to meet in person with Professor Tolkien and their mutual friend Father ...
John Boorman writes to his friend, the Reverend John Maguire of the Reading University Catholic Chaplaincy, who knows Tolkien. The three men had been pl...
Joy Hill has read Boorman's letter to Tolkien over the phone, and Tolkien hopes Boorman is now feeling better and looks forward to meeting him. He ...
Boorman thanks Joy Hill for writing , and offers to come visit her in the George Allen & Unwin offices on the 13th of July. He would love to talk to her...
Boorman writes to Father Maguire. Boorman has arranged to meet up with Tolkien in August, sadly when Maguire is out of town. Boorman will let him know h...
Boorman apologizes for not being able to meet with Joy Hill during his visit to London. He was too busy dealing with United Artists and the launch of hi...
Joy Hill writes to confirm scheduling just discussed in a phone call. Boorman will meet with Rayner Unwin on Monday 17th August, and Tolkien in Bournemo...
Boorman writes to Tolkien's secretary (in her role as Press Officer for George Allen & Unwin), saying that he had hoped United Artists would have g...
Joy Hill thanks Boorman for letting her know that United Artists haven't greenlit the film yet. She looks forward to hearing when the project is re...
Rayner Unwin to Pauline Baynes writes that A Map of Middle-earth is selling well, and they already plan a reprint. They are now thinking of a poster map...
Edith writes to family friend Mollie Cowling. Giving updates on family, and her health. Members of the family had been on a trip to Canada for five week...
Rayner Unwin to Pauline Baynes says that GA&U are very happy to commission the Hobbit map, entitled There and Back Again] as soon as she can fit it in, ...
Rayner Unwin comments that they are delighted that Baynes will do the Hobbit map entitled 'There and Back Again'. There is no urgency and a fe...
Joy Hill thanks Austin Olney for presents sent to Tolkien by Houghton Mifflin.
Writing to Julian Tolkien, Marjorie Incledon gives news on her health, and a friend who has now been moved to a nursing home. She hopes that he feels be...
Joy Hill writes to filmmaker John Boorman, saying she had tried to call him on the phone but he had evidently already left the country. She is hoping to...
Secretarial Letter to Mr Huggett. Tolkien is said to be too far from a post office, and too busy writing another book (The Silmarillion) to autograph bo...
Joy Hill has recently heard from an American publisher (either Ballantine or Houghton Mifflin) that the film is moving forward, and asks for an update f...
Tolkien's secretary writes to Mrs Gould and sends a signature to put into her book. They put the wrong address on the envelope, but in those days t...
Tolkien sends a standard form reply to Mr. Trimmer, apologising for not being able to write anything personal as he is working on The Silmarillion. This...
Boorman is about to begin filming of "Deliverance", and hopes to be able to have news about The Lord of the Rings film in late July. It still ...
Joy Hill thanks Boorman for writing , and looks forward to hearing from him again when he returns near the end of July.
Tolkien apologises for not sending a personal reply and explains that he is to busy with the Silmarillion to answer personal questions.
Joy Hill tries to dissuade a student from writing his thesis about The Lord of the Rings due to the immense amount of unpublished material he doesn&apos...
Rayner Unwin has sent via Joy Hill blowups from the The Lord of the Rings of area the There and Back Again map would need to cover. It has much some det...
Rayner Unwin notes that GA&U are delighted with There and Back Again map and that Tolkien is unqualified in his praise. 'He loved your visit . . . ...
Rayner Unwin is quite happy with the different method of payment but is re-sending the cheque for £150 that she returned to him. He outlines new method...
Priscilla Tolkien sends Pauline Baynes a postcard, inviting her and her husband Fritz to attend an at Home with buffet lunch at Priscilla's house o...
Priscilla writes to her mother's friend, Mollie Cowling, in Melbourne, Australia, with news of her mother's death, funeral and burial in Wolve...
Marjorie Incledon (Aunt Mink), writes to Julian to wish him a happy new year. Like him, she could not make Edith's funeral but has spoken with Chri...
L. Mason writes to Hilary with thanks for his memories of Mason's sister. he notes that his daughter is called Hilary and mentions a funny story of...
Tolkien was sent a small gift but was smashed to bits during the delivery.
Letter from Tolkien's secretary to a fan.
Miss Sadlier asked for an autograph, but Tolkien states that he gets so many requests that these are now only for friends and family. Though he does sen...
William H. Tait, writing to the Old Edwardians Gazette offering a personal rememberance of a time around July 1909 when he, Tolkien and six others from ...
From Marquette: "Speech by the Public Orator," speech given at the presentation of an honorary Degree of Doctor of Letters to J. R. R. Tolkien...
L. Mason writes asking Hilary if he knows if his letter to his brother, JRRT, has been received. He sent it to Merton College.
Kilby writes to Bill, saying that he has copies of the letters from J.R.R. Tolkien to Roger Verhulst.
A photocopy/form letter on Ballantine Books letterhead sent in response to a fan letter. The letter thanks David for writing and for his enthusiasm, and...
Joy Hill responds to a fan query about The Silmarillion, saying that for death duty (tax) reasons, it cannot be published while he is alive.
Tolkien's secretary writing on behalf of Tolkien, states that he is very busy and cannot write letters currently.
Tolkien's secretary writes that Tolkien is sadly too busy to send letters and autographs.
Reply of thanks. Mention of The Silmarillion being "far from complete".
A secretarial letter sent from Ballantine Books, with an unknown person having written Tolkien's name at the signature line. Tolkien did not condon...
The editor of the School Magazine asks Blackwell's for permission to reprint Tolkien's poem 'Goblin Feet'.
This letter to Bruce Charlton, a well-known Tolkien researcher was in reply to questions asked by him. Tolkien did not answer any of his questions excep...
A secretarial letter sent from Ballantine Books, with an unknown person having written Tolkien's name at the signature line. Tolkien did not condon...
Tolkien's secretary informs a British fan that the writer that he had written a play, The Homecoming of Beorthnoth, published in America as part of...
Marjorie writes to Hilary thanking him for visiting her. She gives him news on her leg, whoch the doctors have said must be amputated given her age and ...
Joy Hill informs Mr Abetts of Tolkien's death but states that he was able to read the letter that Mr Abetts had sent.
Hilary writes to Messrs Farrington & WHite on matters of Marjorie Incledon's will after her death in November. He asks if his eldest son, Gabriel, ...
Christopher writes to Rayner Unwin on the subject of publishing his father's translation of Sir Gawain. He cannot find any notes or material that w...
Hilary Tolkien writes to the Registrar General, Bloemfontein to request information on his birth. It appears that this was required in order for Hilary ...
Christopher agrees to produce a new version of Notes on Nomenclature and for Lobdell to publish them in his book A Tolkien Compass.
Christopher Tolkien writes to Robert Burchfield including a book that should have been returned to him.
Humphrey Carpenter writes to Hilary Tolkien on matters of family history. He encloses a photo of Hilary, Ronald, their Uncle Edwin and some unnamed boys...
Humphrey Carpenter writes in reply to Hilary Tolkien to thank him for details on his and his brothers early life. he remarks that in the time since his ...
Christopher acknowledges a letter from GA&U about his account with the company.
An early press release from the American publisher in advance of The Silmarillion release later in the year. It describes the material that will be cove...
Kilby, curator of the Wade Center archives, responds to a query about his book Tolkien and the Silmarillion, offering to have the College Bookstore mail...
Humphrey Carpenter writing to Dr. Havard, thanks him for his comments which appear to speak highly of his work on Tolkien. He notes that his next book w...
Christopher Tolkien replies to Francisco Perrúa, the Spanish translator of his fathers work, 6 months after he received a letter from him about his wor...
Carpenter writes to Sir Patrick Brown asking if he may have any letters from J.R.R. Tolkien. Sir Partick sends #TCGLetter430
Humphrey Carpenter writes to Sir Patrick Browne thanking him for his letter, with an enclosed copy of a letter from Tolkien. That letter was used in the...
Rayner Unwin thanks Bernie Zuber and the membership of the World Science Fiction Convention for awarding J.R.R. Tolkien with the "Gandalf Award&quo...
Christopher Tolkien replies to Perrúa who had written to tell him that he had handed over the work of Las Dos Toores to Senora Matilde Horne. Christoph...
Humphrey Carpenter writes to Professor Boyer, thanking him for sending in photostats of letters from J.R.R. Tolkien for potential inclusion in the volum...
Pauline Baynes replies to a reader and says she will be delighted to sign the "Map of Narnia" for them. She mentions that it was she who sugge...
In his preface to Beren and Luthien, Christopher Tolkien gave Rayner Unwin an update on the work he had been involved with. He told him about his curren...
Carpenter writes to Pamela Chandler about fees for translations and did not know that she had letters from Tolkien, which he would love to include in a ...
Review of the Letters of J.R.R. Tolkien
Tony Davison writes to Humphrey Carpenter after reading The Letters of J.R.R. Tolkien and J.R.R. Tolkien: A Biography. Davison had asked Carpenter if he...
Tony Davison writes to Rayner Unwin. He asks about various matters after reading the Letters of J.R.R. Tolkien and Biography, including on future public...
Humphrey thanks Tony for his letter about Tolkien's Biography and Letters. He does not think that anyone would be interested in a second volume, wh...
In reply to a letter to Christopher Tolkien, Rayner Unwin gives some details of a possible publication of the Book of Lost Tales and says that the manus...
Christopher is asked some questions about the Unfinished Tales. He writes about the identity of the Nazgûl and about Ar-Pharazôn. He also mentions tha...
No details are currently known from this letter. It is held at the Wade.
Christopher Tolkien writes to Marquette University regarding his fathers manuscripts saying that "clearly, the integration of the two sets of paper...
This open letter from Rayner Unwin was sent to various booksellers and members of the press, outlining the planned marketing blitz that would be coming ...
Rayner Unwin writes to Jorges Quiñónez stating he too was surprised to read of a new letters volume from Unwin Hyman. Jorges had investigated the rumo...
Postcard sent by Christopher to Wynne in the course of their correspondence about Tolkien's invented languages. Christopher sent a small quote from...
Timothy J. Wheeler writes to Christopher saying that he has copies of RALLY Magazine for him, and others including Marquette. Plus he has found a charco...
Priscilla had met some of the Norwegian participants at the Centenary Conference in Oxford, where they had presented to her a copy of Angerthas in Engli...
Christopher Tolkien discusses a detail in a letter from Mr. Livesey saying that "The difficulty with the explanantion you propose is that following...
Little is know of this letters contents except rough guesses that it involves a description of volume 11 of The History of Middle-earth.
Christopher Tolkien replies to a fax from Hostetter and Fleiger about their upcoming book, Tolkien's Legendarium: Essays on The History of Middle-e...
Christopher writes and remarks on the covers of La Caida de Númenor, approving of Ted Nasmith's paintings. In an undated letter he says that he is...
Christopher Tolkien writes thanking Perrúa "very much indeed for two copies of El Amillo de Morgoth."
Priscilla writes to Anne about "Elizabeth's death" and her funeral. It is almost certain that "Elizabeth" is Elizabeth Jennings...
Christopher Tolkien writes to an unknown reader thanking them for "their generous words". He says that his work on his "father's man...
Made up letter by Allan Formhals.
This forgery purports to be the first line of Éalá Éarendel Engla Beorhtast It was forged by Allan Formhals.
This is a forged letter by Allan Formhals to a made up Doctor Higgins.
A forged letter by Allan Formhals purporting to be to Pauline Baynes (Mrs Gasch).
A forged letter based on #TCGLetter128, mentioning 'moon-lather' and having other obvious misspellings and grammatical errors. Likely made by ...
Forged letter by Allan Formhals purporting to be from Tolkien.
Christopher had a statement printed in The Guardian about The History of Middle-earth.
Priscilla returns a loaned copy of Jon's book The Art of Ruth Draper and apologizes for keeping it "for far too long". She says one of he...
Ballantine wrote this typed noted to accompany the sale of an original Barbara Remington black & white concept art piece for the cover of The Hobbit, gi...
Guide to Tolkien's Letters
Not to or from J. R. R. Tolkien
(441 letters match)1892
4 January 1892
Arthur Tolkien to Mary Jane Tolkien (Stowe)
J.R.R. Tolkien's father, Arthur, writes to his mother, Mary Jane, to inform her of his sons birth the previous day.
14 November 1892
Arthur Tolkien to John Benjamin Tolkien
Arthur Tolkien writes to his father from his and Mabel's home in South Africa to give an update on family life, especially news of a very "sha...
4 March 1893
Mabel Tolkien to John Benjamin Tolkien and Mary Jane Tolkien
Mabel Tolkien, J.R.R. Tolkien's mother, writes to her husband's parents saying that John Ronald does not go outside in the daytime due to the ...
18 February 1894
Arthur Tolkien to John Benjamin Tolkien & Mary Jane Tolkien
Arthur Tolkien writing to his parents sends the delightful news of his second son, Hilary's birth. He talks at length of Mabel's recovery whic...
24 March 1894
Arthur Tolkien to John Benjamin Tolkien
Arthur Tolkien writes to his father, John Benjamin Tolkien, informing him of life for his family in Bloemfontein, Orange Free State. He mentions the com...
16 July 1894
Mabel Tolkien to Roland Suffield
In a letter to her brother, Roland Suffield, Mabel sends news of life in Bloemfontein, Orange Free State with details of her two boys, Ronald and Hilary...
3 August 1894
Arthur Tolkien to John Benjamin Tolkien
Arthur writes to his father giving news of life in Bloemfontein, Orange Free State. He and Mabel had a gathering of friends for a musical evening. Some ...
Early (Spring) 1900
May Incledon to Mabel Tolkien
May Incledon writes to Mabel Tolkien on the subject of her prayers. Her and Mabel (her sister), were converting to be members of the Catholic chruch and...
Christmas 1903
Mabel Tolkien to Mary Jane Tolkien (Stowe)
Mabel writes to her two son's grandmother on the Tolkien side (mother of her late husband) enclosing drawings by the boys. They have worked on them...
Late July 1904
Mabel Tolkien to Mary Jane Tolkien (Stowe)
Mabel writes a letter to her mother-in-law saying that the boys look very well, especially compared to how they looked when they met her at the train st...
10 August 1909
Robert Quilter Gilson to Marianne Cary Gilson
Robert refers to his new step-mother as "Donna", the name he and his sister Molly have given to her when she married their father.
13 August 1912
Rob Gilson to Marianne Cary Gilson
Rob Gilson writes to his stepmother about spending time with Estelle King, daughter of a family friend, whom he finds "above the average interestin...
17 November 1912
Rob Gilson to Marianne Cary Gilson
Gilson writes to his stepmother about news from his school, Trinity College in Cambridge. He says he has joined the Cambridge Eugenics Society.
December 1912
Oxoniensis to The Editor (KESC)
A letter from an Old Edwardian at Oxford. Giving news of various people with news of happenings in various activities. On Tolkien it is remarked that he...
7 April 1913
Robert Quilter Gilson to Marianne Cary Gilson
Rob Gilson describes his trip with Frederick Scopes to sketch various churches in northern France around Easter the prior year in this letter and #TCGLe...
13 April 1913
Robert Quilter Gilson to Marianne Cary Gilson
Rob Gilson describes his trip with Frederick Scopes to sketch various churches in northern France around Easter the prior year in this letter and #TCGLe...
22 June 1913
Robert Quilter Gilson to Marianne Cary Gilson
Gilson writes that he had taken a copy of Milton's Paradise Lost to OTC camp, and met a like-minded friend who had brought a copy of Dante's I...
30 November 1913
Rob Gilson to Marriane Cary Gilson
Writing to his step-mother, Rob Gilson mentions that G.B. Smith and T.K. Barnsley have agreed to play on Tolkien's team in the Rugby football match...
31 December 1913
Emily Jane Suffield to Hilary Tolkien
Emily Jane Suffield writes to Hilary on New Years Eve wishing him well for the coming year and thanks him for his gift and letter for Christmas. She als...
17 February 1914
Rob Gilson to Marianne Cary Gilson
Rob Gilson writes to his stepmother, Marianne Cary Gilson after a weekend in Oxford with Christopher Wiseman, T.K. Barnsley, G.B. Smith and Tolkien. A s...
17 February 1914
Rob Gilson to Marriane Cary Gilson
Rob Gilson writes to his step-mother. He mentions members of the T.C.B.S. noting T.K. Barnsley, dominant in gathering with his wit and laconic expressio...
22 February 1914
Rob Gilson to Marriane Cary Gilson
Further to his letter of 17 February, Gilson talks more on the members of the T.C.B.S.
26 April 1914
Robert Quilter Gilson to Marianne Cary Gilson
Garth describes a typical meeting of T.C.B.S. where Wiseman would make it "hilarious and carefree", evidently described by Gilson in this letter.
22 May 1914
Rob Gilson to Marriane Cary Gilson
Writing to his step-mother, Rob Gilson tells her that Tolkien is "quite a great authority on etymology - an enthusiast".
4 October 1914
Robert Quilter Gilson to Estelle King
Gilson writes that Barnsley tried to persuade him to join the Old Edwardian recruits in the 'Birmingham Battalion'. He also says that his fath...
7 October 1914
Robert Quilter Gilson to Marianne Cary Gilson
Christopher Wiseman and Rob Gilson have gone to see the play Outcast, starring Gerald du Maurier.
1 November 1914
Robert Quilter Gilson to Marianne Cary Gilson
Gilson writes about a weekend visit by Smith to Cambridge, which Tolkien was invited to but unable to attend. Gilson was visited by Smith though, and th...
5 November 1914
Robert Quilter Gilson to Marianne Cary Gilson
Robert writes that the rifles used for training had been taken away for deployed soldiers to use.
9 November 1914
Robert Quilter Gilson to Marianne Cary Gilson
Gilson writes about how heroic F. L. Lucas is, and that the military lectures he has attended have shown him the "fearful responsibility" of a...
6 December 1914
Robert Quilter Gilson to Marianne Cary Gilson
Gilson has enlisted, and fears missing the four person T.C.B.S Council meeting fast approaching. Gilson says that GB Smith has also enlisted on December...
10 December 1914
Robert Quilter Gilson to Marianne Cary Gilson
Gilson has enlisted, and fears missing the four person T.C.B.S Council meeting fast approaching. Glison is now at his military camp at Cherry Hinton, ne...
13 February 1915
Robert Quilter Gilson to Marianne Cary Gilson
Gilson writes that while he previously was certain that the war would end in six months, he now would not be at all surprised if it lasted ten years.
4 March 1915
Robert Quilter Gilson to Marianne Cary Gilson
Rob writes about a training exercise involving a Witch-Doctor / wizard.
18 April, 10 June, 17 October 1915
Robert Quilter Gilson to Marianne Cary Gilson
Tolkien and the Great War notes these three letters as the source for Gilson declaring his love for Estelle King.
19 and 22 June 1915
Robert Quilter Gilson to Marianne Cary Gilson
Robert has moved to Lindrick Camp.
23 August 1915
Robert Quilter Gilson to Marianne Cary Gilson
In this letter (along with #TCGLetter2349) Gilson writes about T. K. Barnsley becoming a professional soldier as part of the Coldstream Guards.
12 September 1915
Robert Quilter Gilson to Mrs. Cary Gilson
Smith, Wade-Gery and others from Oxford joined together to be officers in the Lancashire Fusiliers.
12 September 1915
Marianne Cary Gilson to Robert Quilter Gilson
Robert's stepmother reports that she has heard from Dickie Reynolds about Oxford Poetry. Sidney Barrowclough, with the Royal Field Artillery, has s...
5 October 1915
Robert Quilter Gilson to Marianne Cary Gilson
Gilson writes home. He was returned to his battalion on Salisbury Plain. He has spent a weekend with G.B. Smith where they went to Salisbury and then th...
17 October 1915
Robert Quilter Gilson to Marianne Cary Gilson
Smith and Gilson visit Bath in preparation for the T.C.B.S. Council that is planned to be held there soon.
31 October 1915
Robert Quilter Gilson to Marianne Cary Gilson
In this letter (along with #TCGLetter2348 ) Gilson writes about T. K. Barnsley becoming a professional soldier as part of the Coldstream Guards.
17 November 1915
Robert Quilter Gilson to Marianne Cary Gilson
Robert describes to his stepmother a frosty week that Tolkien and Edith spent in Warwick. The 'Salford Pals are due to depart Salisbury Plain along...
21 November 1915
Robert Quilter Gilson to Marianne Cary Gilson
Robert describes to his stepmother a frosty week that Tolkien and Edith spent in Warwick.
30 November 1915
Wilson King to Robert Quilter Gilson
Estelle King's father writes to Gilson, warning him that his marriage proposal to Estelle is not appropriate, as he is too low-class and there is a...
2 December 1915
Robert Quilter Gilson to Estelle King
Gilson mention's Tolkien's poem 'Kortirion' in this letter to his love interest.
14 January 1916
Hilary Tolkien to Edith Bratt
Hilary Tolkien writes to Edith thanking her for her letter and parcel. He gives an update on matters in France and the hopelessness of the war. He remar...
9 February 1916
Hilary Tolkien to Edith Bratt
Hilary Tolkien writes to Edith with news of his time in France during WWI. He says that his party have returned from the front lines are on training and...
10 March 1916
Rob Gilson to Estelle King
Gilson describes Tolkien's authority on etymology, and writes about Tolkien finishing school in Oxford before joining the Army. He mentions how &qu...
30 August 1916
Christopher Wiseman to G.B. Smith
Wiseman writes to G.B. Smith saying that he has been reading correspondence between the group from 1914. He describes it as his "TCBSian" arch...
4 September 1916
Christopher Wiseman to G.B. Smith
Further to his letter of 30 August Wiseman continues his commentary on the correspondence of the T.C.B.S. and his belief that the group has changed.
9 November 1916
Lieutenant-Colonel Bird / 11th Lancashire Fusiliers to The War Office commissions Office
This letter, sent to Tolkien with a letter dated 8 November was to be passed to the War Office after Tolkien was determined fit for a return to service....
27 November 1916
3rd (Reserve) Battalion to South General Hospital, Edgbaston
The 3rd (Reserve) Battalion writes to South General Hospital in Edgbaston, directing that orders should be issued for Tolkien's next movements at t...
7 June 1920
Henry Bradley to Leeds University (letter of recomendation)
Henry Bradley writes a letter of recomendation to Leeds University where Tolkien has applied for the position of Reader of English Language. Bradley had...
26 June 1920
George S. Gordon to R.W. Chapman
Writing to R.W. Chapman, George S. Gordon, Tolkien's co-editor on the Clarendon Chaucer project for Oxford University Press says that his staffing ...
25 July 1920
George S. Gordon to Mary C. Gordon
George S. Gordon writes to his wife from Magdalen College, Oxford. He saw Tolkien and will dine with him on Tuesday 27, July.
22 December 1920
Father Christmas to John Tolkien
This letter, the first of Tolkien's series of Father Christmas Letters written for his children, was dated 22 December 1920. It is addressed to Joh...
8 January 1921
John Johnson to Henry [H.W.C.] Davis
John Johnson of the Oxford University Press writes to the historian Henry David on the matter of the proposed Middle English series of texts. He notes t...
18 October 1921
George S. Gordon to D. (David) Nichol Smith
George S. Gordon tells D. Nichol Smith that he is overwhelmed at the Honours School, now numbering some 120 students. A committee has now been appointed...
29 October 1921
George S. Gordon to D. (David) Nichol Smith
Tolkien had suggested E.V. Gordon for a position who is currently "B-Litting", to which George S. Gordon asks David Nichol Smith if he knows h...
Christmas 1921
Father Christmas to John Tolkien
No letter is known for this year, but it is presumed that one was sent.
8 February 1922
C.T. Onions to John Johnson
C.T. Onions writing to John Johnson of the Oxford University Press asks about the position which is being taken by the press in relation to the proposed...
Christmas 1922
Father Christmas to John Tolkien
No letter is known for this year, but it is presumed that one was sent.
Christmas 1922
John Suffield to Tolkien and Suffield families
John Suffield sends a Christmas card to the Tolkien family.
12 June 1923
George S. Gordon to Herbert Davis
Herbert Davis appears to inform George S. Gordon that Tolkien is ill, but that he had heard from E.V. Gordon that Tolkien was on the mend and would be OK.
14 June 1923
George S. Gordon to Kenneth Sisam
George S Gordon writes to Kenneth Sisam mentioning Tolkien's involvement in the Clarendon Chaucer. The book will be published in OUP's 'C...
27 July 1923
George S. Gordon to Kenneth Sisam
Following his letter of 14 June, Gordon writes again to Kenneth Sisam. Tolkien has agreed to provide the glossary for the Clarendon Chaucer and will beg...
10 November 1923
E. V. Gordon to Kenneth Sisam
During the academic year of 1923-24, Tolkien and and his co-editor on the Sir Gawain volume have been snowed under with lectures and preperation for the...
13 November 1923
Kenneth Sisam to E.V. Gordon
Kenneth replies to Gordon's letter agreeing to a revised page count for Sir Gawain, Gordon and Tolkien's edition can now contain 200 pages. He...
15 November 1923
E. V. Gordon to Kenneth Sisam
Gordon replies to Sisam's letter of 13 November , Gordon accepts the conditions for publication of Sir Gawain. They will restrict the glossary to 5...
8 December 1923
E. V. Gordon to Kenneth Sisam
In a letter to Kenneth Sisam, Gordon reports that he and Tolkien will be able to provide Sisam with the text of Sir Gawain soon. The notes are almost co...
14 December 1923
E. V. Gordon to Kenneth Sisam
Gordon sends to Sisam a clean copy of the Sir Gawain text and notes that Tolkien has been able to purchase a copy of Thorkelin's Beowulf.
Christmas Eve 1923
Father Christmas to John Tolkien
Writing to John Tolkien, Father Christmas tells him that he is "nineteen hundred and twenty four, no! seven! years old". Remarking he is much ...
Christmas 1923
John Suffield to Tolkien and Suffield families
John Suffield sends a Christmas card to the Tolkien family.
26 February 1924
Kenneth Sisam to George S. Gordon
Sisam writes to Gordon. He has become alarmed at the lack of progress with the Clarendon Chaucer, saying that Tolkien "is occupied with Gawayne > i...
28 February 1924
George S. Gordon to Kenneth Sisam
Gordon replies to Sisam's letter defending Tolkien on the matter of the delay on the Clarendon Chaucer. He says that Tolkien has had "a hellis...
21 March 1924
Kenneth Sisam to David Nichol Smith
Inspite of his letter to Tolkien early in March, Kenneth Sisam writes to David Nichol Smith to complain that Tolkien is not only holding up the Clarendo...
15 May 1924
George S. Gordon to Kenneth Sisam
Gordon writes to Sisam informing him that Tolkien has agreed that his place on the Clarendon Chaucer should be taken by another and he has agreed to ret...
15 May 1924
Kenneth Sisam to George S. Gordon
Sisam replies to Gordon's letter. He supports Tolkien leaving the Clarendon Chaucer, noting that Tolkien has too much else getting in the way.
8 December 1924
George S. Gordon to Kenneth Sisam
George S. Gordon writes to Kenneth Sisam. Tolkien has sent to him manuscript of his glossary for the Clarendon Chaucer, with a preface, for Gordon to lo...
22 December 1924
George S. Gordon to Kenneth Sisam
George S. Gordon sends to Kenneth Sisam the manuscript of Tolkien's glossary and preface for the Clarendon Chaucer with a note to say that he appro...
23 December 1924
Kenneth Sisam to George S. Gordon
Further to Gordon's packet enclosing Tolkien's glossary and preface, Sisam replies with a stern warning that if Tolkien commits to as many cor...
23 December 1924
Father Christmas to John Tolkien
As with #TCGLetter1929, he says to John that is short of time. He says that his "sleigh is waiting", noting that there are a lot more stocking...
23 December 1924
Father Christmas to Michael Tolkien
Father Christmas writes to Michael but has no time. He hopes that Michael's "engine goes well". Polar Bear adds a post script noting that...
Dr. Cyril Jackson to Unknown
From a Bloomsbury auction the following was detailed: Songs for the Philologists, with the book comes a typed letter from Dr. Cyril Jackson, who studied...
5 January 1925
Kenneth Sisam to George S. Gordon
Sisam writes to Gordon saying that the glossary of the Clarendon Chaucer must be cut down by 10 pages. He tells Gordon that he will leave it to him to e...
4 March 1925
George S. Gordon to Kenneth Sisam
George S. Gordon sends Tolkien's revised glossary of the Clarendon Chaucer to Kenneth Sisam. In the covering note he says that he feels Tolkien&apo...
?18 (received 19) October 1925
George S. Gordon to Kenneth Sisam
George S. Gordon sends to Kenneth Sisam a batch of manuscripts for the Clarendon Chaucer. AMong them texts, notes for the essays and he says that Tolkie...
Christmas 1925
Father Christmas to John and Michael Tolkien
Father Christmas, writing to John and Michael, remarks how busy he is. Some of the presents which were due to be delivered for Christmas had been damage...
Christmas 1925
John Suffield to Tolkien and Suffield families
John Suffield sends a Christmas card to the Tolkien family.
20 December 1926
Father Christmas to John and Michael Tolkien
As with Tolkien's previous year's letter, Father Christmas writes to John and Michael. He opens with mention of his shaky hand, blaming North ...
Christmas 1926
John Suffield to Tolkien and Suffield families
John Suffield sends a Christmas card to the Tolkien family.
21 December 1927
Father Christmas to John, Michael and Christopher Tolkien, also Aslaug, Mummy, Auntie Jennie, and Daddy
Father Christmas's letter for 1927 was the first to include Christopher, and other members of the Tolkien family, and others connected with the Tol...
Christmas 1927 (Arrived as part of a letter from January 7 1928)
John Suffield to Hilary Tolkien
John Suffield sends a 'Christmas Letter' to Hilary. He had expected to not make another Christmas and notes as such on the card.
1928 or 1929
Walter Incledon to Marjorie Incledon
This letter, mentioned only briefly in Wheelbarrows at Dawn discusses family matters of the Incledon family.
7 January 1928
John Suffield to Hilary Tolkien
Writing to Hilary, John Suffield gives family news. Hilary's cousin, Donald John Suffield reports that his father has died. He details the area whe...
20 December 1928
Father Christmas to John, Michael and Christopher Tolkien
Father Christmas writes to the Tolkien boys, John, Michael, and Christopher wishing them a merry Christmas and offering details of his and his household...
Boxing Day 1928
Father Christmas to John, Michael and Christopher Tolkien
Further to their #TCGLetter1940, the boys receive a second letter on Boxing Day. FC blames Polar Bear for this. Polar Bear adds on the envelope that it ...
November 1929
Polar Bear to Boys (John, Michael, and Christopher)
Polar Bear writes a letter to the "boys", John, Michael, and Christopher in November 1929. He says that his paw is better after cutting Christ...
22 December 1929
Father Christmas to John, Michael, Christopher and Priscilla Tolkien
Father Christmas writes to the Tolkien children, including six month old Priscilla, the Tolkien's last child. FC says that it has been light as the...
28 November 1930
Father Christmas to John, Michael, and Christopher Tolkien
Father Christmas writes to John, Michael, and Christopher. He has received their letters, remarking how big their lists are. He says that he is getting ...
Christmas Eve 1930
Father Christmas to John, Michael, Christopher and Priscilla Tolkien
Father Christmas writes to the Tolkien children saying that he "enjoyed" all their letters. He has had no time and only finished the letter on...
24 February 1931
Father Francis Morgan to Hilary Tolkien
Father Francis Morgan writes to Hilary to congratulate him on the birth of his son. He wishes that he could perform the baptism but is now unable to tra...
26 August 1931
Father Francis Morgan to Hilary Tolkien
Father Francis Morgan replies to Hilary. He has been away for three weeks "at the Shaws and the other half at the Richmond Convent in Yorkshire.&qu...
18 October 1931
C.S. Lewis to Arthur Greeves
26 October 1931
Robert Chapman to David Nichol Smith
Robert Chapman writes to David Nichol Smith after hearing from Tolkien who it appears will knuckle down and complete his parts on the Clarendon Chaucer.
30 October 1931
Robert Chapman to George S. Gordon
Robert Chapman writes to George S. Gordon asking if he can finish the Clarendon Chaucer without Tolkien.
31 October 1931
Father Christmas to John, Michael, Christopher and Priscilla Tolkien
Father Christmas writes to the Tolkien children, noting that he has already received letters from them. He has not started on the Christmas jobs yet and...
22 November 1931
C.S. Lewis to Warren H. Lewis
Writing to his brother, C. S. Lewis gives updates on his life and work. he makes a brief mention to Tolkien visiting him on Monday mornings to "dri...
23 December 1931
Father Christmas to John, Michael, Christopher and Priscilla Tolkien
Father Christmas writes to John, Michael, Christopher, and Priscilla. He hopes the "little things" he has sent to them. The boys are "int...
30 November 1932
Father Christmas to John, Michael, Christopher and Priscilla Tolkien
Father Christmas thanks the children for the letters they sent to him at the North Pole. FC says that he is worries because Polar Bear has gone missing ...
23 December 1932
Father Christmas to John, Michael, Christopher and Priscilla Tolkien
Father Christmas, writing to the Tolkien children says he has much to tell them. He says that they heard funny noises underground at the North Pole and ...
4 February 1933
C.S. Lewis to Arthur Greeves
Writing to his friend, Arthur Greaves, Lewis mentions among other matters, that he has been reading "a delightful... children's story Tolkien ...
25 March 1933*
C.S. Lewis to Arthur Greeves
In a letter to his friend, Arthur Greaves, Lewis mentions his conversation with Tolkien in which they discuss, among other things, their agreement that ...
2 December 1933
Father Christmas to John, Michael, Christopher and Priscilla Tolkien
Father Christmas writes to John, Michael, Christopher and Priscilla. He says that the business of Christmas has begun and it has been very cold. He has ...
21 December 1933
Father Christmas to John, Michael, Christopher and Priscilla Tolkien
Father Christmas writes to John, Michael, Christopher and Priscilla saying that in November they were attacked by Goblins and Christmas almost did not h...
21 June 1934
Father Francis Morgan to Hilary Tolkien
In reply to Hilary's "interesting letter", Father Francis replies with news on happenings. He is happy to know the latest on Hilary'...
20 November 1934
Father Christmas to Christopher Tolkien
Father Christmas writes to Christopher. Written on 20 November, FC remarks that he will not be sending his messengers out until October 15th. He says th...
Christmas Eve 1934
Father Christmas to Christopher Tolkien, Priscilla Tolkien
Father Christmas, writing to Christopher and Priscilla, thanks them for their many letters. He says that he has not had time like previous letters to wr...
3 January 1935
Father Francis Morgan to Hilary Tolkien
Father Francis wishes Hilary and his family the best for 1935. He has been laid up with lumbago but is now on the mend.
24 January 1935
Father Francis Morgan to Hilary Tolkien
Father Francis replies to Hilary's warm wishes for his birthday and asks him to pass on his thanks to Magdalen and Gabriel for the Violets they sent.
Christmas Eve 1935
Father Christmas to John, Michael, Christopher and Priscilla Tolkien
Father Christmas writes to the John, Michael, Christopher and Priscilla. He says that there is "no ink this year", so he did not draw any pict...
28 June 1936
C.S. Lewis to Owen Barfield
Tolkien's children had been lent Barfield's book The Silver Trumpet by C.S. Lewis and very much enjoyed it.
26 October 1936
R.W. Chapman to George S. Gordon
R.W. Chapman writes to George S. Gordon who it is assumed had mentioned Tolkien's increased salary. He is pleased, and also that Tolkien has been a...
28 October 1936
George S. Gordon to R.W. Chapman
Gordon replies to Chapman's letter saying that he believes that Tolkien has finished his parts on the Clarendon Chaucer, but that they are finished...
30 October 1936
Rayner Unwin to Sir Stanley Unwin
Sir Stanley Unwin's son Rayner was paid to write a review of a book that was being considered for publication, The Hobbit by J.R.R. Tolkien
2 November 1936
Father Christmas to Unknown
On 2 November 1936 Father Christmas writes a list of various toys which is then struck through. Among them, "Dolls", "Noah's Ark&quo...
5 November 1936
George S. Gordon to R.W. Chapman
Following his letter to R.W. Chapman, Gordon must have spoken with Tolkien as he replies that "Tolkien will have another try."
23 December 1936
Father Christmas, llbereth, secretary to Fr Christmas and Polar Bear to John, Michael, Christopher and Priscilla Tolkien
Father Christmas writes to John, Michael, Christopher and Priscilla. He opens with apologies for his short letter, including a picture to show what had ...
c. 1 June 1937
George Allen & Unwin to Houghton Mifflin Co.
Noted in their letter to Tolkien of 1 June 1937, C. A. Furth says that they have written to Houghton Mifflin in regard of Tolkien's letter to them ...
c. July 1937 - August 1937
George Allen & Unwin to C. S. Lewis
C. S. Lewis recieves an unbound copy of The Hobbit from GA&U.
14 July 1937
George Allen & Unwin to Russell Meiggs
GA&U send Russell Meiggs, editor of the Oxford Magazine, an unbound copy of The Hobbit per Tolkien's request. It is assumed that with any manuscrip...
August 1937
George Allen & Unwin to C. L. (Charles Leslie) Wrenn
GA&U send C. L. Wrenn a copy of The Hobbit as requested by Tolkien. It is assumed that with any manuscript/proofs or copies of books sent that a cover l...
August 1937
George Allen & Unwin to Helen Buckhurst
At Tolkien's request, GA&U sends Helen Buckhurst a copy of The Hobbit. It is assumed that with any manuscript/proofs or copies of books sent that a...
August 1937
George Allen & Unwin to A. H. Smith
A. H. Smith from the Early English Text Society is sent a copy of The Hobbit by GA&U as requested by Tolkien. It is assumed that with any manuscript/pro...
August 1937
George Allen & Unwin to Elaine Griffiths
GA&U send a copy of The Hobbit to Elaine Griffiths. Elaine was a family friend, and recalls reading the story from a "beautifully typed copy"....
c. 14 August 1937
George Allen & Unwin to R.W. Chambers
As requested by Tolkien, C. A. Furth sends a copy of The Hobbit to R. W. Chambers. It is assumed that with any manuscript/proofs or copies of books sent...
c. 14 August 1937
George Allen & Unwin to George S. Gordon
George S. Gordon receives a copy of The Hobbit as requested by Tolkien. It is assumed that with any manuscript/proofs or copies of books sent that a cov...
c. 8 - 26 September 1937*
George Allen & Unwin to W.R. Childe
Childe is sent a copy of The Hobbit which had been requested by Tolkien. Childe writes to thank Tolkien and offer his congratulations on the publication...
c. 21 September 1937
George Allen & Unwin to Marjorie Incledon
GA&U sends a copy of The Hobbit to Tolkien's cousin, Marjorie Incledon at his request. It is assumed that with any manuscript/proofs or copies of b...
c. 21 September 1937
George Allen & Unwin to Mary Incledon
GA&U send Mary Incledon, Tolkien's cousin, a copy of The Hobbit as requested by him. It is assumed that with any manuscript/proofs or copies of boo...
1937, shortly after the publication of The Hobbit
Christopher Tolkien to Father Christmas
Christopher Tolkien writes to Father Christmas. He mentions his fathers new book, The Hobbit, remarking that their father had written "it ages ago&...
5 October 1937
Richard Hughes to Allen & Unwin
Allen & Unwin had sent copies of The Hobbit to various authors in order to solicit reviews. Hughes's response was used for publicity materials to a...
12 November 1937
Mabel Milton to Hilary Tolkien
Hilary's Aunt Mabel writes in reply to his letter. She has been unwell for quite some time and is only able to travel short distances. She hopes to...
December 1937
Christopher Tolkien to Father Christmas
Young Christopher writes a letter to Father Christmas (likely in early December) where he describes how his father (JRR Tolkien) read The Hobbit to him ...
2 December 1937
E. V. Gordon to Kenneth Sisam
E.V. Gordon writes to Kenneth Sisam after receiving Tolkien's letter. Tolkien and he will attempt to reduce the Pearl manuscript for publication bu...
Christmas 1937
Father Christmas to John, Michael, Christopher and Priscilla Tolkien
Father Christmas writes to Christopher and Priscilla, "and other old friends at 20 Northmoor Road" for Christmas 1937. He remarks that is is 1...
Late February - early March, no later than 5 March
Houghton Mifflin Co. to George Allen & Unwin
Houghton Mifflin Co. send the five colour illustrations to GA&U discussed late in 1937.
31 Jul 1938
Edith Tolkien to Ida Gordon
Edith sends her condolences for the death of Ida's husband, E. V. Gordon.
Christmas 1938
Father Christmas to Priscilla Tolkien
Father Christmas writes to Priscilla, wishing her and everyone in the house a Merry Christmas. FC says that neither he nor Ilbereth have had time to dra...
Boxing Day 1938
Father Christmas to Priscilla Tolkien
On Boxing Day, Father Christmas sends Priscilla a second letter including a copy of a Beatrix Potter book of paintings, remarking that it is the last. P...
4 January 1939
C.L. Wrenn to George Allen & Unwin
Writing to GA&U, Wrenn notes the chaotic nature of the Clark Hall Beowulf volume and asks for more time to complete the work. He includes the introducti...
6 January 1939
C.A. Furth to C.L. Wrenn
Replying to Wrenn's letter, C.A. Furth agrees to Wrenn having more time to sort and edit the Clark Hall Beowulf. He asks if it would be cheaper to ...
7 January 1939
C.L. Wrenn to C.A. Furth
In reply to Furth's letter questioning whether Tolkien has made progress with the preface for the Clark Hall Beowulf, Wrenn says he will mention th...
16 May 1939
Edith Tolkien to Alan Rook
Edith writes to Alan Rook to invite him and Mr. St. John to visit the Tolkien's next Sunday. Alan Rook (1909-1990) a student at Oxford in the 1930s...
12 October 1939
Charles Williams to Florence "Michal" Williams
Writing to his wife, Charles Willians notes that Tolkien and Lewis have asked him to lecture at Magdalen next term if he's still around at that time.
5 November 1939
C.S. Lewis to W.H. Lewis
Writing to his brother, W.H. Lewis, C.S. Lewis tells of an evening spent with Tolkien, Charles Williams, and C.L.Wrenn discussing matters of the bible. ...
11 November 1939
C.S. Lewis to W.H. Lewis
Tolkien and other members of the Inklings meet at the Eastgate Hotel on 9 November. Lewis gives details on the night to his brother Warren. Among readin...
Christmas Eve 1939
Father Christmas to Priscilla Tolkien
Father Christmas writing to Priscilla is glad she sent him two letters. He hopes that her "Bingo family" have a "jolly Christmas". H...
28 January 1940
Charles Williams to Florence "Michal" Williams
Charles Williams, writing to his wife, says that Tolkien and Lewis are taking him to the Divinity School at Oxford tomorrow. Note that Wayne Hammond and...
3 February 1940
C.S. Lewis to W.H. Lewis
C.S. Lewis writing to his brother Warren gives him updates on happenings, and among them a meeting of the Inklings.
25 April 1940
W.N. Beard to C.L. Wrenn
W.N. Beard writes to Wrenn. Tolkien has suggested that 'Finnsburg', be changed to 'Finnesburg' in the title of the book, Beowulf and...
20 July 1940
Mary Incledon to Hilary Tolkien
Mary Incledon replies to Hilary. She has been unwell and cannot see people for long. If he wishes to visit her next Friday she would be delighted but if...
20 July 1940
C.S. Lewis to W.H. Lewis
Hammond and Scull note that there is a meeting of the English Final Honour School examiners on 13-14 July 1940, on which Warnie writes on the 20 July, g...
25 July 1940
Walter Incledon to Hilary Tolkien
Walter Incledon, Uncle to Hilary and Ronald writes upon the death of Mary a couple of days previous. He is concerned about the mortgage in Mary's n...
17 November 1940
Florence Hadley to Hilary Tolkien
Hilary's Aunt Florence, who lives in Victoria BC, Canada, writes offering sympathies for the current situation in Europe. Letters are taking betwee...
13 December 1940
Polar Bear (with Father Christmas) to Christopher and Priscilla Tolkien
Very brief note from Polar Bear telling the children that Father Christmas says "O.K." with a correction by Father Christmas who actually said...
23 December 1940
Father Christmas to Priscilla Tolkien
Polar Bear writes a short note to Priscilla. He is glad she is back, and says that messages arrived to him on Saturday that the Tolkien house was empty....
Christmas Eve 1940
Father Christmas to Priscilla Tolkien
Father Christmas writes wishing Priscilla a Merry Christmas. He asks her to send his love to Christopher. He says that thye are having a hard time, and ...
22 December 1941
Father Christmas to Priscilla Tolkien
Father Christmas is pleased that Priscilla wrote to him this year. He describes events at the North Pole and a great battle between Goblins, snowboys, P...
7 June 1942
G. Braunholtz to C. T. Onions
A letter to Onions thanking him for his criticisms and how they were useful in making changes, hoping that Onions finds 'improvement in the papers&...
Christmas Eve 1942
Father Christmas to Priscilla Tolkien
Writing to Priscilla, Father Christmas mentions that Polar Bear could not find a letter from her this year. He also says that has been no trouble with t...
Allan Formhals (forgery) to N/A
Forged letter purporting to be from 1943 (dated by an internal reference to Priscilla being fourteen) describing how Tolkien wrote the Lord of the Rings...
5 August 1943
Margaret Douglas to Raymond Hunt
Margaret Douglas writes to Raymond Hunt on the matter of Tolkien's 'On Fairy Stories' which she is typing up for him. Margaret Douglas wo...
19 October 1943
Florence Hadley to Hilary Tolkien
Hilary's Aunt Florence writes from Victoria BC, Canada to wish them all well for the Christmas period. She talks on world events, and notes her reg...
Christmas 1943
Father Christmas to Priscilla Tolkien
Tolkien sends the last of his Father Christmas Letters to Priscilla. He offers some comfort on the War situation and offers his love to all his children...
24 September 1944
C.S. Lewis to C.A. Brady
Lewis thanks Brady for a review of his works, and talks about Tolkien, who he describes as "a very great man". "His published works (both...
14 October 1944
Michael H.R. Tolkien to The Evening Despatch
In this letter to the Evening Despatch of Birmingham, Michael specifies that he does not belong to any particular political party and that his is an int...
29 October 1944
C.S. Lewis to Charles A. Brady
Writing to Charles Brady, C. S. Lewis makes mention of Tolkien and his Hobbit books. He mentions that a sequel to the Hobbit will soon be finished. He d...
29 May 1946
Kenneth Sisam to A.L.P. Norrington
The name of J.A.W. Bennett had come up in relation to the still unfinished Clarendon Chaucer. Sisam is inclined to leave it though as Tolkien is still a...
3 March 1948
Inklings to Dr Warfield M. Firor
Dr Warfield M. Firor was an American friend of C.S. Lewis, and he sent a ham to Lewis during rationing in the UK. The following 'Inklings' sen...
12 May 1948
Christopher Tolkien to Edward A. Allen
No details of this letter are known. It is held at the Wade Center. Noted as "(collection) L-Allen (date) May 12, 1948 (sender) Christopher Tolkien...
10 August 1948
George Allen & Unwin (Ronald Eames) to Pauline Baynes
Ronald Eames writes various artists, among them is Pauline Baynes, a young artist who will go on to illustrate many Tolkien books and become a life-long...
11 December 1948
Roland Suffield to Hilary Tolkien
Roland Suffield, Uncle to Hilary and Ronald, writes to Hilary wishing them all the best for Christmas. He encloses some postal orders for the children. ...
12 July 1949
Magdalen Tolkien to Gabriel Tolkien
Magdalen Tolkien writes to her son, Gabriel. She reports that Paul, his younger brother, has won three prizes at school in the sports day. She reports o...
12 March 1951
Christopher Tolkien to Mr McCallum
Christopher sends a late report on his student Cazes term work. He is overall very impressed.
15th January 1952
Committee to Court of the University of Glasgow
At a Committee meeting for the W.P. Ker Lecture, it was decided to invite Professor Tolkien to give a talk at the 1952-1953 event.
22 May 1952
C.S. Lewis to Dear Grittletonians
C.S. Lewis writes to the 'Grittletonians' recommending Tolkien's The Hobbit.
14 April 1953
University of Glasgow to Glasgow Times
Advert from The Evening Times (later Glasgow times) for the W.P. Ker Lecture by J.R.R. Tolkien, to be given on the 15th April 1953.
27 May 1953
Simonne d'Ardenne to The Faculty, Liege University
A letter from Simonne d'Ardenne addressed to the 'Faculty' dated May 27, 1953, proposing J.R.R. Tolkien's candidacy for an honorary ...
18 June 1953
Kenneth Sisam to Dan Davin
Writing to Dan Davin, Sisam describes Tolkien as "a rogue." He bemoans Tolkien's delays on a number of titles, remarking that Tolkien &qu...
14 December 1953
George Allen & Unwin Publishers Ltd to Arthur Ransome
GA&U sent Arthur Ransome a copy of The Fellowship of the Ring asking him to review it. Included was a short note: "I am sending you a set of uncorr...
11 October 1954
Katharine Briggs to J. R. R. Tolkien
Briggs very much enjoyed reading The Fellowship of the Ring and asks if the next book will be published by Christmas. She had issues with the changes to...
21 October 1954
Katharine Briggs to J. R. R. Tolkien
Briggs thanks Tolkien for his reply (#TCGLetter1712) to her first letter (#TCGLetter1715). She looks forward to The Two Towers and The Return of the Kin...
15 December 1954
Allen & Unwin to Arnoldo Mondadori Editors
George Allen & Unwin offer a review copy of The Fellowship of the Ring for possible translation into Italian by Arnolda Monadori Editors. They mention t...
21 December 1954
Arnoldo Mondadori Editore to Allen & Unwin
Arnoldo Mondadori Editore ask for a copy of The Fellowship of the Ring and The Two Towers to decide if they wish to print an Italian translation.
30 December 1954
George Allen & Unwin to Arnoldo Mondadori Editore
Writing to the Italian publisher, Arnoldo Mondadori Editore, the Foreign Rights Department of GA&U note their pleasure at the publishers consideration t...
18 January 1955
Arnoldo Mondadori Editore to George Allen & Unwin
Arnoldo Mondadori Editore (Milan) writes thanking George Allen & Unwin for copies of the Fellowship of the Ring and the Two Towers. They have been sent ...
15 February 1955
Arnoldo Mondadori Editore (Reading committee report) to Arnoldo Mondadori Editore
This internal readers report offers various points on The Lord of the Rings while it is being considered for piblication in Italian. In conclusion, the ...
25 February 1955
Arnoldo Mondadori Editore (Reading committee report) to Arnoldo Mondadori Editore
An internal 'Readers report' on the Two Towers from Anoldo Mondadori Editore reading committee giving the book a glowing report.
15 March 1955
Arnoldo Mondadori Editore to Allen & Unwin
Arnoldo Mondadori Editore turn down publishing The Lord of the Rings as they don't think "that a work of this kind could appeal to a great num...
c. 1 - 31 December 1955
Roger Lloyd to An unknown recipient
Roger Lloyd writes to an unknown recipient about his thoughts on The Lord of the Rings and information that he had heard from his friend Philip Unwin ab...
6 December 1956
C.S. Lewis to C.A. Brady
Lewis thanks Brady for a review in the America magazine of his Narnia stories. Lewis remarks that he expected young readers to unconsciously get the the...
5 January 1957
C.S. Lewis to C.A. Brady
C.S. Lewis writes to C.A. Brady and talks about Dorothy Sayers, Charles Williams and J.R.R. Tolkien and his influence on them. "And as for anyone i...
10 January 1957
Bertram Rota to William Ready
Bertram Rota writes to William Ready considering the sale of Tolkien's manuscripts to Marquette University.
14 September 1957
C.S. Lewis to Lucy Matthews
C.S. Lewis writes to a young reader thanking her for her letter on her enjoyment of his Narnia stories. He says that he too enjoys Nesbit and notes furt...
18 October 1957
Rayner Unwin to Forrest J. Ackerman
Rayner Unwin writes to Forrest J. Ackerman, to ask if he is still interested in the film project of the Lord of the Rings. He is holding a letter with c...
Unknown but no earlier than 1958
Rayner Unwin to Marquette University
This letter, held at the Marquette archives from Rayner Unwin to the archives of The J.R.R. Tolkien Collection concerned corrections for the Return of t...
30 May 1958
Rayner Unwin to Edgar Carter
Rayner Unwin sends Tolkien's unfinished letter intended for Forrest J. Ackerman to their Hollywood agent.
3 June 1958
Joy Hill to Hal Coomer
Joy Hill writes to a H. Coomer enclosing the address for J.R.R. Tolkien along with a signed thank-you card from Tolkien himself. She says that they do n...
10 June 1958
Edgar Carter to Forrest J. Ackerman
Edgar Carter of Allen & Unwin's Hollywood agents sends Tolkien's two pages from his unfinished letter of April or May to Forrest J. Ackerman. ...
11 September 1958
C.S. Lewis to Lucy Matthews
After Lewis had suggested Lucy Matthews to read The Lord of the Rings, she wrote to Lewis again and he replied saying that she had "got it exactly ...
24 February 1959
A.M. Hope to Rayner Unwin
Tolkien's secretary, Miss A.M. Hope writes to Rayner Unwin to inform him that Tolkien is in hospital and will be unable to attend the Playhour meet...
Early 1960
Phyllis Potter to Hilary Tolkien
Phyllis Potter, a friend of Hilary's Aunt Jane (Neave) writes to him on her behalf. Jane is currently unwell and is under observation for the next ...
13 January 1960
Tolkien's Secretary to Elizabeth Jones
The letter contains a printed statement about The Lord of the Rings and a typed paragraph stating that he is "working on a new book which I hope wi...
12 October 1960
Kenneth Sisam to Dan Davin
Kenneth Sisam writes to Dan Davin many years after the Clarendon Chaucer had been abandoned saying that it would be very complicated for someone else to...
15 October 1960
Marjorie Incledon to Julian Tolkien
Marjorie Incledon writes in reply to Julian Tolkien's birthday wishes. She is pleased that he is enjoying home life and mentions Hilary's sket...
George Allen & Unwin to Houghton Mifflin Co.
A series of letters found at the University of Reading GA&U archives. Consisting of 144 items. Not all of these letters are concerned with Tolkien but s...
George Allen & Unwin to Penguin Books
A series of letters found at the University of Reading GA&U archives. Consisting of 172 items, not all of which concern Tolkien. Among the subjects disc...
George Allen & Unwin to Thomas Nelson & Sons Publishers
A series of letters found at the University of Reading GA&U archives. Consisting of 28 items. Among the subjects of these letters concerns the export of...
16 January 1961
C.S. Lewis to The Swedish Academy
C.S. Lewis writes to the Swedish Academy. He believes that J.R.R. Tolkien deserves the Nobel Prize in literature and nominates him for the award. A phot...
4 August 1961
C.S. Lewis to Father Dominic
C.S. Lewis is surprised that Father Dominic thinks The Lord of the Rings "has not caught on".
c. 29 September 1961
Angela Tolkien to June Tolkien
Angela Tolkien writes to her mother on the news that she now has a baby brother. She wishes it was a girl but would like the baby to be called Paul Domi...
10 April 1962
Attilio Landi (Headquarters at Arnoldo Mondadori Editore) to Arnoldo Mondadori Editore
A reading committee report to the Mondadori headquarters speaks negatively of the Lord of the Rings. The reader described the book as "banal... and...
9 May 1962
Rayner Unwin (George Allen & Unwin) to Pauline Baynes
Rayner Unwin writes offering Pauline Baynes the job of illustrating The Adventures of Tom Bombadil and Other Verses from the Red Book. This will include...
9 May 1962
George Allen & Unwin to Miss Calabi (Arnoldo Mondadori Editore)
GA&U write to the Italian publisher Arnoldo Mondadori Editore on the subject of publishing the Italian translation of The Lord of the Rings. Given are d...
15 June 1962
Arnoldo Mondadori Editore to Alina Dadlez (of GAU)
Mondadori write to Alina Dedlez at GA&U thanking her for the copies sent of the Lord of the Rings and asks for details of what option they intend to gra...
21 June 1962
George Allen & Unwin to Miss Calabi (Arnoldo Mondadori Editore)
In reply to a letter to GA&U, they reply that holding onto the books is fine. They ask that a decision be made within two months but that if more time i...
1 August 1962
Allen & Unwin to Pauline Baynes
Ronald Eames of George Allen & Unwin writes to Pauline Baynes. They are delighted with the first instalment for The Adventures of Tom Bombadil and Other...
7 August 1962
Allen & Unwin to Pauline Baynes
Allen & Unwin write to Pauline Baynes regarding a mock-up for the new book.
13 August 1962
Miss Calabi (ARNOLDO MONDADORI EDITORE) to Alina Dadlez (George Allen & Unwin)
Cin Calabi of Arnoldo Mondadori writes to George Allen & Unwin asking if they could have more time to consider The Lord of the Rings as holidays, etc ha...
17 August 1962
Alina Dadlez (for GA&U) to Miss Calabi (Arnoldo Mondadori Editore)
In reply to a request for more time to consider the Lord of the Rings, Alina Dadlez replies that the end of September will be fine and asks if they may ...
28 September 1962
Arnoldo Mondadori Editors (internal memo) to Arnoldo Mondadori Editors
An internal memo noting that they are considering once again the Lord of the Rings after having turned it down in 1955. Various translations are noted, ...
28 September 1962
Mario Mattolini (Arnoldo Mondadori Editore) to Arnoldo Mondadori Editore (internal memo)
This internal letter forms the basis of the letter which will be sent to Stanley Unwin declining the invitation to translate and publish the Lord of the...
c. October 1962
Jane Neave to Hilary Tolkien, Magdalen Tolkien
Jane Neave writes to Hilary and Madgalen Tolkien. She enjoyed a visit with them. She felt very much at home. Jane wants to transfer some shares to them ...
8 October 1962
Elio Vittorini (Headquarters at Arnoldo Mondadori Editors) to Arnoldo Mondadori Editore
An internal note about the possibility of publishing the Lord of the Rings. Details various mentions from other letters about the success of the book, t...
10 October 1962
Elio Vittorini (Headquarters at Arnolda Monadori Editors) to Arnoldo Mondadori Editore
Mario Mattolini sends this internal letter making the decision to not move forward with the Lord of the Rings.
11 October 1962
Cin Calabi (Arnoldo Mondadori Editore) to Stanley Unwin
Writing to Stanley Unwin, Cin Calabi of the Italian publisher Arnoldo Mondadori Editore, gives Stanley Unwin the news that the publisher is declining th...
21 December 1962
Jane Neave to Hilary Tolkien
Aunt Jane writes further on the shares she wishes to have transferred to Hilary. A new certificate will be issued, and she mentions various matters on i...
26 August 1963
Christopher Tolkien to Warden, New College, Oxford
Christopher applies for a fellowship in English Language at New College.
3 Oct 1963
C.S. Lewis to Ed Meskys
Lewis responds to a letter from Ed Meskys, who had asked for permission to reprint Lewis's poem "The End of the Wine" in Niekas, and also...
9 October 1963
Warden, New College, Oxford to Christopher Tolkien
Christopher is granted a Fellowship at New College.
10 October 1963
Christopher Tolkien to Warden, New College, Oxford
Christopher thanks for the Warden of New College for his Fellowship.
27 October 1963
Colin Brookes-Smith to Hilary Tolkien
Colin Brookes-Smith writes to Hilary Tolkien on matters of finance. He has asked Tucker (family lawyer) to detail the usual rulings on dividend and inte...
29 October 1963
Colin Brookes-Smith to Hilary Tolkien
Writing to Hilary, Colin Brookes-Smith discussses various financial matters related to the family.
11 December 1963
Edith Tolkien to Robert Graves
Having met during the Graves's stay in Oxford, the Tolkiens send their thanks for parting gifts of flowers and wine. This letter is held within the...
22 January 1964
Jocelyn Gibb to J. R. R. Tolkien
No details of this letter are known. It is held at the Wade.
11 April 1964
Hilary Tolkien to Julian Tolkien
Hilary writes to his son. He remarks on the sunny weather and mentions the plants that are startung to show. He says that "Mum's leg" is ...
July 1964
Joy Hill to Colin Smythe
Tolkien apologizes for not responding sooner, and declines to provide an article for a student newspaper. The typed letter is signed by his secretary, n...
30 July 1964
Rayner Unwin (George Allen & Unwin) to Pauline Baynes
Rayner Unwin says that the artwork for the Lord of the Rings have been safely collected, they look marvellous, Rayner will take to Tolkien as soon as ca...
4 August 1964
Rayner Unwin to Pauline Baynes
Rayner Unwin of GA&U writing to Pauline Baynes, as "said in my scribbled postscript we all of us are entranced by your design for the box of The Lo...
31 December 1964
Tolkien's Secretary to Ingeborg Korff
This letter was from Tolkien to school children in Germany. Tolkien remarks that he "was particularly interested to know that you have not only rea...
19 January 1965
Tolkien's Secretary to Unknown
An example of brief stock letters that would be sent with Tolkien's written signature to readers who had sent letters to Tolkien. It reads "Th...
11 February 1965
Edith Tolkien to Sterling Lanier
Edith thanks Sterling Lanier, who had mailed five of his figurines to Professor Tolkien. Tolkien likes some of them, especially the Dwarf.
22 February 1965
Rayner Unwin to Ed Meskys
Rayner Unwin replies to a letter from Ed Meskys saying the Silmarillion will not be published for many years but that Sir Gawain and Pearl could be publ...
11 May 1965
Tolkien's Secretary to Agatha Carew Hunt
This letter is dated 11 May 1965 and was originally a stock reply to a letter of appreciation. Tolkien discovers the letter on 4 October, when he adds a...
20 May 1965
Tolkien's Secretary to Sue Parman
From 'A Song For J.R.R. Tolkien' from The Antioch Review p. 42: "I received a reply dated 20 May 1965, addressed to St. Leonard's Ha...
20 May 1965
Tolkien's Secretary to Mr Eder
Tolkien's secretary replies to fan letter thanking Mr. Eder for his letters and pictures of stained glass windows. He enjoyed seeing them. He also ...
20 May 1965
Tolkien's Secretary to Nan C. Scott
This is a stock reply letter but Tolkien adds that he is hindered in writing the Silmarillion because of having to revise The Lord of the Rings to fight...
28 May 1965
Tolkien's Secretary to Unknown young lady from New Zealand
Tolkien's secretary replies to a fan letter, and then Tolkien adds some details in pen. The reader had asked if another book would be published and...
2 July 1965
Donald A. Wollheim to Nan C. Scott
Wollheim tells Scott that he had offered Tolkien a settlement previously, this appears to be an outright lie, one which Tolkien figured out a few weeks ...
15 July 1965
Lovell Thompson to Nan C. Scott
No details of this letter are known but it is almost certainly in regard to the ACE Books edition of The Lord of the Rings. It is held at the Wade.
20th August 1965
Stanley Unwin to Penning Rowsell
Stanley Unwin sends a copy of the limited edition book Sir Stanley Unwin - The Celebration of his 80th Birthday to journalist Penning-Rowsell, which con...
14 September 1965
Rayner Unwin to Nan C. Scott
No details are currently known from this letter. It is held at the Wade.
3 December 1965
Tolkien's Secretary to Ian Lancashire
A 1965 Stock Letter and an apology from Tolkien for not having time for a longer answer.
3 December 1965
Tolkien's Secretary to Joan Snelling
A 1965 Stock Letter and an apology from Tolkien for not having time for a longer answer.
12 April 1966
Tolkien's Secretary to Sergeant [James] Ridolfo
Secretarial letter to Sergeant Ridolfo thanking him for his kind words about reading and enjoying Tolkien's books.
1 June 1966
Tolkien's Secretary to Mr [Royston F.] Porthouse
Secretarial letter to Mr Porthouse wirth mention that Tolkien's next book will be The Silmarillion.
2 June 1966
Joy Hill to Pamela Chandler
Joy Hill writes to Pamela Chandler. She mentions that if Chandler should sell any photographs of Tolkien she should perhaps mention it to him. She then ...
26 July 1966
Joy Hill to G.B. Johnson
Joy Hill writes to Professor Johnson who is planning a lecture on Tolkien. She gives him some details on Tolkien's parents and also thanks him for ...
1 August 1966
Tolkien's Secretary to Timothy J. Wheeler
Tolkien thanks Wheeler for sending a copy of Rally.
10 August 1966
Edith Tolkien to Pamela Chandler
Ediths remarks on Chandlers visit to Aylesbury and "The Bull". Thanks her for some photos. She remarks that their daughter Priscilla stopped i...
11 August 1966
Joy Hill to Pamela Chandler
Joy Hill writes to Pamela Chandler. She is delighted by the photos taken of Tolkien and could not take them all in given the amount. She mentions that t...
28 August 1966
Edith Tolkien to Pamela Chandler
Edith Tolkien sends a short note to Pamela Chandler saying that they are anxious to see the photos before they go away at the end of the week. Reports a...
13 September 1966
Joy Hill to Pamela Chandler
Joy Hill writes to Pamela Chandler saying that Tolkien is pleased with the photographs and that if the letter reaches her before she sees Tolkien again,...
12 October 1966
Tolkien's Secretary to Mr Rasmussen
Secretarial letter to Mr Rasmussen. Tolkien mentions in a handwritten note that if the recipient is using a modern steel bow, then they "should be ...
28 November 1966
Allan Formhals (forgery) to Dear Hooper
11 December 1966
Allan Formhals (forgery) to Dear Chris,
Alan Formhals invented a letter to Chris (presumably Christopher Tolkien) about the contents of #TCGLetter665, and dated it the day before the real lett...
29 December 1966
Edith Tolkien to Pamela Chandler
Edith is very happy with the photos that Pamela has taken. She discusses her Christmas in Abingdon with Christopher and their grandson Simon.
2 January 1967
Pamela Chandler to Edith Tolkien
Pamela Chandler writes thanking Tolkien for the card and wishes for Christmas. The Weekend Telegraph have asked her if she illustrate an article using n...
3 January 1967
Edith Tolkien to Pamela Chandler
Edith writes thanking Pamela Chandler for writing. It is the Professor's 75th birthday and he has received many cards, letters, and telegrams. Chan...
11 January 1967
George Allen & Unwin to Mario Ubaldini (Casa Editrice Astrolabio)
GA&U write to Mario Ubaldini of the publishers, Casa Editrice Agtrolabio-Ubaldini Editore, with details of Tolkien's The Lord of the Rings. They gi...
12 January 1967
Austin Olney to Joy Hill
Olney (Houghton Mifflin) sends a sample illustration from Maurice Sendak to Hill at George Allen & Unwin, intended for the proposed American deluxe edit...
24 January 1967
Rayner Unwin to Austin Olney
Unwin will show the Maurice Sendak Hobbit artwork to Tolkien in early February, and will try to talk to him about making some embellishments for The Roa...
20 February 1967
Rayner Unwin to Austin Olney
Rayner had visited with Tolkien on 16 February, and shown him the Maurice Sendak Hobbit art piece proposed for a Houghton Mifflin deluxe illustrated edt...
27 Febuary 1967
Mario Ubaldini (Casa Editrice Astrolabio) to Alina Dadlez (George Allen and Unwin)
Ubaldini Editore s.r.l have decided to publish The Lord of the Rings in Italian and enquire about the terms.
1 March 1967
Christopher Tolkien to William Ready
Christopher explains the origin of the Tolkien name to William Ready, and gives a brief account of his siblings and himself. Ready's book was chall...
10 March 1967
Barbera Maher to Pamela Chandler
Barbara Maher of Britannica writes to Pamela Chandler saying that they had obtained a photo of Tolkien to use in their 1967 Britannica Book of the Year....
14 March 1967
Mario Ubaldini (Casa Editrice Astrolabio) to Alina Dadlez (of GAU)
Writing to Alina Dadlez of GA&U, Mario Ubaldini encloses the signed copy of the contract for the Lord of the Rings. He asks for Tolkien's address s...
23 March 1967
Alina Dadlez (of GAU) to Mario Ubaldini (Casa Editrice Astrolabio)
Alina Dadlez of GA&U sends Mario Ubaldini a countersigned copy of the contract for the Italian translation of the Lord of the Rings, noting they have re...
30 March 1967
Alina Dadlez (of GAU) to Mario Ubaldini (Casa Editrice Astrolabio)
Alina Dadlez writes to Mario Ubaldini to inform him that she has sent the illustrations by Pauline Baynes in a packaet, seperate to this letter. They ar...
19 April 1967
Tolkien's Secretary to Miss Gonzalez
A printed secretarial letter.
23 May 1967
Rayner Unwin to Mr Hooton
Rayner writes to Mr Hooton about The Silmarillion. He describes Tolkien as "a perfectionist" and does not expect publication for a few years. ...
5 June 1967
Priscilla Tolkien to Pamela Chandler
Priscilla Tolkien writes to Pamela Chandler confirming that she would be delighted to see her for lunch. She gives directions and mentions that her brot...
7 June 1967
Tolkien's Secretary to Unknown
Unsigned compliments slip on embossed Sandfield Road stationary.
17 June 1967
Priscilla Tolkien to Pamela Chandler
Priscilla writes thanking Pamela for her letter and mentions how lovely it was to see her. She offers a bed in future if she would like to stay.
Mid 1967
George Allen & Unwin to Press
Press release from GA&U about Smith of Wootton Major, The Road Goes Ever On and the vinyl record The Poems and Songs of Middle-earth.
14 July 1967
Casa Editrice Astrolabio to Bando di Roma Bank
This letter from the publisher, Casa Editrice Astrolabio, to their bank instructing them to transfer the advance payment (£225) for their contract with...
17 July 1967
Ronald Eames to Pauline Baynes
Ronald Eames of GA&U writes to Pauline Baynes. Her illustrations for Smith of Wootton Major are delightful. He is certain Tolkien will be pleased. he ag...
3 August 1967
Alina Dadlez (of GAU) to Mario Ubaldini (Casa Editrice Astrolabio)
Alina Dadlez writes to Mario Ubaldini in reply to his request for another copy of The Lord of the Rings. It is also mentioned that if they wish to use P...
25 August 1967
Alina Dadlez (of GA&U) to Mario Ulbaldini
Alina Dadlez writes to Mario Ubaldini offering his publisher Tolkien's next book, Smith of Wootton Major to publish in Italian. Should it prove too...
15 September 1967
Mario Ubaldini (Casa Editrice Astrolabio) to Alina Dadlez (George Allen and Unwin)
Tolkien's Italian publisher writes to Allen & Unwin about publishing Smith of Wootton Major, which they are interested in doing.
11 October 1967
Phyllis M. Jenkinson (secretary) to Pamela Chandler
Tolkien's secretary Phyllis Jenkinson writes to Pamela about her photos. Edith and her husband are ill and too tired to write immediately and will ...
25 October 1967
Edith Tolkien to Pamela Chandler
Edith apologises for taking so long to reply but Tolkien has been very ill with a virus. he remains in bed. She remarks that she would like six of the s...
8 November 1967
Casa Editrice Astrolabio to Caro Venturini
Casa Editrice Astrolabio sends flyers to Caro Venturini asking that they be distributed among their booksellers. He notes that it is upto them to make t...
18 November 1967
Edith Tolkien to Pamela Chandler
Edith thanks Pamela for her letter and remarks that she is happy that she is busy and has plenty of work. Tolkien, with much care is feeling much better...
29 November 1967
Edith Tolkien to Mollie Cowling
5 December 1967
Edith Tolkien to Pamela Chandler
Edith is delighted by the photographs and writes to thank Pamela for them. Tolkien is much better now, but easily becomes tired. Priscilla will be visit...
7 December 1967
Tolkien's Secretary to Hans Jörg Modlmayr
Tolkien apologizes for a secretarial letter, and says he cannot help with the matter of books for children, as he doesn't really like children&apos...
2 January 1968
Marjorie Incledon to Julian Tolkien
Marjorie Incledon (known as Mink), writes to Julian thanking him for his letter and the silk scarf which he sent her for Christmas. She gives family det...
8 January 1968
Tove Hansen to Pamela Chandler
Tove Hansen, of the Danish publishers of Tolkien's publications writes a letter to Pamela Chandler. She asks for a small selection of photographs s...
16 January 1968
Tolkien's Secretary to Mr. Wettach
A stock reply to Mr. Wettach thanking him for his letter.
29 February 1968
Phyllis M. Jenkinson (secretary) to Miss Walker
Tolkien was asked about his memories of Miss Walker's grandfather, Paul Barbier.
13 March 1968
Pamela Chandler to Tove Hansen
Pamela Chandler writes to Tove Hansen apologizing for her delay in reply and encloses a selection of photographs for their consideration. She asks for t...
9 May 1968
Phyllis M. Jenkinson (secretary) to George Burke Johnston
Tolkien's secretary acknowledges receipt of Johnston's booklet The Poetry of J.R.R. Tolkien. This letter is held at the Wade.
June 26, 1968
Joy Hill to Colin Smythe
On June 5th, Colin Smythe had replied to Tolkien, saying that he would be delighted to have a poem on Westernesse. This response sent back to Smythe was...
7 August 1968
RAI to Edizione Astrolabio
A short note giving details of a radio slot to publicise the Lord of the Rings which included an attachment with the review as read on radio. This revie...
August 12, 1968
Joy Hill to Colin Smythe
Smythe had written back to Tolkien on July 1 saying that he was sorry to hear about Tolkien's accident, and sending along a copy of his latest publ...
October 25, 1968
Joy Hill to Colin Smythe
On October 22, Smythe sent a note to Tolkien's secretary asking to remind Tolkien. In this response, Tolkien's secretary says that she has rem...
15 January 1969
Joy Hill to Brian Sibley
Tolkien's secretary, Joy Hill, returns Brian Sibley's copy of The Adventures of Tom Bombadil, which Tolkien has signed and hand-corrected one ...
23 January 1969
Allen & Unwin (Joy Hill) to Michael Bell
Joy Hill writes to Michael Bell on behalf of Tolkien. She thanks him for his letter. She says that Tolkien is currently very busy and asks Mr. Bell&apos...
25 February 1969
Joy Hill to Colin Smythe
Tolkien's secretary writes to Smythe that Tolkien has apologised for not being able to help at the moment, because he is engrossed in days before M...
6 March 1969
Joy Hill to Colin Smythe
On March 1st, Smythe wrote a full summary of the events so far to Joy Hill. In this response, Joy Hill says that Tolkien could not find any complete mat...
10 March 1969
Joy Hill to Colin Smythe
On March 7, Smythe wrote that he understands Tolkien's inability to contribute a poem, but Smythe would rather see The Silmarillion be published in...
1 April 1969
Christopher Tolkien to J.C. Lobdell
Christopher writes to Mr Lobdell about his questions concerning his father. Did Christopher influence the Lord of the Rings? Is the dwarves' langua...
9 May 1969
Rayner Unwin to Pauline Baynes
Rayner Unwin of GA&U writes to Pauline Baynes. The poster of the map of Middle-earth in The Lord of the Rings has had enormous success. Allen & Unwin wo...
4 June 1969
Christopher Tolkien to J.C. Lobdell
Christopher answers questions about the Inklings.
8 August 1969-1971
Edith Tolkien to Marie(?) Tom
Edith writes to Maria and Tom, apologizing for not giving directions to the Hotel Miramar. They will visit the Tolkien's on Monday and their son Jo...
21 August 1969
Martin Blackman (GA&U Home Sales Manager) to P.R. Grey
Bookshops that pre-ordered 100 copies of the 1968 one volume paperback edition of The Lord of the Rings, were also sent a signed copy. The Students&apos...
30 August 1969
Bengt Söderhäll to Pauline Baynes
Bengt Söderhäll of Sweden writes to Pauline Baynes praising her illustrations in books by Tolkien. Since it is impossible to write a personal letter t...
October? 1969
Joy Hill to Colin Smythe
On September 30, Smythe wrote to Joy Hill one final time, sending one of his publications and regretting that the poem idea could not get off the ground...
2 October 1969
Christopher Tolkien to J.C. Lobdell
Christopher apologizes for the length of time taken to reply to Mr Lobdell's letter.
16 October 1969
Miss Joy Hill to The Press
GA&U Press Release: "George Allen & Unwin Ltd are pleased to announce the sale of the film and certain allied rights in J.R.R. Tolkien's famou...
16 October 1969
George Allen & Unwin to Press
George Allen & Unwin press release announcing the news that the film rights for The Lord of the Rings have been sold to United Artists.
17 November 1969
Joy Hill to Pauline Baynes
Joy Hill writes to Pauline Baynes, she says that one day last week she produced 44 letters for Tolkien. Rayner Unwin will see her poster A Map of Middle...
21 November 1969
Rayner Unwin to Pauline Baynes
Pauline's A Map of Middle-earth is a masterpiece writes Rayner Unwin, as he believes Tolkien himself has already told her. Rayner did not write dow...
Late 1969 or January 1970
Joy Hill to Mike O'Brien
This letter was published in the letter column of the January 1970 issue (Volume Two, Number One) of Carandaith, the journal of the Australian Tolkien S...
19 January 1970
Ernest Shepard to Mr. Haack
Ernest Shepard was asked to illustrate The Lord of the Rings, but declines, as he has not read the book. He recommends a fellow illustrator in his place...
7 April 1970
Tolkien's Secretary to Paul
Tolkien sends a typed reply to Paul apologising for not replying more personally. he has moved from Oxford to devote more time to completing The Silmari...
8 June 1970
Joy Hill to John Boorman
Joy Hill writes to filmmaker John Boorman at Tolkien's request. Tolkien is sorry that Boorman has been ill, and hopes that Boorman will be able to ...
15 June 1970
John Boorman to Joy Hill
John Boorman writes to Tolkien's secretary, apologizing for not being able to meet in person with Professor Tolkien and their mutual friend Father ...
15 June 1970
John Boorman to John Maguire
John Boorman writes to his friend, the Reverend John Maguire of the Reading University Catholic Chaplaincy, who knows Tolkien. The three men had been pl...
19 June 1970
Joy Hill to John Boorman
Joy Hill has read Boorman's letter to Tolkien over the phone, and Tolkien hopes Boorman is now feeling better and looks forward to meeting him. He ...
25 June 1970
John Boorman to Joy Hill
Boorman thanks Joy Hill for writing , and offers to come visit her in the George Allen & Unwin offices on the 13th of July. He would love to talk to her...
25 June 1970
John Boorman to John Maguire
Boorman writes to Father Maguire. Boorman has arranged to meet up with Tolkien in August, sadly when Maguire is out of town. Boorman will let him know h...
28 July 1970
John Boorman to Joy Hill
Boorman apologizes for not being able to meet with Joy Hill during his visit to London. He was too busy dealing with United Artists and the launch of hi...
31 July 1970
Joy Hill to John Boorman
Joy Hill writes to confirm scheduling just discussed in a phone call. Boorman will meet with Rayner Unwin on Monday 17th August, and Tolkien in Bournemo...
14 August 1970
John Boorman to Joy Hill
Boorman writes to Tolkien's secretary (in her role as Press Officer for George Allen & Unwin), saying that he had hoped United Artists would have g...
17 August 1970
Joy Hill to John Boorman
Joy Hill thanks Boorman for letting her know that United Artists haven't greenlit the film yet. She looks forward to hearing when the project is re...
10 September 1970
Rayner Unwin to Pauline Baynes
Rayner Unwin to Pauline Baynes writes that A Map of Middle-earth is selling well, and they already plan a reprint. They are now thinking of a poster map...
21 October 1970
Edith Tolkien to Mollie Cowling
Edith writes to family friend Mollie Cowling. Giving updates on family, and her health. Members of the family had been on a trip to Canada for five week...
4 November 1970
Rayner Unwin to Pauline Baynes
Rayner Unwin to Pauline Baynes says that GA&U are very happy to commission the Hobbit map, entitled There and Back Again] as soon as she can fit it in, ...
27 November 1970
Rayner Unwin to Pauline Baynes
Rayner Unwin comments that they are delighted that Baynes will do the Hobbit map entitled 'There and Back Again'. There is no urgency and a fe...
18 December 1970
Joy Hill to Austin Olney
Joy Hill thanks Austin Olney for presents sent to Tolkien by Houghton Mifflin.
6 January 1971
Marjorie Incledon to Julian Tolkien
Writing to Julian Tolkien, Marjorie Incledon gives news on her health, and a friend who has now been moved to a nursing home. She hopes that he feels be...
8 February 1971
Joy Hill to John Boorman
Joy Hill writes to filmmaker John Boorman, saying she had tried to call him on the phone but he had evidently already left the country. She is hoping to...
18 March 1971
Tolkien's Secretary to C. Huggett
Secretarial Letter to Mr Huggett. Tolkien is said to be too far from a post office, and too busy writing another book (The Silmarillion) to autograph bo...
29 March 1971
Joy Hill to John Boorman
Joy Hill has recently heard from an American publisher (either Ballantine or Houghton Mifflin) that the film is moving forward, and asks for an update f...
30 March 1971
Tolkien's secretary to Mrs Gould
Tolkien's secretary writes to Mrs Gould and sends a signature to put into her book. They put the wrong address on the envelope, but in those days t...
7 April 1971
Tolkien's Secretary to Randy Trimmer
Tolkien sends a standard form reply to Mr. Trimmer, apologising for not being able to write anything personal as he is working on The Silmarillion. This...
23 April 1971
John Boorman to Joy Hill
Boorman is about to begin filming of "Deliverance", and hopes to be able to have news about The Lord of the Rings film in late July. It still ...
17 May 1971
Joy Hill to John Boorman
Joy Hill thanks Boorman for writing , and looks forward to hearing from him again when he returns near the end of July.
14 June 1971
Tolkien's Secretary to Mr. Ballard
Tolkien apologises for not sending a personal reply and explains that he is to busy with the Silmarillion to answer personal questions.
1st July 1971
Joy Hill to Jan Bosmans
Joy Hill tries to dissuade a student from writing his thesis about The Lord of the Rings due to the immense amount of unpublished material he doesn&apos...
9 August 1971
Rayner Unwin to Pauline Baynes
Rayner Unwin has sent via Joy Hill blowups from the The Lord of the Rings of area the There and Back Again map would need to cover. It has much some det...
15 September 1971
Rayner Unwin to Pauline Baynes
Rayner Unwin notes that GA&U are delighted with There and Back Again map and that Tolkien is unqualified in his praise. 'He loved your visit . . . ...
7 October 1971
Rayner Unwin to Pauline Baynes
Rayner Unwin is quite happy with the different method of payment but is re-sending the cheque for £150 that she returned to him. He outlines new method...
December 1971
Priscilla Tolkien to Pauline Baynes
Priscilla Tolkien sends Pauline Baynes a postcard, inviting her and her husband Fritz to attend an at Home with buffet lunch at Priscilla's house o...
1 December 1971
Priscilla Tolkien to Mrs Cowling
Priscilla writes to her mother's friend, Mollie Cowling, in Melbourne, Australia, with news of her mother's death, funeral and burial in Wolve...
9 January 1972
Marjorie Incledon to Julian Tolkien
Marjorie Incledon (Aunt Mink), writes to Julian to wish him a happy new year. Like him, she could not make Edith's funeral but has spoken with Chri...
25 February 1972
L. Mason to Hilary Tolkien
L. Mason writes to Hilary with thanks for his memories of Mason's sister. he notes that his daughter is called Hilary and mentions a funny story of...
4 April 1972
Tolkien's secretary to Mr. Toth
Tolkien was sent a small gift but was smashed to bits during the delivery.
19 April 1972
Tolkien's Secretary to Eva Heilborn
Letter from Tolkien's secretary to a fan.
1 May 1972
Tolkien's Secretary to Miss Donna Sadlier
Miss Sadlier asked for an autograph, but Tolkien states that he gets so many requests that these are now only for friends and family. Though he does sen...
June 1972
William H. Tait to The editor, Old Edwardians Gazette
William H. Tait, writing to the Old Edwardians Gazette offering a personal rememberance of a time around July 1909 when he, Tolkien and six others from ...
8 June 1972
Public Orator to Oxford University
From Marquette: "Speech by the Public Orator," speech given at the presentation of an honorary Degree of Doctor of Letters to J. R. R. Tolkien...
20 June 1972
L. Mason to Hilary Tolkien
L. Mason writes asking Hilary if he knows if his letter to his brother, JRRT, has been received. He sent it to Merton College.
26 September 1972
Clyde S. Kilby to Bill
Kilby writes to Bill, saying that he has copies of the letters from J.R.R. Tolkien to Roger Verhulst.
October 3, 1972
Ballantine Books to John David Cofield
A photocopy/form letter on Ballantine Books letterhead sent in response to a fan letter. The letter thanks David for writing and for his enthusiasm, and...
Jan 4, 1973
Joy Hill to Phil Rose
Joy Hill responds to a fan query about The Silmarillion, saying that for death duty (tax) reasons, it cannot be published while he is alive.
17 January 1973
Tolkien's secretary to Mr. N.J. Kyle
Tolkien's secretary writing on behalf of Tolkien, states that he is very busy and cannot write letters currently.
26 February 1973
Tolkien's secretary to Stefan Pettersson
Tolkien's secretary writes that Tolkien is sadly too busy to send letters and autographs.
7 May 1973
Tolkien's Secretary to J. Bryce Milligan
Reply of thanks. Mention of The Silmarillion being "far from complete".
June 1973?
Ballantine Books to Mr. Miatech
A secretarial letter sent from Ballantine Books, with an unknown person having written Tolkien's name at the signature line. Tolkien did not condon...
13 June 1973
Patricia Wrightson to Basil Blackwell & Mott Ltd
The editor of the School Magazine asks Blackwell's for permission to reprint Tolkien's poem 'Goblin Feet'.
14 June 1973
Tolkien's Secretary to Bruce Charlton
This letter to Bruce Charlton, a well-known Tolkien researcher was in reply to questions asked by him. Tolkien did not answer any of his questions excep...
1 August 1973
Ballantine Books to Ronna Schutltz
A secretarial letter sent from Ballantine Books, with an unknown person having written Tolkien's name at the signature line. Tolkien did not condon...
28 August 1973
Tolkien's secretary to Michael Goldman
Tolkien's secretary informs a British fan that the writer that he had written a play, The Homecoming of Beorthnoth, published in America as part of...
Late October 1973
Marjorie Incledon to Hilary Tolkien
Marjorie writes to Hilary thanking him for visiting her. She gives him news on her leg, whoch the doctors have said must be amputated given her age and ...
2nd October 1973
Joy Hill to Mr Abetts
Joy Hill informs Mr Abetts of Tolkien's death but states that he was able to read the letter that Mr Abetts had sent.
3 December 1973
Hilary Tolkien to Messrs Farrington & Whiting
Hilary writes to Messrs Farrington & WHite on matters of Marjorie Incledon's will after her death in November. He asks if his eldest son, Gabriel, ...
Christopher Tolkien to Rayner Unwin
Christopher writes to Rayner Unwin on the subject of publishing his father's translation of Sir Gawain. He cannot find any notes or material that w...
c. May 1974
Hilary Tolkien to Registrar General, Bloemfontein
Hilary Tolkien writes to the Registrar General, Bloemfontein to request information on his birth. It appears that this was required in order for Hilary ...
21 June 1974
Christopher Tolkien to J.C. Lobdell
Christopher agrees to produce a new version of Notes on Nomenclature and for Lobdell to publish them in his book A Tolkien Compass.
27 June 1974
Christopher Tolkien to Robert Burchfield
Christopher Tolkien writes to Robert Burchfield including a book that should have been returned to him.
14 December 1974
Humphrey Carpenter to Hilary Tolkien
Humphrey Carpenter writes to Hilary Tolkien on matters of family history. He encloses a photo of Hilary, Ronald, their Uncle Edwin and some unnamed boys...
31 December 1974
Humphrey Carpenter to Hilary Tolkien
Humphrey Carpenter writes in reply to Hilary Tolkien to thank him for details on his and his brothers early life. he remarks that in the time since his ...
9 May 1976
Christopher Tolkien to Mr Abbots
Christopher acknowledges a letter from GA&U about his account with the company.
January 5, 1977
Houghton Mifflin to For Immediate Release
An early press release from the American publisher in advance of The Silmarillion release later in the year. It describes the material that will be cove...
April 21, 1977
Clyde S. Kilby to Mr. Faxon
Kilby, curator of the Wade Center archives, responds to a query about his book Tolkien and the Silmarillion, offering to have the College Bookstore mail...
12 May 1977
Humphrey Carpenter to Dr Harvard
Humphrey Carpenter writing to Dr. Havard, thanks him for his comments which appear to speak highly of his work on Tolkien. He notes that his next book w...
11 January 1978
Christopher Tolkien to Francisco Perrúa
Christopher Tolkien replies to Francisco Perrúa, the Spanish translator of his fathers work, 6 months after he received a letter from him about his wor...
18 August 1978
Humphrey Carpenter to Sir Patrick Browne
Carpenter writes to Sir Patrick Brown asking if he may have any letters from J.R.R. Tolkien. Sir Partick sends #TCGLetter430
4 September 1978
Humphrey Carpenter to Sir Patrick Browne
Humphrey Carpenter writes to Sir Patrick Browne thanking him for his letter, with an enclosed copy of a letter from Tolkien. That letter was used in the...
20th October, 1978
Rayner Unwin to Bernie Zuber
Rayner Unwin thanks Bernie Zuber and the membership of the World Science Fiction Convention for awarding J.R.R. Tolkien with the "Gandalf Award&quo...
31 January 1979
Christopher Tolkien to Francisco Perrúa
Christopher Tolkien replies to Perrúa who had written to tell him that he had handed over the work of Las Dos Toores to Senora Matilde Horne. Christoph...
8 February 1979
Humphrey Carpenter to Dr. Robert Boyer
Humphrey Carpenter writes to Professor Boyer, thanking him for sending in photostats of letters from J.R.R. Tolkien for potential inclusion in the volum...
28 October 1980
Pauline Baynes to Mr King
Pauline Baynes replies to a reader and says she will be delighted to sign the "Map of Narnia" for them. She mentions that it was she who sugge...
Some time in 1981
Christopher Tolkien to Rayner Unwin
In his preface to Beren and Luthien, Christopher Tolkien gave Rayner Unwin an update on the work he had been involved with. He told him about his curren...
24 April 1981
Humphrey Carpenter to Pamela Chandler
Carpenter writes to Pamela Chandler about fees for translations and did not know that she had letters from Tolkien, which he would love to include in a ...
20 August 1981
John Ezard to Guardian Books Review
Review of the Letters of J.R.R. Tolkien
c. Late 1981 - January 1982
Tony Davison to Humphrey Carpenter
Tony Davison writes to Humphrey Carpenter after reading The Letters of J.R.R. Tolkien and J.R.R. Tolkien: A Biography. Davison had asked Carpenter if he...
c. January 1982
Tony Davison to Rayner Unwin
Tony Davison writes to Rayner Unwin. He asks about various matters after reading the Letters of J.R.R. Tolkien and Biography, including on future public...
31 January 1982
Humphrey Carpenter to Tony Davison
Humphrey thanks Tony for his letter about Tolkien's Biography and Letters. He does not think that anyone would be interested in a second volume, wh...
2 February 1982
Rayner Unwin to Tony Davison
In reply to a letter to Christopher Tolkien, Rayner Unwin gives some details of a possible publication of the Book of Lost Tales and says that the manus...
2 November 1982
Christopher Tolkien to Bob Jordan
Christopher is asked some questions about the Unfinished Tales. He writes about the identity of the Nazgûl and about Ar-Pharazôn. He also mentions tha...
26 June 1985
Roy Gainsburg to Nan C. Scott
No details are currently known from this letter. It is held at the Wade.
11 May 1986
Christopher Tolkien to Marquette University
Christopher Tolkien writes to Marquette University regarding his fathers manuscripts saying that "clearly, the integration of the two sets of paper...
October 1986
Rayner Unwin to [Booksellers and Press]
This open letter from Rayner Unwin was sent to various booksellers and members of the press, outlining the planned marketing blitz that would be coming ...
Rayner Unwin to Jorge Quiñónez
Rayner Unwin writes to Jorges Quiñónez stating he too was surprised to read of a new letters volume from Unwin Hyman. Jorges had investigated the rumo...
15 February 1987
Christopher Tolkien to Patrick H. Wynne
Postcard sent by Christopher to Wynne in the course of their correspondence about Tolkien's invented languages. Christopher sent a small quote from...
27 July 1987
Timothy J. Wheeler to Christopher Tolkien
Timothy J. Wheeler writes to Christopher saying that he has copies of RALLY Magazine for him, and others including Marquette. Plus he has found a charco...
February 1992
Priscilla Tolkien to Nils Ivar Agoy
Priscilla had met some of the Norwegian participants at the Centenary Conference in Oxford, where they had presented to her a copy of Angerthas in Engli...
17 May 1992
Christopher Tolkien to Mr. Livesey
Christopher Tolkien discusses a detail in a letter from Mr. Livesey saying that "The difficulty with the explanantion you propose is that following...
29 September 1994
Christopher Tolkien to Francisco Perrúa
Little is know of this letters contents except rough guesses that it involves a description of volume 11 of The History of Middle-earth.
29 June 1999
Christopher Tolkien to Carl Hostetter, Verlyn Flieger
Christopher Tolkien replies to a fax from Hostetter and Fleiger about their upcoming book, Tolkien's Legendarium: Essays on The History of Middle-e...
23 April 2000
Christopher Tolkien to Francisco Perrúa
Christopher writes and remarks on the covers of La Caida de Númenor, approving of Ted Nasmith's paintings. In an undated letter he says that he is...
24 November 2000
Christopher Tolkien to Francisco Perrúa
Christopher Tolkien writes thanking Perrúa "very much indeed for two copies of El Amillo de Morgoth."
21 November 2001
Priscilla Tolkien to Anne Harvey
Priscilla writes to Anne about "Elizabeth's death" and her funeral. It is almost certain that "Elizabeth" is Elizabeth Jennings...
21 June 2002
Christopher Tolkien to unknown
Christopher Tolkien writes to an unknown reader thanking them for "their generous words". He says that his work on his "father's man...
Allan Formhals (forgery) to Dear Mrs. Wilding
Made up letter by Allan Formhals.
Allan Formhals (forgery) to Dear Higgins
Allan Formhals (forgery) to Unknown
This forgery purports to be the first line of Éalá Éarendel Engla Beorhtast It was forged by Allan Formhals.
Allan Formhals (forgery) to Dear Dr. Higgins
This is a forged letter by Allan Formhals to a made up Doctor Higgins.
Allan Formhals (forgery) to Dear Mrs Gasch
A forged letter by Allan Formhals purporting to be to Pauline Baynes (Mrs Gasch).
Allan Formhals (forgery) to Unknown
A forged letter based on #TCGLetter128, mentioning 'moon-lather' and having other obvious misspellings and grammatical errors. Likely made by ...
Allan Formhals (forgery) to Dear Mrs. Wilding
Forged letter by Allan Formhals purporting to be from Tolkien.
26 April 2009
Christopher Tolkien to The Guardian
Christopher had a statement printed in The Guardian about The History of Middle-earth.
31 January 2010
Priscilla Tolkien to Jon
Priscilla returns a loaned copy of Jon's book The Art of Ruth Draper and apologizes for keeping it "for far too long". She says one of he...
November 1, 2013
Betty Ballantine to To Whom it may concern
Ballantine wrote this typed noted to accompany the sale of an original Barbara Remington black & white concept art piece for the cover of The Hobbit, gi...